
As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

Text/End Of Little North

When the years were hurried, when I was young, I thought that I would easily meet people who loved each other, and then walk through this life hand in hand, but I didn't think, half a life has passed, or I haven't met someone who wants to hold hands with me.

It is indeed a blessing to meet the right person at the right time.

However, not everyone has this kind of luck, and some people may fall in love with someone they shouldn't love, although they know that the other party can't love, but they can't control it, and they always miss each other.

I admit that this kind of love is true, but it is also wrong.

Wrong love, even if it is true, the person in front of you is not good, it does not belong to you, if you continue to cling to it, it will only make each other more painful.

Although we all year long to love and be loved, and we all want to meet someone who can work together, you must know that some people have to stop losses in time even if they love again.

Because, such love is not clean, it is difficult to last.

As a woman, you must know that if you meet the following two kinds of people, even if you love, you must let go!

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

01: People who have a family, stay away

Falling in love with a person with a family is a mistake in itself, since he has a family, it means that he has no fate with you, and such feelings will naturally not last long.

Even if there is reluctance in the heart, it is still at the wrong time that I met the other party.

Maybe your love for him is real, and his love for you is true; maybe you think this love will last, but in his opinion this love will not last.

If he had felt long, he would not have betrayed the marriage.

To put it simply, since he can betray the last marriage, he will also betray you, and he can't give you the life you want, because what he wants is always fresh excitement.

We all know that betrayal is only zero times and countless times. If the other person is a trustworthy person, he will not wander outside the family during his marriage.

Isn't it?

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

Two days ago, I watched a news and felt very touched:

A female anchor Ben appeared to see the big brother of the list, and the two quickly established a relationship, but unexpectedly, after that, the big brother of the list disappeared.

Later, the female anchor knew that he was married and listened to the lie that he would divorce himself.

At first, she thought it was all true, but she didn't think it was fake.

The man's love and care is just to have a relationship with you, and you take this care as a lifetime.

Even so, the female anchor still did not believe it, she felt that the eldest brother had something difficult to say, otherwise it would not be like this.

Since he can brush gifts for himself, indicating that he likes himself, how can he not want to be with himself?

I have to say that this female anchor is really drunk, people are just a hunter, you are just a prey to him, as for the love you want, it is just wishful thinking.

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

Later, the female anchor looked for this big brother many times, but unfortunately, this big brother seemed to evaporate from the human world.

It is true that being deceived by a loved one will feel very uncomfortable in your heart, but who can blame you?

Because, this love is wrong from the beginning, obviously it is a fire pit, but you have to jump into the fire pit, which can only blame yourself.

As a woman, you must know that men with families cannot be touched.

Even if you love deeply, it is still a scam after all, such men, their commitment is weak, is no sense of responsibility.

In their eyes, physical pleasure is more comfortable than responsibility, and when a person only thinks about himself, do you dare to entrust his whole life?

At any time, we must know that love should be clean, and only when two people are innocent and clean together can the flower of love bloom and the small life be run smoothly.

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

02: People who are profitable, can't touch them

As the saying goes, this man knows the face but does not know the heart.

When you fall in love with someone, it is best to take the time to know more, otherwise it is likely to suffer a big loss, you want to live with each other for a lifetime, the other party may just play.

Because it's just playing, it won't consider your feelings and will also maintain ambiguous relationships with a lot of women.

What they want is just to play, not to be responsible for the rest of your life, how naturally the stimulation comes.

For other women's invitations, they are also not rejected.

They don't have a standard for love, in other words, they don't understand love at all, love is just a cover for them to approach you, and when they find that there is no profit in you, they will naturally leave decisively.

Such a person will never respect you, nor will he care about your crying and happiness, in other words, everything about you is not important to him, he only thinks about himself.

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

Friend Wang Mei, I once met such a man, in that relationship, Wang Mei invested particularly deeply, but her boyfriend almost did not invest.

He never cared about Wang Mei, he would only follow his own ideas.

When Wang Mei expressed dissatisfaction, he did not correct it, and did not take Wang Mei's words to heart at all.

Later, Wang Mei completely understood the other party, and although she still loved him in her heart, she still chose to stay away.

Wang Mei knew that continuing like this would only make her more miserable.

In the relationship, the profitable people, the general character is not good, they are particularly selfish, and being with such people will only make themselves more miserable.

When you are completely immersed in it, the other party is extremely sober to look at the interests of you, whether it is physical or financial, as long as you still have value, he will make you happy.

If you are worthless, he will become extremely indifferent, and even make you suspect that the person who has sworn the sea oath to you in front of you is not him but someone else.

As a woman you need to know: there are two kinds of people, even if they love deeply, they have to let go

The writer Balzac once said:

"What a man should be eye-catching is not his horse, nor any other ornament, but his character."

Xiao Bei fully agrees with this.

In general, smart women, when they meet profitable men, will choose to stay away decisively because they know that only by staying away will they be happy.

Smart women know that if they want a long-term and stable love, they must take time to get along with each other, and only when they understand whether the other party is reliable will they consider whether to give themselves to each other.

If the other party is reliable and stable and worthy of trust, then you are equivalent to picking up a treasure in this life; if the other party is unstable, just a deception full of lies, then when you leave, you will not be so heartbroken.

As a woman, when you meet a good love, you should cherish it with your heart, if you don't meet it, there is no need to be in a hurry, and you must believe that love may be late, but it will never be absent.

When you are religious and patient and wait, the person who loves you will eventually come even if it is difficult, and he will put you in his heart and warm you for a lifetime.


About the Author:

Su Xiaobei, a young writer, marriage counselor, engaged in psychological counseling for 13 years, if you have confusion about marriage and love, do not know how to solve, you can leave me a message, I will help you analyze, help you solve.

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