
"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

Lovely game world

2024-07-01 10:02Creators in the field of games

Foreword: The game of the S14 season has officially begun, and I believe that the vast majority of players have paid attention to the confrontation in the recent period, and the competition in the LPL division is relatively intense. With the end of the group stage, the LPL tournament has indeed entered a short period of offseason, and there is a big difference in the confrontation of Group B, which everyone is more concerned about, and the RNG team and the WE team have all fallen into the Nirvana group, as two old strong teams, such a result surprised players. Just recently, the problems of the RNG team have been exposed one after another, and even Xiao Ming and Wei have decided not to play anymore, and at the same time, coach Xiaopeng also said that the management of the RNG team directly dragged another coach to command BP.

RNG management was blown up and set on fire

"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

I believe that the vast majority of players are still familiar with the RNG team, as an old strong team in the LPL region, their overall popularity and popularity in the past few years are okay, although they have lost a lot of core players, but there are still a group of fans to support them. After the end of the spring tournament, the RNG team has undergone a lot of personnel adjustments, and in the case of insufficient funds, the staff of the management also started the live broadcast, sold a lot of items related to the RNG team, and even the appearance of black gold cards, which can allow fans to directly participate in the decision-making of the management and command various matters of the team.

"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

Indeed, the overall income of the RNG team during that time was relatively good, and even AJ publicly stated that the staff of the RNG team told him during the live broadcast that he could pay him a salary. I thought that the RNG team would gradually get better after these things, but who would have thought that after the group stage of the summer tournament, the RNG team was exposed to too many problems one after another. First of all, Han Yi publicly revealed that Xiao Ming, the auxiliary player of the RNG team, has completely left the professional stage and will retire directly next season, and also revealed that the jungler Wei should not continue to play, you must know that these two players are the RNG team, the current biggest contract, and the last persistence of the champion.

"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

As soon as this incident came out, it quickly attracted the dissatisfaction of some fans, and even began to publicly explode the team's management, after all, forcibly ending the contract of these two people did make fans dissatisfied, Xiao Ming gave up the TES team and returned to the RNG team. Subsequently, coach Xiaopeng publicly broke the news on the show. RNG's training team lined me up first, and I'll line up first. Let me tell you a story, the training team is really strong. Have you ever heard of "meddling in training", have you ever heard of "taking over training"? A manager from another department came to RNG's LPL side and told the boss that there was a problem with our first BP, and if he banned three according to him, the opposite side would not play and would win. The boss says "you're right"! Later, the boss said, "Listen to you, let's do it first according to your ideas".

"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

Subsequently, the manager of this other department also publicly responded that this matter was from the RNG team King Glory Branch, and said that what Xiaopeng said was a rumor, and told everything about it, but what happened later? Everyone doesn't understand, after all, it's not someone in the circle. But some fans of Honor of Kings commented below, no wonder the rng King team was able to enter Group A, it turned out that you, the coach, were gone.

"RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

Goodbye thinks

Overall, the current RNG team is indeed in chaos, and even the boss Bai Xing has revealed a series of problems in the shareholder group, and some players have revealed that the live broadcast platform has withdrawn and left. It can only be said that it is really difficult for the current RNG team to save the individual as a team, unless it can play a good result, otherwise, the investment in persistence is too great, I hope the RNG team can handle this crisis.

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  • "RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor
  • "RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor
  • "RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor
  • "RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor
  • "RNG management was blasted" became popular, the coach of the KPL branch tore it apart, and what Xiaopeng said was a rumor

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