
In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

From loving to not loving, from caring to being contemptuous, why can't some women get lasting love from their partners in intimate relationships? Is it really because love always disappears? The answer is no.

Although love has its laws, it is the two people in love who determine the direction of love.

No matter who it is, as long as one party no longer gives wholeheartedly, love will slowly decline.

For example: women are too much in love, eager to get more love from men, but rarely pay their own love; they have a little posture to command men; they have twelve requirements for men, but they have no requirements for themselves; there is no self at all, they rely on men for everything, and it is easy to give up principles and bottom lines.

How much place you occupy in a man's heart depends on how you treat the relationship.

In intimate relationships, there is only one kind of woman who is increasingly unloved, that is, a woman full of "cheap feeling". In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with three "frequent".

In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

Frequently asking for gifts from men and admiring vanity

There is a kind of woman, holding the mentality of "game love", who rarely pays her heart in love, but habitually asks men for it.

Most of these women have a bit of posture, but lack of connotation, think that men like me, they should be willing to spend money on me, otherwise they don't love me.

She bases the development of her feelings on the basis of money, and from time to time asks her boyfriend for red envelopes and gifts, which is called a test of her boyfriend's feelings for her.

If the boyfriend is happy to give red envelopes and gifts, it will be safe, she will change her attitude towards the boyfriend according to the value of the gift; if the boyfriend does not want to give, she will move out of the set of "you love me should give me money" rhetoric, even cold war, sneering at the boyfriend and so on.

Compared with feelings, she cares more about materials, some love vanity, like big names, love to show off in the circle of friends. For example: Bought a bag today, stayed in a five-star hotel tomorrow, ate a big meal the day after tomorrow, she has to broadcast live in the circle of friends, hate to let all the people who know each other know.

In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

Men may be attracted to her appearance at first, even her arrogant appearance feels cute and responsive to her needs.

But no one is a fool, if a woman does not know how to pay in love, does not know how to love others, cherish the love of others, men will slowly reduce their own pay after several times of paying, without getting any return.

Women who frequently ask men for gifts may just want to treat men as long-term meal tickets, and once a man perceives this, even if he has not yet broken up, you have no place in his heart.

He will feel that such a woman is very cheap, even if you are occasionally good to him, he will feel that you are very cheap, and even guess, you are so kind to him this time, is it not what you want to ask for?

When the time comes to break up, the man will only leave without looking back.

In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

Frequently cross the line with the opposite sex, regardless of the feelings of the partner

Love is exclusive, and there is no room for a third party in intimate relationships. Therefore, if you want a stable and long-term intimate relationship, both men and women must learn to keep a distance from the opposite sex around you and not cross the line.

If a woman is still entangled with the opposite sex around her in the case of non-singleness, and even does not care about the feelings of her boyfriend, and makes some transgressive behavior, over time, you will become "cheap" in the man's heart.

I remember a female reader who came to me and said that her boyfriend's attitude towards her was getting worse and worse, he didn't respect her at all, and he couldn't stop cold war and break up.

The girl described that the two people often quarreled over her friends, the girl had many friends of the opposite sex, and could mingle with anyone, and she took it for granted that if the boyfriend loved her and was with her, he would have to accept all her friends, whether male friends or female friends.

Therefore, in the process of interacting with her boyfriend, girls often ignore the feelings of their boyfriends, even if they take their boyfriends to meet friends together, they will habitually play with friends of the opposite sex and hook up in front of their boyfriends.

In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

The boyfriend didn't want to go back after meeting her friends a few times, and threw out his bottom line, either keeping a distance from your friends of the opposite sex, or we broke up.

The girl retracted a little on the surface, but in private, there was inevitably some cross-border words in the chat with friends of the opposite sex. After being discovered by her boyfriend, she mentioned breaking up again.

I told her that if you cherish the relationship, you must know how to keep your distance from friends of the opposite sex. Admittedly, it's not your fault that the opposite sex is good, but you can decide how to get along with them, and if you don't change, men will only feel that you are getting cheaper and cheaper, don't break up today, and break up tomorrow.

Most smart women understand that maintaining boundaries with the other sex is maintaining their love and maintaining men's self-esteem.

They will not easily challenge the bottom line of love, they will always have a shot in their hearts, know where the sense of boundary with the opposite sex is, and know how to restrain their words and deeds.

In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

Frequent giving and compromise, without principle or opinion

There is a kind of woman who does not ask men for gifts and money, and does not have any friends of the opposite sex, in intimate relationships, they are well-behaved women, "good wives and mothers", and "smart people" who give men enough face.

Despite this, they still can't get the love they want, and it is easy to be ignored and looked down upon.

Wang Mei and her ex-husband divorced and did not leave home, the house belonged to her ex-husband, and the children were awarded to her ex-husband, so she had to compromise. The relationship between Wang Mei and her ex-husband is the same as before the divorce, except that she does not have the marriage certificate and does not live in a house.

She is stoic and industrious, knowing that she lives in her ex-husband's house, she still works hard and complains as before, and her ex-husband, who does not have much respect for her, often says that she eats and lives in vain.

What is unexpected is that after a circle, Wang Mei and her ex-husband remarried again. Before the divorce was the ex-husband's departure, the remarriage was also proposed by the ex-husband.

From beginning to end, Wang Mei was the one who had no principles and opinions, and was very passive.

It is not difficult to guess that Wang Mei's life after remarriage will not be how happy, because in the eyes of men, she can be pinched and flattened at will, without respect or cherish.

Women must understand that when a relationship is not worth lingering, your giving and compromise is a "cheap" behavior in the eyes of men, no matter what you do and how low your posture is, it is very cheap.

People are bullying soft and afraid of hard, smart women know how to maintain their bottom line, they are independent and assertive, men do not dare to despise them, because they can't afford it.

In the eyes of men, women become cheap, mostly starting with 3 "frequent"

In the eyes of the opposite sex, cheap women, no matter what they do, are very cheap.

If you want to change the state of intimacy, from now on, you must learn to avoid doing these things that make people feel cheap, self-esteem, self-love, self-improvement, and live with dignity and confidence.

Truly happy women, living simply and gracefully.

Today's Topic:

What do you think are the practices and behaviors of women that make people feel cheap?

Hanama says emotion: Pay attention to me, in the hustle and bustle of the world, use words to soothe you

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