
Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

Japan's supreme ruler is called the emperor, but also the supreme leader of Shintoism, is the only monarch in the world today to use the title of emperor, the Japanese imperial family is also the oldest imperial family in the world, the emperor exists as a national symbol of Japan, and is also the de facto head of state, the origin of Emperor Shenmu has always been a mystery in Japan, the Japanese history books say that he is the son of god, it is obviously unrealistic, some people think that the so-called Emperor Shenmu is Xu Fu of Dongdu Japan.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

In 1950, the Chinese scholar Wei Tingsheng published "Xu Fu's Entry into Japan's Founding Examination" in Hong Kong, which comprehensively demonstrated the mysterious connection between Xu Fu and Emperor Shenwu.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

First, the relics are in line with the era, the Japanese imperial family's heirloom artifacts, the grass sword, the eight-foot Qiong Gou jade, and the eight mirrors are all Qin dynasty products.

Second, the establishment of religion is in line with the fact that Japan calls itself the Kingdom of God and worships the gods, which is the art of alchemists, which happens to be Xu Fu's main line.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

Third, the military situation is in line with the "Nihon Shoki" records that the fleet of Emperor Shenmu during the Eastern Expedition, male and female, which is rare in the history of world combat, only Xu Fu's fleet has three thousand boys and girls, not to mention, Japan, which was in the Stone Age at that time, could never have the ability to build such a huge fleet.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

Fourth, archaeology is in line with the fact that ancient Japan was divided into two obvious Jomon cultures, the level of development is very low, one is the foreign Yayoi culture, the level of development is high, there is no obvious connection and transition period between the two, the discovery of copper and iron tools, the excavation of the coffin, the relics of grain seeds, etc., are just comparable to China's Qin and Han culture, it is certain that Chinese immigrants have brought advanced tools and rice cultivation techniques, bringing a leap in the social development of Japan.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

Fifth, myths and legends are in line with the five elements and seven gods of the five elements of the qin and Han dynasties, there are six in Japan, the eight gods of the Special Sacrifice of the State of Qi, there are seven in Japan, and the gods of the four times sacrificed in the Langya region, all of Which japan has, and Xu Fu is the Langya people of the Qi State.

Sixth, the political establishment is in line with the law, the emperor is honored, the subject is known as the order, the doctor is known, and the general is the language of the Zhou Qin era, the state is the prince of the pre-Qin period, the county lord is the county order of the Qin Dynasty, and the emperor has followed the political terminology and system of the Zhou Qin era.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

Seven is the father's name in line with the "Shenwu Father Name - Yanbo Yiwu" In Japanese, Yan is the chieftain, Yanbo is the sovereign of the sea, Wu is his real name, Xu Fu's father's name is Xu Meng, and Wu and Meng are pronounced exactly the same in Japanese.

Eighth, geographical conformity, shenwu founded the country of Tanyuan near the lake biwa, far from the light sea two large ze, surrounded by nine plains, can be called the luster of the plain.

Nine is chronologically consistent, according to the "Shenwu Benji" Shenwu is when in 203 BC, Xu Fu's last time to go to sea was in 210 BC, seven years later the founding of the country, it was at that time.

Japan's first emperor was Xu Fu, and It was difficult for China to come up with ten ironclad proofs that Japan would not recognize it

Ten is the ruins in line with the Shenwu Eastern Crusade route, there are many Xu Fu's relics, ruins, legends and cultural relics unearthed in the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu is the Emperor of Shenwu This speculation, can be described as strange and strange, but everywhere in the reasonable. The conclusion is likely to be that they are originally one person.

There is also a kind of netizen speculation, Xu Fu brought the virgin boys and girls are mostly children of Hebei, later called the Dahe ethnic group, the children learned the words are incomplete, resulting in incomplete Japanese characters, of course, this is just a netizen ridicule like speculation. Xu Fu is a Shandong native, most of the virgin boys and girls are recruited in the provinces of Shandong, Hebei, Shandong hebei junction has a Thousand Children Town, there is a Thousand Children Ancestral Hall in the town, the Japanese have to come to worship the ancestors every year, Japan no matter how do not want to recognize the ancestors to return to the ancestors, but the facts speak louder than words.

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