
Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

author:Song rice rice rice

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealth, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative!

Most children love snacks because the taste of snacks is sharper and can more accurately grasp the taste buds of children! However, most snacks have too many unhealthy additives, and children eat too much, which is not good for small bodies. Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealth, recommend these 5 to you, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative, hawthorn sticks have no colorant!

Today, I will make a "good" snack and open the box, and talk about the various snacks I bought for my children!

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Children eat snacks is a sense of happiness, think of themselves when they were a child eating 1 cent 1 spicy stick, 1 cent 1 popsicle, that happiness is like that sentence: I am the brightest boy of Gai!

To take the opposite example, when my cousin's daughter was 11 years old, she didn't know what snacks tasted like, and my mother was so strict that in adolescence, a boy bought her a bag of potato chips, fell in love with others, and felt that she was happy.

My family has always been very fond of the various snacks under the good shop, not blind worship, nor money, but his family's snacks are very careful, children's snacks 0 added, 0 coloring, 0 preservatives, and will launch a lot of nut packages with probiotics! Don't worry about eating for children, the above picture is a snack package that spent more than 100 yuan to buy during the New Year, it is a snack package that my husband and I eat, the following picture is the probiotic nut package I bought for the whole family, adults and children can eat!

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Look closely at his family's nuts, the packaging is dry and wet separated, a line in the middle, open the package and tear it into one, so that it will not be damp with each other and maintain the taste! The nuts are crispy, the fruit is dried and sweet, and it's all wrapped in a full layer of probiotic powder. Probiotics are to improve the activity of the intestinal flora, usually eat some, very good for the intestine, promote intestinal excretion, which is why I chose his nuts, do it very carefully.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

The picture below is a bunch of snacks that just arrived today, all of which are 0 added children's snacks that children can eat! Today, I unboxed his family's 5 small snacks suitable for children, especially this hawthorn stick is particularly praised!

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

The first one: hawthorn stick

This hawthorn stick belongs to the "candied fruit" type, and the ingredient list is only hawthorn, erythritol and fructooligosaccharides. Fructooligosaccharides are a natural active substance that promotes digestion, similar to the honey state of the substance, the taste is very sweet, whether it is for the baby who loves to accumulate food or the elderly who have slow intestinal peristalsis, fructooligosaccharides are very good substances.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

This hawthorn stick of the good shop is in the shape of a small rabbit, and the color of the physical state after it is opened is white, this is because there is no colorant added to it, but because of the addition of fructooligosaccharides, it tastes very good, it is sweet and sour, and people who cannot eat sour have no problem eating it.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

In addition to no added colorants, it is also 0 flavors, 0 added preservatives and 0 added sucrose, very healthy, very suitable for children and the elderly.

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【Good food fairy little rabbit hawthorn stick 85g×2 bags】Children's snacks no added hawthorn lollipop ¥19.9 Purchase

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

The shape is good, the taste is also great, my daughter especially likes to eat, children, sweet and sour will be satisfied.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

The second type: bovine colostrum high calcium stick

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

This high-calcium stick is similar to the taste of milk tablets that children usually eat, but the milk flavor is full of flavor, more pure than milk flakes, it is a small snack of 0 sucrose, containing 90% of the whole milk powder, xylitol, resistant dextrin and 5% of the colostrum powder, its calcium content is about 5 times that of pure milk, the milk stick in hand is a paper stick, the child eats very assured, very suitable for children to supplement calcium. This milk stick is highly recommended!

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

The third type: high calcium sugar-free lollipops

Although this sugar is a sugar-free lollipop, it contains isomaltoneitol and maltitol liquid, as well as the milk mineral salt added to it, and each 100 grams of lollipop contains 240 mg of calcium, which is a high-calcium snack. Ah, I feel so professional! In fact, this is also copied from the ingredient list.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Because the amount of isomaltultolitol used can not exceed 100 grams a day, and the amount of milk mineral salts cannot exceed 5 grams a day, it is important to draw on the point! This lollipop is not suitable for infants and young children, only for older children, so buy with caution! The link is not hung.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Fourth: Quinoa yogurt sandwich biscuits

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

This cookie box has 16 small packets, but also 0 preservatives, 0 trans fatty acids, the taste is very delicate, very good, children like to eat! Because of the addition of quinoa, there is a bit of a coarse grain feeling, but the yogurt sandwich inside makes up for the lack of coarse grain, and the combination is very good.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Fifth paragraph: sucking pudding

This pudding is divided into 2 kinds: strawberry flavor and pineapple flavor, is 0 added preservatives, has a pulp pulp, sweet and sour is very suitable for children to eat. However, the jelly is very slippery, and dolls under 3 years old need to be accompanied by their families to prevent them from getting stuck.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Strawberry flavor is rich in vitamin C, pineapple flavor is rich in vitamin D, in addition to these, the most interesting thing about this jelly is that the lid can be used to make toys for children, and the big head lid is designed with grooves and snaps, which can be buckled up and down left and right into various shapes of toys, which is why my daughter likes it.

Children love to eat snacks and are afraid of unhealthy, recommend these 5 models, candy does not contain sugar, biscuits are not preservative

Overall, except for the lollipops that are suitable for older children, the rest of the snacks are suitable for children at all stages. What brand of snack do you like? Welcome to leave a message on the Song Song message board to discuss! #Redefining Children's Snacks# #你好棒棒 #