
The statue in front of the BBC building was smashed because the creator was a pedophile during his lifetime

(Observer Network News)

According to the British "Guardian" report, on January 12, local time, a British man climbed up the headquarters building of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in London, and repeatedly hit a sculpture installed in 1933 on the building with a hammer, shouting "pedophilia" while knocking. According to a Spokesman for the Metropolitan Police, the man had been subdued by local police and firefighters, and the building owner was inspecting the damage to the statue and building.

According to the report, the creator of the sculpture is Eric Gill, and the figures of the sculpture are Prospero and Ariel from Shakespeare's The Tempest. Gill died in 1940, and decades later, his diaries were collected and published. Because the diary records that he sexually abused his daughter and dogs, many people have a negative attitude towards him and his works.

The statue in front of the BBC building was smashed because the creator was a pedophile during his lifetime

Eric Gill is an English printmaker, sculptor and type designer. He was born on 22 February 1882 in Steine, England, and died on 17 November 1940 in Uxbridge, England.

Unlike his career achievements, his private life is disgraceful. Decades after his death, his diary was collected and published, revealing the truth about his sexual abuse of two daughters and even sex with dogs.

After the book was published, there was a general antipathy to Jill's behavior.

In 1933, the BBC decided to place a sculpture created by Jill on the door of the headquarters building. This sculpture depicts Prospero and Ariel in Shakespeare's The Tempest.

But after Jill's diary was published, many people were dissatisfied with him and his work. Previously, 2,500 people signed a petition on the website to remove the statue. According to the Guardian, there is often discussion on social media about this incident - how to think of a well-known pedophile work that was placed in front of the BBC headquarters?

Recently, some people have put this dissatisfaction into action.

According to the Guardian, on the 12th, a British man climbed to the side of the sculpture in the building and kept hitting Jill's work with a hammer, breaking the base of the statue.

The statue in front of the BBC building was smashed because the creator was a pedophile during his lifetime

Screenshot source: The Guardian

The BBC said police arrived at the scene at around 16:15 that day and arrested the man about 4 hours later. BBC staff said the man could be heard shouting "pedophilia" as he slammed the statue.

The Daily Mail added that the local police station and fire brigade took him to safety through an elevated platform. As soon as he reached the surface, he was arrested by the police. The man also said the statue should have been removed in the past. He told police negotiators: "If this had happened decades ago, I wouldn't be here, wouldN't I?" ”

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said the man was subdued with the help of firefighters and that the building owner was inspecting the damage to the statue and the building.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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