
Great Wall BroadcastIng directly to the Winter Olympics| World Figure Skating Champion Leads "WE ARE ONE"

On the afternoon of February 11, the ice dance drama "WE ARE ONE" was premiered at the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center Grand Theater.

As an ice performance activity during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the drama takes the inheritance and hope of the Olympic spirit as the theme, starring pang Qing and Tong Jian, famous Chinese figure skaters and world champions of figure skating, and nearly 40 figure skating team members participate in the performance, showing the generational inheritance of Chinese sports people and the spirit of craftsmen who choose one thing for the rest of their lives with real stories. At the same time, popularizing ice culture and calling on more and more teenagers to participate in ice sports has played an important role in "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports".

Great Wall BroadcastIng directly to the Winter Olympics| World Figure Skating Champion Leads "WE ARE ONE"

The ice dance drama "WE ARE ONE" premiered at the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center Grand Theater. Great Wall Network Jiyun client reporter Li Lijun photographed

The performance of "WE ARE ONE" ice dance drama lasted 90 minutes, and the whole performance was based on the main line of "pre-competition selection", focusing on the theme of "inheritance and hope", showing the fighting spirit of a generation of ice skaters leading teenagers who love figure skating to constantly challenge themselves, strive to be the first, and not give up lightly, as well as the youthful vitality of a new generation of figure skaters.

Great Wall BroadcastIng directly to the Winter Olympics| World Figure Skating Champion Leads "WE ARE ONE"

Pang Qing and Tong Jian in the performance.

The ice dance drama was staged in the theater, the first time in the theater of the rapid ice making, the Chinese ice team broke through many technical difficulties, within 48 hours in the theater to build more than 300 flat smooth and white ice rink, which is the first chinese ice repertoire, but also a major breakthrough in ice culture. In order to present the best performance effect, the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center Coliseum has also transformed into a gorgeous and brilliant ice stage. The performance uses sound and light sensory effects to reflect the rhythm of figure skating, which is a passionate collision of figure skating and audiovisual effects. While highlighting the traditional culture, the whole performance highly combines culture and art with sports competition, bringing the audience an unprecedented viewing experience and injecting new vitality into the figure skating culture.

When talking about the creative process of the play, Tong Jian, the main creator, said: "Now it is during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the eyes of the world are locked in Beijing, on the field we cheer for the athletes, outside the arena, we use the form of original ice repertoire to help the Winter Olympics, through the efforts of our Chinese ice and snow people to tell the Chinese story, attract more people to pay attention to figure skating, hope to use our 100% dedicated performance, express our feelings for the Winter Olympics, China's ice and snow." ”

Great Wall BroadcastIng directly to the Winter Olympics| World Figure Skating Champion Leads "WE ARE ONE"

The ice dance drama "WE ARE ONE" premiered at the Beijing Tianqiao Art Center Grand Theater.

"WE ARE ONE" is a special winter Olympic drama of the "Meet in Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival and the 22nd "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival Beijing Cultural Week. As an important cultural event during the Winter Olympic Games, the "Meet in Beijing" Olympic Cultural Festival and the 22nd "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival take the Winter Olympics as the theme, sports as the link and culture as the bearer, coordinate the domestic and foreign Olympic culture and traditional art resources, flexibly use a variety of display methods and science and technology, through the five major sections of performing arts, visual arts, film screenings, urban activities and celebration activities, in the form of "online + offline", to provide the audience with nearly 100 exhibition and performance activities from 22 countries and regions. In the performing arts section, outstanding art groups from beijing, Hebei, Shanghai, Jilin and Qinghai provinces (cities) held the Winter Olympics theme "Provincial (City) Cultural Week" through online exhibition + offline display of excellent programs, showing the artistic characteristics of the province (city) and ice and snow culture.

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