
Xu Xu baby held the wild rabbit to take a photo, saw the photo of the wild rabbit, netizens: more beautiful than Han Xixi!

Now more and more anchors on TV interviews, such as Feng Timo on the variety show many times, as well as Saobai on CCTV interviews, indeed, this makes the popularity of the anchors increased a lot, and there is an anchor in the live broadcast circle, he has not been on TV, but his popularity is not lower than these anchors, basically dnf players know him, his name is Ren Yixu, that is: Xuxu baby!

Xu Xu baby held the wild rabbit to take a photo, saw the photo of the wild rabbit, netizens: more beautiful than Han Xixi!

With more and more fans of Xuxu Baby, the popularity is getting higher and higher, he is also becoming more and more busy, because now XuXu Baby not only has to live broadcast, but also participate in a lot of activities, the activities of Fighting Fish basically have to be participated in by Xu Xu Baby, and the activities of DNF are even more needless to say, every year's dnf carnival, Xu Xu Baby is the most important person, and Xu Xu Baby will also be carefully dressed up and wear a suit whenever the dnf carnival activity is held!

Xu Xu baby held the wild rabbit to take a photo, saw the photo of the wild rabbit, netizens: more beautiful than Han Xixi!

Xu Xu baby in fact every year the fighting fish carnival are very happy, not only can see many fans, but also can see the wild rabbit, before the Xu Xu baby also held the wild rabbit to take a photo of it, let's take a look at the wild rabbit photo, the wild rabbit's appearance is very high, the figure is also good!

Xu Xu baby held the wild rabbit to take a photo, saw the photo of the wild rabbit, netizens: more beautiful than Han Xixi!

After seeing it, netizens said: More beautiful than Han Xixi! Do you think the wild rabbit is beautiful or Han Xixi is beautiful?

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