
Wonders! 5 games and 4 games in a single day Warriors Nets rout + Clippers Trail Blazers disarmed

On January 14, Beijing time, the NBA only arranged 5 regular season games this day, except for the Grizzlies who narrowly defeated the Timberwolves by 8 points and won 11 consecutive wins to set a record, the remaining 4 games were all spent. The Warriors trailed by up to 39 points to create a humiliating record, and eventually lost to the Bucks by 19 points, the Nets lost to the Second-to-Last Thunder in the West by 21 points, the Clippers lost to the Pelicans by a 24-point gap, and the Blazers were also defeated by the Nuggets with a 32-point gap.

Wonders! 5 games and 4 games in a single day Warriors Nets rout + Clippers Trail Blazers disarmed

Grizzlies: Record 11 winning streaks

In the case of the Warriors and the Nets and other strong teams were successively suspended, the Grizzlies blocked the tenacious attack of the Timberwolves, and they began a crazy tug-of-war with the Timberwolves, and once fell behind by 9 points, especially in the first two quarters. However, the Grizzlies won 37-24 to a 13-point margin in the third quarter, and also won 26-24 in the final quarter by 2 points, and finally defeated the Timberwolves by an eight-point advantage.

The Grizzlies continue to set a new record with 11 consecutive wins, with a record of 19 wins and 4 losses in the last 23 games, and with a record of 30 wins and 14 losses, becoming the third team to achieve 30 wins this season. The Grizzlies have overtaken the Jazz to move up to Third Place in the West and are just 1.5 wins away from the Warriors.

Wonders! 5 games and 4 games in a single day Warriors Nets rout + Clippers Trail Blazers disarmed

Warriors and Nets: Title-contending favourites have been hanged and beaten, and both have been in poor shape recently

In addition, the two favorite teams that compete for the title, the Nets and the Warriors, were both overturned and beaten. The Warriors had no room to fight back against the defending champion Bucks, who were hanging behind and were already 39 points behind in the first half, setting multiple embarrassing records. The Warriors used the last quarter garbage time to brush points, and it was still quite embarrassing to finally lose 19 points, and the last 5 games suffered 4 defeats to sound the alarm.

As for the Nets, who trailed by up to 23 points at most, and finally lost to the Second-to-Last Thunder in the West by 21 points, after the lack of Durant and Irving, Harden led the team to stand alone, and they were also overdrawn by the Heat to the 3rd place in the East, which naturally sounded the alarm for the Nets.

Wonders! 5 games and 4 games in a single day Warriors Nets rout + Clippers Trail Blazers disarmed

Clippers and Trail Blazers: Lack of dual cores are also hanging, and there is a high probability of giving up this season

The remaining two games are also one-sided, with the Pelicans following the Clippers with a 24-point advantage last year to beat the Clippers, who lacked a pepper double core, and the Pelicans once had a 28-point advantage at the most. The Clippers were exposed to the possibility of giving up this season early, and there is a possibility that Pepper will not return.

The Blazers also collapsed in the last game, and with Lillard operating and McCollum having been injured for 18 consecutive games, they also basically started to give up the season mode. The Nuggets easily played the Blazers under jokic and also completed a one-sided victory, becoming the fourth one-sided game of the day.

(Text/Drunken Floating Life)

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