
7 truths that are becoming more and more convincing

author:This peace of mind
7 truths that are becoming more and more convincing

As I get older, there are some things that I didn't agree with at the beginning, but now I am more and more convinced, and here are 7 of them. Let's wonder if that's the case.

1. If you hate someone, then there is something worth learning from them. Otherwise, your feelings towards TA are not hate, but disdain.

2. The best way to overcome fear is to act. Before I did it, I was afraid and imagined countless worst-case outcomes, but once I mustered up the courage to do it, I found that it was nothing more than that, and I would never be afraid again.

7 truths that are becoming more and more convincing

3. No matter how high or low the worldly status of the person you associate with, do not look up or down, but choose to look at it level. If you think too highly of the other party, it is easy to be submissive; If you think too low of the other person, you will unconsciously be arrogant. That's not the right way to treat people.

4. The greatest thing about a person is not to show sympathy for strangers when they are unlucky, but to be able to sincerely rejoice for each other and congratulate them when someone around them has a happy event, which is better than oneself. Why is it amazing? Because it's anti-human. The characteristics of human nature are: laughing at people, hating people, suspecting people poor, and fearing people to be rich.

7 truths that are becoming more and more convincing

5. Many people have an instinct: to shirk responsibility. This may be a stress mechanism formed in the long-term evolution of human beings. With results, everyone wants to get a little bit of it; If something goes wrong, no one wants to push it out. The reason why some people grow slowly and why some units cannot develop has a lot to do with this instinct.

6. There is a couplet in "Dream of Red Mansions" that sees through the inferior nature of people: "There is more than enough behind me to forget to withdraw my hand, and there is no way to turn back." "I can't control my desires, and I always think that I am the exception; I don't want to make a change until the last moment. Therefore, the most reasonable thing in the world is those detours, the south wall.

7 truths that are becoming more and more convincing

7. When a person is not sick or injured, he cannot feel the existence of the body. Once you feel it, it means that something is wrong with your body. Therefore, it is so important to be kind to your body and take care of your soul. Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on prevention and conditioning, and is good at treating "pre-disease" and "minor disease".

Friend, what else are you increasingly recognizing? Welcome to leave a message!