
After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

Since the failure of lenovo's listing on the science and technology innovation board last year, it seems that there is no sign of going out until now. However, Lenovo's deep whirlpool does not mean that Lenovo's development has stagnated, nor does it mean that Lenovo has done nothing. Just recently, Lenovo Group has sent two good news.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

So, in the current situation, why can Lenovo Group still usher in the double happiness door? Such results are undoubtedly very positive and positive, so does Lenovo really rely on such good results, good news, and wash away the negative impact of Lenovo?

Lenovo Double Happiness Pro Door

On January 12, Euler Open Source officially announced that on January 10 this year, Lenovo's Kaitian Technology Co., Ltd. officially signed a CLA agreement and officially joined the Euler open source community family. Lenovo Kaitian joined Euler, which is not small for the help and impact of Euler's system.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

It should be known that Lenovo Kaitian is a strong intelligent equipment solution provider, the main service objects are servers, software and other products, natural operating systems are also included. Lenovo Kaitian has rich experience in intelligent equipment solutions and solutions, so the future will undoubtedly promote the development and progress of Euler systems.

The second news from Lenovo Group is that on January 13, Lenovo PC product shipments accounted for 24.1% of the global share, and such shipments directly won the world-class laurels. Then, at the moment when Lenovo is deeply involved in the whirlpool of Lenovo events, why do it still have such moves and such achievements?

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

Why did Lenovo have such a move and such an achievement?

First of all, recognize the development trend and attach importance to scientific and technological research and development

The reason why Lenovo is deeply trapped in the whirlpool of public opinion, can also join the Euler open source system, as well as the world's first PC shipments, in fact, it is not difficult to understand. If we analyze it carefully, we can find that whether it is joining Euler or the world's first PC shipment, there is a common concern, that is, scientific and technological research and development.

Join the Euler open source system, a piece of development of Euler ecology, which requires scientific and technological research and development; the world's first global PC shipments, in addition to the global epidemic to promote, Lenovo Technology technology research and development strength may also have a lot of credit. After all, the PC is not a low-end device, lenovo can get such a pursuit in the global market is enough to show that Lenovo not only attaches importance to scientific and technological research and development, but also its own scientific research strength does not seem to be weak.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

Therefore, the reason why Lenovo has such a move and achievement is likely to be because Lenovo has finally recognized the current mainstream of development. Finally realized that the trade and industry route is incorrect, and gradually began to pay attention to scientific and technological research and development.

Second, you may want to gain the favor of China's consumer market

Whether Lenovo joins the Euler open source system or ranks first in global PC shipments, it can have a very beneficial impact on our country. Joining the Euler system can promote the improvement and progress of the domestic operating system ecology; PC shipments are the first in the world, lenovo as a Chinese enterprise, such achievements can increase China's influence in the international market.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

Whether it is joining Euler or being the world's first PC shipment, it is an act worthy of our country's praise. Therefore, Lenovo may want to gain the favor of China's consumer market through such behavior. So that Lenovo has a greater development in our market.

Finally, I want to use positive information to clear away the negatives

In general, the two new information of Lenovo is still very positive, and the impact on the development of our country is also very helpful, and the reason why Lenovo will have such behavior and achievements is likely to want to wash away its negative impact through such positive information.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

However, the Lenovo incident has been boiling over for so long, can these two positive messages really wash away lenovo's current negative impact?

Can positive information wash away the negative effects of association?

First of all, lenovo is too big a problem

For now, Lenovo's two positive messages deserve our praise for Lenovo, but if Lenovo wants to rely on these two positive messages to wash away the negative impact on its body, then it is really not so easy. Why? You know, the problem involved in Lenovo is too big.

At the beginning, Lenovo was suspected of the loss of state-owned assets, and recently, Sima Nan thought that Lenovo was suspected of manipulating the official media by capital, these problems are very serious, how can Lenovo rely on these two good results and good actions to wash away the sludge on his body? If Lenovo wants to wash away its negative impact, then it is best to face it head-on and respond positively to the outside world's doubts.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?

Secondly, Lenovo's domestic market has a poor reputation

Lenovo joined Euler, and Lenovo PC shipping the world's first, these two moves are worthy of recognition, but Lenovo Group because of the Lenovo incident reputation collapsed, many netizens also said that they would not use Lenovo's products. Such a situation is equivalent to saying that Lenovo has been boycotted by China's consumer market, and the domestic consumer market is already very dissatisfied with Lenovo.

Under such circumstances, although Lenovo's two moves will save the reputation of Lenovo part, in order to wash away the huge negative impact of Lenovo and to save Lenovo's nearly collapsed reputation, I am afraid that Lenovo will need to continue to work hard in the future.

After Lenovo announced its participation in Euler, and then won the world first, can the Lenovo event usher in a change?


Lenovo announced to join the Euler open source community, and has achieved the world's first good result in international PC shipments, such achievements, such behavior, we should indeed give Lenovo affirmation, praise for Lenovo. However, if Lenovo really wants to rely on these two positive information to wash away its negative impact and make the Lenovo event turn around, then the possibility is very small.

Of course, as long as Lenovo can continue to work hard in the future, continue to contribute to our country, and become a responsible and responsible national enterprise, Lenovo wants to get out of the whirlpool of negative impact, in fact, it may not be impossible.

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