
Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

author:Is your story over?

What comes to mind when you think of the word "sacrifice"? It probably refers to the end of life or the price to pay to achieve something. And today's recommended movie "Deadly Magic" is around the theme of "sacrifice", after watching the movie, perhaps you will have a deeper understanding of these two words.

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

First of all, this movie belongs to the suspense film, and I personally feel that it is still very distinctive in the same kind of movie. The director is Christopher Nolan, and I believe that friends who have watched "Inception" will not be strangers to him. The cast of actors can also be said to be eye-catching, Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Christian Bell (Batman), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) and so on, like their friends walk by don't miss it

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

Regarding the plot, from the official introduction, the whole film is simply about the story of two magicians who change from friends to enemies due to a performance accident and begin a lifetime of fighting each other until one party falls. In this story, although both sides have become famous magicians, behind this brilliance, the sacrifices they have made have to be heart-wrenching...

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

In this movie, I feel that every magic trick is actually a sacrifice, just a difference in sacrifice. In the film, Angel sacrifices his lover, kindness and humanity for magic.

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

Before losing himself, Angel had been stressing that he did not want to kill, or even kill a pigeon for magic, but eventually as the struggle with Burdon intensified, Angel's personality slowly began to become cold-blooded and desperate.

In order to get revenge, Angel even withdrew the gun at Burdon, breaking two fingers of his once good friend.

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

In order to obtain the secret of Burdon's shadow art, let his favorite assistant go undercover to steal Burdon's magic notes

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

After gaining the ability to copy the body, he killed his original self, and before that he was a person who did not even want to hurt the pigeons.

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

Speaking of the Bourdain brothers, it is really difficult for ordinary people to imagine how much a magician can sacrifice for a magic trick, and the two brothers seem to give us the answer, for the magic show, the two brothers who should have had their own lives have become one, sharing the same identity to bear the pain of broken fingers - sacrificing their complete lives.

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."
Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

In the face of his wife's discovery and questioning, he still buried the secret in his heart, which eventually led to his wife's suicide - sacrificing his beloved.

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

Faced with Angel's suicidal revenge, the brothers are sent to the gallows – sacrificing their own brothers

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

After watching the movie, we have to sigh that it seems that if you want to achieve your goals, you must make certain "sacrifices", just like Fallon said in the film: "Self-sacrifice is the price of wonderful magic".

Deadly Magic – a film that makes us have to rethink the word "sacrifice."

There are also many thought-provoking episodes in the film that you can see for yourself when you have time. We can also think about what "sacrifices" are there in our lives. Are those "sacrifices" worth it?

I hope that everyone can firmly adhere to the direction of their hearts, bravely make "sacrifices" without violating their original intentions, and turn their lives into magic

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