
What talent did the Daoguang Emperor have that could make both the Qianlong Emperor and the Jiaqing Emperor think that the throne had to be inherited by him?

What talent did the Daoguang Emperor have that could make both the Qianlong Emperor and the Jiaqing Emperor think that the throne had to be inherited by him?

The Daoguang Emperor was the sixth emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the Customs, named Ai Xinjue Luo Minning, during his reign was very frugal, diligent and loving the people, but only slightly limited plus the decline of the Qing Dynasty has been unstoppable, a lifetime of relatively idle, opium war also occurred when the Daoguang Emperor was in power. After signing the Treaty of Nanking, the first unequal treaty in China's modern history, the Daoguang Emperor was able to get by and refused to change, resulting in the increasingly serious internal and external troubles of the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty was already in crisis. But it was such a mediocre emperor who was referred to as the heir to the throne by the Qianlong Emperor, and his father, the Jiaqing Emperor, also followed the wishes of the Qianlong Emperor and passed the throne to the Daoguang Emperor.

What talent did the Daoguang Emperor have that could make both the Qianlong Emperor and the Jiaqing Emperor think that the throne had to be inherited by him?

First, the Daoguang Emperor was born very honorable. Since ancient times, the system of primogeniture succession has been the imperial succession system of the feudal dynasty, but the Qing Dynasty did not follow this system, and after the Yongzheng Emperor established the secret reserve system, all the princes had the opportunity to become emperors, eliminating the situation of the ninth son taking the concubine in the last year of the Kangxi Dynasty. The Daoguang Emperor was the only emperor of the Qing Dynasty to succeed to the throne as the eldest son of a concubine. He was originally the second son of the Jiaqing Emperor, but the eldest son of the Jiaqing Emperor died early and did not even have time to take the name, so the Daoguang Emperor became the de facto eldest son among the many princes of the Jiaqing Emperor, plus his mother was Empress Xiaoshurui, who was both a concubine and the eldest son, even if the Qing Dynasty did not follow the inheritance system of the eldest son, in the eyes of the Jiaqing Emperor, Min Ning was still more qualified to inherit the throne than other princes.

What talent did the Daoguang Emperor have that could make both the Qianlong Emperor and the Jiaqing Emperor think that the throne had to be inherited by him?

Second, the Daoguang Emperor was brilliant in literature and talent. The prince of the Qing Dynasty was very hard, he had to study from the age of six, and every morning before five o'clock, he had to go to the study to review his homework and wait for the master. After the arrival of the master, the princes studied poetry and composed poems, and it was not until after one o'clock in the afternoon. After that, "there were Manchurian masters teaching the National Book, learning Chinese, and making riding and shooting, and So on. It was such a strict education of the emperor that made the emperor of the Qing Dynasty wu dijun (most of the yongjun), and the Daoguang Emperor was the most conspicuous of the several sons of the Jiaqing Emperor, according to the records of the Daoguang Emperor", "six years old, smart, and ten lines at the moment", it can be seen that his talent is intelligent, plus the Jiaqing Emperor only has five sons, and he has died early, and the short general is pulled out, and the Daoguang Emperor is indeed the most suitable person to inherit the throne.

What talent did the Daoguang Emperor have that could make both the Qianlong Emperor and the Jiaqing Emperor think that the throne had to be inherited by him?

Third, it is quite similar to the Qianlong Emperor when he was a child, evoking the memories of the Qianlong Emperor and hand-picking the succession from generation to generation. In the fifty-sixth year of Qianlong (1791), the 10-year-old Daoguang Emperor followed the Qianlong Emperor to the Mulan Paddock to participate in the Mulan Autumn Fox, and shot an arrow at the galloping wild deer, which reminded the Qianlong Emperor of the fact that he followed his grandfather Kangxi Emperor to hunt when he was a child. The Qianlong Emperor, who was only 12 years old at the time, could not be relieved in the face of the sudden appearance of the bear, and joined forces with the Kangxi Emperor to kill the bear. More than seventy years have passed, and the 83-year-old Qianlong Emperor seems to have seen the shadow of his own year in his grandson again, and he is very happy, and immediately explains that the Jiaqing Emperor will pass the throne to this grandson in the future. The Jiaqing Emperor also obeyed his father's wishes, and after the death of the Qianlong Emperor, he secretly established a reserve, and the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" records that "(Jiaqing) in April of the fourth year, Emperor Renzong (Jiaqing) obeyed the Jianchu Family Law, wrote the name of (Daoguang) in his own book, and hid the box. ”

Although the succession of the Daoguang Emperor in the end still relied on the will of the Jiaqing Emperor, the succession of the throne to Min Ning was actually an undeclared matter in the hearts of many princes at that time.

What talent did the Daoguang Emperor have that could make both the Qianlong Emperor and the Jiaqing Emperor think that the throne had to be inherited by him?

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