
Of the three wizards in the Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which of them suffered the most tragically?

Of the three wizards in the Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which of them suffered the most tragically?

Not many people in history can be called wizards. What is more interesting is that whenever there is a strife and chaos in the world, there will be many talents, such as the Spring and Autumn Warring States, such as the Wei and Jin Dynasties, such as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and so on. In the Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there are three people known as wizards, namely Guan Zhong, Shang Martin, and Fan Sui.

The so-called "heaven sent a great task to the Si people, they must first suffer their hearts, work their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess up their deeds, so they are moved to endure, and they have benefited from what they can't do", and the life path of Guan Zhong, Shang Martin and Fan Sui is not very smooth. The so-called wizards were not trained overnight, they all had tragic experiences, and the serious ones were disabled and almost lost their lives.

If any wizard is hidden in the countryside, it is often difficult to find, the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period did not have the so-called "southeast shortcut" theory, many people advocate the theory of either or, that is, there are Confucians, Legalists, Zonghengjia who travel around the world, there are also Taoists and Yin and Yang families who are hidden in the world, although they have their own doctrines and views, but only Confucians and Zonghengjia and other factions will take the initiative to wander between the rivers and lakes and the court, and most of the remaining factions live in a corner to write books, such as Laozi and Zhuangzi.

Of the three wizards in the Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which of them suffered the most tragically?

Those who are called wizards often come from Confucianism, and if they talk about Guan Zhong, Shang Martin, and Fan Sui, they are more inclined to the Fa. These dharma disciples often have the ultimate goal of seeking the power of the high hall as their ultimate goal in life, so they often walk between the halls. When they did not become the rulers of the king's side, they were only disciples of the courtiers, or they held little power and could not display their talents in a larger space, so they had a three-way move.

Guan Zhong had been engaged in business with Bao Shuya, but Guan Zhong did not seem to be very good at doing business, although he understood the principles and principles of business, it was difficult to communicate with people in the city, and the business was not too good. Later, Guan Zhong went to join the army again, but more often he was a deserter, which made Guan Zhong's life full of despair. In particular, later, Guan Zhong assisted Gongzi to go to the State of Lu, hoping to use the power of the State of Lu to help Gongzi Return to the throne, but in the end he was preempted by Gongzi Xiaobai, which almost took Guan Zhong to the Jedi.

Bao Shuya of the State of Qi and Shi Bo of the State of Lu both regard Guan Zhong as a prodigy, and qi qiang in serving the state of Qi, and Lu qiang in serving the state of Lu. Therefore, when Guan Zhong wanted to return to the State of Qi, Shi Bo strongly suggested that Duke Lu Zhuang should kill Guan Zhong and not allow Guan Zhong to return to the State of Qi smoothly. If Duke Lu Zhuang had listened to Shi Bo's words at that time, Guan Zhong, the wizard of the State of Qi, would probably not have been able to display his talents.

Of the three wizards in the Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which of them suffered the most tragically?

Looking at Shang Martin again, when Shang Martin did not come to the Qin Kingdom, he was just a protégé of Gong Shu, a powerful minister of the State of Wei, who followed Gong Shu everywhere to fight, and had not yet fully displayed his outstanding talent. But perhaps Shang Martingale still has considerable respect for Gong Shu Acne, the so-called in its position, Shang Martin should still do his best to assist Gong Shu Acne, I am afraid that it also provides a lot of useful strategies for Gong Shu Acne, so Gong Gong Acne attaches great importance to Shang Martingale, is "recommended as a Middle Shuzi, every time there is a big event, it must be discussed with the plan." ”

If this is the case, Shang Martin is no more than a courtier of the Wei state, or has left some idiomatic stories for Chinese history, but it is unlikely that the Qin state will implement the great plan of changing the law and change the direction of the entire Spring and Autumn Warring States. When uncle Gong was seriously ill with acne, he had the heart to recommend Shang Martingale, and Uncle Gong recommended it to King Hui of Wei and said: "Although He was young, he was a genius in the world, and the king listened to it and won ten times more acne." King Hui of Wei thought that Gong Uncle Acne was seriously ill and dim-witted, and actually did not reuse Shang Martingale, let alone heed Gong Gong's advice to "kill him if you don't use it", and connived at Shang Martin to flee to the Qin Kingdom. This left a great calamity for the State of Wei.

Let's talk about Fan Sui. Fan Sui's encounter was much worse than the previous two. When Fan Sui was in the State of Wei, he was only a zhongfu Xu Jiamen guest, and the Zhongdafu Xu Jia was only an assistant to the powerful minister Wei Qi, but Wei Qi and Xu Jia were both stingy people, and unlike Bao Shuya and Gong Shu, who knew how to know people and knew how to assist the king, these two people believed that Fan Sui was rewarded by the monarch of the State of Qi in the State of Qi, and most of them were Fan Sui who betrayed the national and military conditions of the State of Wei, so he framed Fan Sui for collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. In fact, the Qi people only appreciated Fan Sui's talent and hoped to keep Fan Sui in the Qi country.

Of the three wizards in the Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which of them suffered the most tragically?

On top of the banquet, Fan Sui was scolded as a "traitor", beaten with a hundred sticks, beaten to the skin and flesh, and then whipped and messed up, and when the blood flowed all over his face, Fan Sui was still full of grievances, and finally broke his teeth and broke his teeth, and he was completely skinned, and he was thrown into the pit, and the guests on the banquet were drowned on it, almost to be said to die tragically in the pit. Fortunately, the guards sympathized with Fan Sui and helped Fan Sui escape home, and then with the help of his brothers, he fled to the Qin state. Fan Sui's encounter can be described as the most tragic of the wizards.

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