
"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ The recent open test of the IP mobile game "Crazy Primitive 2" had the honor to test in advance, first of all, the overall feeling: the game is no problem, but a little awkward, may be because of watching the "Crazy Primitive 1/2" two anime movies, how many generations into the point of "movie perspective", the plot is a bit of drama, although it is an extended work, but it is the old feeling that something is wrong, the Gua Ge family in the anime, there is little interaction in the game, in addition to some CG cutscenes, more is the passerby NPC, so it always feels awkward, Of course, these are only personal feelings, and they are also common problems in many comics and mobile games;

◆ After the preface, the next article from [screen quality] [operation mode] [feature highlights] [Krypton gold index] [pit mine clearance] these 5 points to show the evaluation of this game, of which the views and views on the game content are for reference only, if there are errors and omissions, please point out;

※【Picture quality】※

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report
"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ From the cutscenes CG to the actual game screen, through the comparison can see that the deviation is not large, there is no such thing as the CG gorgeous actual game bad double heaven phenomenon, the game of the human setting and the original animation in the style of the human design is not much deviation; in the scene layout is also very brain hole, do not rush to play, look at the architectural style in the game can find a lot of novel design, in the second example diagram, if the player operates the character from both sides of the flowers and grass to see the physical squeeze effect, this is very unexpected;

◆ Then there is the battle screen:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ From the example diagram can be seen, the turn-based game has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in this game, the setting is OK, simple and clear there is not so much UI operation interface, only a chat window and the skill setting in the lower right corner, in addition to the battle screen, compared to the action mobile game, at least there are not so many skill buttons to block the line of sight, which is a major natural advantage of turn-based games;

◆ As a turn-based game, it is naturally indispensable to the pet system, which has always been a design since the beginning of "Stone Age", to say that there is no turn-based game without pets, there are very few now, and in mobile games, this setting is indispensable:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ As can be seen from the example diagram, there are slight differences between the standing drawing of the pet and the appearance in the actual game, but within the acceptable range, the shape and appearance of each pet are also unique, such as the combination of hippopotamus and pangolin, the combination of whale and rhinoceros, the combination of crocodile and shark, etc., which is really brain hole:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ Especially the crocodile shark, when you first see this creature, the joy is not good, the fat body, the big eyes, especially the cute action, the first feeling is "focus on cultivation", and there are many such interesting pets, presumably if you plan to experience it, you should find your favorite pet;

◆Picture quality: ★★★

◆ On the screen presentation effect, there are some flaws, character modeling is still slightly rough, but fortunately the overall pace of the game is quite fast, as long as it is not a plot party, many animations can not be watched; the skill effect in the battle mode is also good, and it is also very clear to see; the overall performance is decent, so that people can't pick out too much fault, in terms of entertainment, such picture quality is enough, really want to pursue better picture quality, this game is still temporarily unsatisfied;

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

※【Operation Mode】※

◆ The game operation mode is turn-based, which has been said in the previous article, for turn-based mobile games, level, combat power is everything, unlike other well-known IP games, how to deploy pets in each turn, how to cast skills, in this game, from the opening of the service experience so far, did not deliberately spend time on the layout, at most in part of the battle, manually specified the "set fire" target, the others are handed over to "automatic combat":

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ In the example figure is the UI interface before the start of the war, from which it can be seen that the main functional area of the entire battle interface is concentrated on the right side, from the selection of skills to the set of fire targets are almost instantaneous, there is nothing too complicated to set and choose, so that beginners can easily master, so in the operation of this game there is no much suspense, rest assured that bold operation can be!

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ In recent years, the game will have the "automatic wayfinding" function, which is no exception, whether it is a daily mission or a main line mission, including a series of bonus combat power copy tasks, after clicking, it will start automatic wayfinding, about this point there is no need to do more introduction here, even if you have not played it, you can get started quickly;

◆ Operation mode: ★★★★

◆ How much operation is required in other turn-based games is not easy to assert, but in this game it is basically not needed, because the positioning of mobile games is simple to operate, leisure-oriented, even in action games, it is also designed with an "automatic combat" system, in order to free hands, so this game is very simple and easy to understand in operation, very friendly to beginners and players who are involved in turn-based games for the first time;

※【Feature Highlights】※

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ To say that the biggest features and highlights of this game, really not the so-called screen, human settings, battle mode, but these strange fit pets, as of the writing date, through the game's activities, rewards, dungeons and other gameplay to obtain resources, before and after a rough calculation, almost smoked more than 80 times, most of the pets have been in hand, even if not in hand can also be viewed through the picture book, many of which feature pets are almost the same as in the original animation:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ First of all, the fierce (cute) beast - parrot tiger that appears in the animation, the reason why it is called this name, comes from the appearance image and coat color is the same as the parrot, plus it is a tiger, the combination of the two is the parrot tiger, in this opening joke, if it is combined with the color of the zebra, it can be called the spotted tiger;

◆ Among the original animals restored in the game, not only this one tiger, but also many animals have appeared, and even many of them only appear once in the game:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report
"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ This is the chicken that grabbed the bird egg with the Gua Ge family at the beginning of the original anime, and it also appears in the game, look at its introduction and appearance, inexplicable comedy;

◆ In addition to pets, there are some gameplay that are also very distinctive, coupled with the background setting of primitive people, the combination of the two is very interesting:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report
"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ This is one of the gameplay "misty monuments", in the level players need to operate the character to go to the grid, through different explorations, with different props to explore new areas, from which you can get a lot of valuable props, and the level is also very research players' overall strategy, such as the use of tar barrels (fried - bombs) is very research, which piece of the forest in the grid to open the biggest road, is it to blow up the monsters along the way, or simply leave the way to open the way? In addition, there will be different event requirements at each roadblock, some need for props, some need to complete certain tasks:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ Of course, you can also choose not to complete, by detouring other routes can also pass, and even excessive tar barrels can also explode new routes, depending on how the player chooses, but due to daily movement restrictions, it is still very much a comprehensive plan;

◆Feature Highlights: ★★★

◆ In the setting of the game, compared with some of the mobile games that have been experienced so far, there are indeed many features and highlights, the reason is that many of them are very "pseudo-modern", umbrellas, elevators, etc., and even which pets are very interesting, when I first entered this game, I once aroused curiosity, I looked at all the pets, and then the town also turned around several times, I have to say that in terms of creative design, this game is still desirable;

※【Krypton gold index】※

◆ Although the game has a lot of gameplay and highlights, but in the final analysis, it is still a mobile game, and the mobile game naturally can not avoid the topic of krypton gold, in the game through the current test of the content, krypton gold index is still quite high, the reason is that the degree of dependence on pets in turn-based games, presumably played "Stone Age", "Journey to the West", "Fantasy Journey to the West" are deeply touched, the ability of pets is directly related to their own strength and account value, the same point is also reflected in the game:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ Intend to play for a long time, this first gift package is almost impossible to avoid, although 6 yuan is not much, but this is only a beginning, there are other kryptonite projects:

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report
"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

◆ Players who intend to play for a long time, this "God of War Certificate" is unavoidable, in other games there is called "Battle Order" and "Identity", but the principle is the same, by opening high-level permissions, completing certain requirements can get a lot of things, different game emphases are different, this game this 168 yuan roughly calculated or acceptable, the number of props and content given are also quite practical;

◆ Krypton gold index: ★★★

◆ The reason why it is given ★★★ here is because of the game itself, as mentioned earlier, players who have played turn-based games know that those links are the focus of improvement, and these points are krypton gold area, if you want to not krypton gold to enhance their own strength, it takes a lot of time! This point can only be said to be a matter of opinion, but to say that this price is expensive, to be honest, compared to other games in the kryptonite content is still less, of course, want to impact the leaderboard can be ignored;

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

※【Pit clearance】※

◆ Since I was fortunate enough to participate in the test, I have been able to experience the content before the press release date, and now I have the following 5 suggestions:

-1, combat strength estimates for reference only, pet level is the most critical, it is best to adopt an average upgrade strategy, do not have 1-2 of them is very powerful, others are very bad;

-2, the deployment can play a certain effect, in the case of can not fight to try to adjust the pet layout, there will be a certain effect;

-3, different ways to play the record of the deployment is different, in the beginning of the war remember to check the situation of their pets first;

-4, pet upgrade needs to operate by themselves, not automatic upgrade, often check the backpack, some experience is that the gift bag form needs to be opened;

-5, there is no strong pet in the early stage and is not afraid, you can rest assured that you can upgrade boldly, there is a pet reset system, you can rewind all experience and materials;

◆ The above 5 suggestions are for your reference only, when the game is officially tested, some of the content will not be changed, in this is not easy to assert, but presumably the deviation will not be too large, then it will be too late to make adjustments;

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report


◆ Primitive people as the theme of the cultural and entertainment works will be launched every few years, the earliest primitive theme works in the impression, should be the "Modern Primitive Man" series, with the development of the network, the primitive people as the theme of the online game "Stone Age" appeared, once blew up a good whirlwind, to this day this IP is still widely used, it can be seen that the primitive people this theme as long as the brain hole is large enough, you can play a lot of new tricks, the key is not to feel the drama, for the cross-type reality elements, even have laughter;

◆ On the whole, although this game takes "Crazy Primitive Man" as the selling point, but playing it is really not much different from the current game, it is not good to be interesting in its own theme, these are not too real, even if you take a step back, after taking care of the fairy, science fiction, retro theme, to taste the original style is also a kind of fun, riding a primitive beast with a stone axe to charge, it is also very interesting;

"Exploration Report" Fancy Beast Joy More "Crazy Hominid 2" "Test Suit" Evaluation Report

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