
【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party

author:Fugou Fusion Media

Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey. On the day of the July 1st Party Day, Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party to praise the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party
【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party
【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party

The event kicked off with the solemn national anthem, and all party members, under the leadership of the oath-taker, faced the bright red party flag and raised their right fists to review the oath of joining the party. Wang Dezhang, a veteran party member, and Liu Xiaojing, a new party member, spoke separately. Tian Yanhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Cuiqiao Town, and Zhao Huiliang, Mayor of Cuiqiao Town, awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members, and extended their most sincere respect and sincere blessings to them.

【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party
【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party

In his speech, Tian Yanhua said that the old party members have strong party spirit, deep experience, and extensive knowledge, and are most familiar with the actual situation of Cuiqiao Town, have the best understanding of the development and changes of Cuiqiao, and have the deepest feelings for the people of Cuiqiao. Young party members should take this event as an opportunity, take the old comrades as an example, take the encouragement of the old party members as a spur, take the expectation as the driving force, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, strive to be an example, strive to be a pioneer, live up to the times, live up to the time, and work hard to build a higher level of Hemei Cui Bridge.

【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party

He Linmin, a veteran party member, said excitedly: "In the 50 years since I joined the party, I have received a medal today, which is the party's recognition of me for 50 years. ”

【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party

After the ceremony, Zhao Huiliang and his entourage came to Futian Road in Songmagang and Liu Honghai in Zhangwugang to visit the homes of old party members.

【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party
【Welcome 71. Cuiqiao Town held a series of activities for the awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" and the oath of new party members to join the party

Zhao Huiliang, mayor of Cuiqiao Town, told reporters: "The award ceremony of the commemorative medal is not only a full affirmation of the medal winners, but also an encouragement to all party members and cadres, which is conducive to further enhancing the sense of honor, belonging and mission of party members, and encouraging young party members to inherit the glorious tradition of the older generation of party members, adding luster to the party's cause and writing a new chapter." It is hoped that the old party members can continue to support and care about the development of Cuiqiao, actively give full play to their political advantages, experience advantages, and prestige advantages, and give full play to their residual heat in policy publicity, conflict and dispute mediation, rural governance, and changing customs, so as to strengthen the intergenerational inheritance of the party's fine traditions and good political culture, so that the revolutionary cause will be passed on from generation to generation, and the blood will live forever. ”

Fugou Media: Wang Zhongbo Wang Zhiqiang

Editor in charge: He Shuangxi

Editor: Li Guangfu

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