
The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

The "Meet in Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival and the only ice performance at the 22nd "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival, the "WE ARE ONE" press conference, was held at 10:00 a.m. on January 14 at pangqing Tong Jian Ice Art Center.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Li Xiaoyue, a well-known host of Beijing Television Station, introduced the guests, Liu Fumin, former director of the Economic Department of the State General Administration of Sports

Attending the press conference were Gu Haoning, deputy director of the Market Development Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, Xue Wanhe, vice chairman of the All-China Sports Foundation, Wang Chunlu, dean of the China Ice Sports College of Beijing Sport University, Li Haonan, deputy director of the Winter Olympic Cultural Activities Department of the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, Zhang Peng, chairman of Huati Dynamics Group, Tong Jian, CEO of Beijing Yixiang Ice and Snow Fashion Culture Co., Ltd., and Zhou Wencai, editor and director of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Industrial Troupe.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Beijing TV host: Li Xiaoyue

More than ten representatives of the actors on the scene met the audience on the newly built ice stage, which is the first open ice stage in the country. The area reproduces the size of the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center Stage, which not only ensures the rehearsal progress and presentation quality before the Winter Olympics, but also becomes a permanent ice exhibition stage after the Winter Olympics, providing a display platform for the artistic creativity of young students and showing the new model of integration of sports and education and integration of sports and art.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Pang Qing Tong Jian Ice Art Center open ice rink

Li Haonan, deputy director of the Cultural Activities Department of the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said in his speech: The ice dance drama "WE ARE ONE" released today is a very big highlight. This drama is jointly performed by figure skating world champion Pang Qing, teacher Tong Jian and professional athletes who love skating, and the story shows the inheritance and development of Chinese sports, showing the craftsman spirit of "choosing one thing for a lifetime". Sport and culture are two important components of the modern Olympics, complementing each other and indispensable. The official performance coincided with the Spring Festival and the Winter Olympic Games, which was not only a New Year blockbuster to bring to the national audience, but also opened up another "arena" to cheer for our Chinese Winter Olympic athletes!

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Li Haonan, deputy director of the Winter Olympic Cultural Activities Department of the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee

The series of ice performance brand "Magic On Ice" created by Pang Qing tongjian's team has always attracted everyone's attention and has been listed as a cultural heritage of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The "WE ARE ONE" ice drama created for the "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival invited the Happy Twist Team and the senior practitioners of the China Coal Mine Cultural and Labor Troupe to participate in the creation and meticulous polishing, and they delicately described the growth process of figure skaters preparing for the competition, telling the story of contemporary Chinese ice and snow people who, under the condition of lack of resources, threw away their families and businesses without fear of hardships, and used their faith and persistence in their hearts to work hard in the ice and snow industry. The story of two senior figure skating coaches leading their young players to prepare for the figure skating competition, during which there are laughter and tears, there is confusion in the growth period, there is also the firm persistence in frustration, and the ice language describes the growth experience of the coach and the team members to celebrate the family, which is another innovation and sublimation of the combination of sports and art. Let everyone know more about this fascinating ice sport.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

The main creative team of the ice drama

During the roundtable forum, Liu Fumin, former director of the Economic Department of the General Administration of Sport, Gu Haoning, deputy director of the Market Development Department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and Wang Chunlu, dean of the China Ice Sports College of Beijing Sport University, were invited to participate in the group table forum, focusing on the participation of 300 million people in ice and snow sports, telling Chinese stories, doing a good job in sports culture inheritance and training of ice and snow reserve talents, conducting in-depth discussions and giving high praise to Pang QingtongJian's outstanding contributions.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Roundtable forum

While focusing on the "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival and focusing on the sustainable development of the ice and snow industry after the Winter Olympics, Xue Wanhe, vice chairman of the All-China Sports Foundation, announced the official establishment of the All-China Sports Foundation Pang Qing Tong Jian Ice and Snow Dream Fund. Mr. Tong Jian, the initiator, introduced the mission and vision of the fund, focusing on five aspects: sports public welfare, sports culture, sports reserve talent training, sports technology, and sports international exchanges, and helping the upgrading of the ice and snow industry model and the standardization of the industry. Help the implementation of the Healthy China Plan, give full play to the leading role of champions, advocate the concept of healthy life, and lead young people to actively participate in sports with the Olympic spirit. Pang Qing Tong Jian has insisted on the ice and snow champion public welfare class since 2015, and has successfully held 66 sessions in 6 years. Since 2016, ice and snow culture performances have spread to many cities across the country, and have a good social impact in the promotion and publicity of ice and snow public welfare and sports culture. The establishment of the ice and snow special fund was warmly supported by all sectors of society and caring enterprises, and Guo Yuhan, representative of Beijing Perfect State Sports Service Co., Ltd., and Lin Xin, representative of Beijing Yuntong Shitai Technology Co., Ltd., made a love donation to the foundation to support the public welfare undertakings done by Pang Qing Tong Jian Ice and Snow Dream Fund.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Xue Wanhe, vice chairman of the All-China Sports Foundation, awarded the medal to the ice and snow special fund

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Tong Jian spoke

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Guo Yuhan donated to the foundation

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

Meet in Beijing Is a large-scale comprehensive international art festival renowned at home and abroad, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, the State Radio and Television Administration, the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee, and hosted by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism of China International Culture Group Co., Ltd. "WE ARE ONE" ice drama performance activity is an ice drama performance project in the domestic fine repertoire of the 22nd "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival, which is specifically undertaken by Beijing Yixiang Ice and Snow Fashion Culture Co., Ltd. and strongly supported by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee. Pang Qing Tong Jian Ice Art Center, as the executive team, organically integrates the concept of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the characteristics of ice and snow performances and traditional Chinese culture, adheres to multimedia integration and live performances, and dedicates a feast of ice and snow performances to the vast number of ice and snow lovers and the public, adds luster to Beijing, the "City of Two Olympics", conveys the core values and vision of the Olympic Movement to the world, and creates a strong atmosphere of welcoming the Winter Olympics, participating in the Winter Olympics and sharing the Winter Olympics.

The ice cultural performance "WE ARE ONE" at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was released

With the same desire and one heart, the promise of China is infused with the wisdom and painstaking efforts of countless Winter Olympics. Ignite the passion of ice and snow, go to the Covenant of the Winter Olympics, the world pays attention to China, China does not live up to the trust, the Beijing Winter Olympics are ready, just waiting for the dream to come true! You are invited to enjoy figure skating during the Passionate Olympics. On February 11-13, 2022, Beijing Tianqiao Art Center Coliseum, together to feel the visual feast brought by the champion team, together to wish the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics a complete success, "WE ARE ONE" Ice and Snow family "together to the future"!

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