
After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

Yang Yang Huaxia has been in China for thousands of years, and one of the theories that people are most happy to believe is that the Yellow Emperor fought the Great War against Xuan You, and then obtained the land of the Central Plains and achieved the world. Of course, this is also closely related to our own provenance, and we have almost always called ourselves the descendants of Yan Huang. But today's question is not to examine our provenance, but to find another source: Where did all the descendants of Xuan you go?

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

Yan Huang and Xuan You's over-the-top: one person grabs the territory, one swears to defend the territory to the death, and finally stages the Battle of Zhuolu

In fact, regarding the ancient things, in addition to understanding them from the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we must look at the "Records of History". The classic of mountains and seas is not very historical, at least many of the descriptions are beyond our belief. In this way, the "Chronicle of History" has become the most official material for us to find the descendants of Xuan you.

Why Xuan You was expelled from the Central Plains in that year should be the cause of one thing, open the "History of the Five Emperors Benji", which impressively records:

Xuan You rebelled and did not need the emperor's orders, so the Yellow Emperor was a prince of the Conquest division and fought with Xuan You in the wilderness of Zhuolu.

This is the reason, at that time, the division of the Chinese world had a three-legged trend, Huaxia, Jiang tribe, and Jiuli clan tribe. And Huaxia we all know, that is, the territory of the Yellow Emperor, the surname of Jiang is the territory of emperor Yan, and the remaining Jiuli clan is the genus of Xuan You.

The division of the three tribes was originally a good form, but the expansion of the territory seems to be the consciousness that has arisen since the beginning of the People's Enlightenment, so the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor first began to compete for territory.

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

However, Emperor Yan's mana seemed to be inferior to that of the Yellow Emperor, and after three battles, the Yellow Emperor became a victorious division. The settled Zhuolu, a territory southeast of present-day Zhangjiakou in Hebei, was brought to power by the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor, on the other hand, was a relatively affectionate person, and did not exterminate Emperor Yan, but only let him take his own people to the south.

At this point, the Central Plains became the tribe of the Yellow Emperor, and under his leadership began the development of ritual, cultivation, knowledge, and music. However, at this time, the Jiuli Clan also began to grow bigger and stronger, especially the leader of the Jiuli Clan, Xuan You, not only had a very powerful ability, but also had a large number of brothers, a total of 81.

How capable is Xuanyu? This is an unknown number, because if you want to look at it according to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", it is the wind and rain, and the copperhead iron arm is called. But this is obviously not a normal human form, so it is more convincing to be strong and brave according to the "Chronicle of History".

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

Originally, the Jiuli clan settled in the eastern part of the Central Plains and obeyed the orders of the Yellow Emperor. After Ke You's strength was strong, he began to have ambitions and wanted to replace the Yellow Emperor.

The Yellow Emperor faced Xuan You's menacing threat, and also thought of uniting with emperor Yan in the south to deal with him. However, Emperor Yan was tired of fighting at this time, and he was only bent on developing agriculture, completely ignoring the affairs of the rivers and lakes. There was no way, the Yellow Emperor had to harden his scalp.

Anyway, the battle was very fierce, and at one point the Yellow Emperor was in a weak position, and Xuan You even used his own divine power to summon miasma, making Zhuo Lu unable to see his five fingers, and his breathing would be dizzy. Not only that, but also created a variety of vicious-looking half-human, half-beast teams to take the Yellow Emperor's centaurs.

The Yellow Emperor was not easy to provoke, and even drove the tiger and leopard Xiong Qi, and immediately beat Xuan You to scatter and flee. Of course, in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is recorded that the Nine Heavenly Divine Daughters helped the Yellow Emperor, no matter what kind, the battle situation was quite exciting anyway. Xuan You lost his life in this battle, and the Yellow Emperor became the patriarch of Huaxia forever.

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

After Zhuolu, Xuanyu retreated to the barbaric land, and his descendants were able to develop, but there were also his descendants in the Central Plains

What happened to his clan when Hey yu died? It is said that they were all driven out of the Central Plains and went to relatively barbaric places, such as Guizhou, Xiangxi, and Western Hubei. Those places were not suitable for living in ancient times, but after the defeat of the army, there was no qualification for negotiating conditions, and they could only barely find a place to live.

On the surface, it seems that the descendants of Xuan You really went out of the Central Plains and went to the remote land to survive. But if other sources are interpreted, this statement is rejected again.

First of all, according to the relevant information, the descendants of Xuan You have developed in the Central Plains, such as zou, Li, Tu, Xuan and other surnames in the Han surname, they are likely to be the descendants of Xuan You. At that time, these people did not go to the barbaric land with everyone, but integrated into the tribe of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor.

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

That is to say, among the descendants of Xuan You, some of them, of course, only a small number, they live in the Central Plains, especially in the Shandong area, juye also built a special tomb of Xuan You.

Even in the Hebei region, there are also descendants of Xuan You, because there is such a record in the Shu Yi Zhi:

The local (Jizhou) has the musical name "Xuan You Opera", and the people wear bull horns on their heads to offset each other.

In addition, there are also descendants of Xuan You in Taiyuan, Shanxi, because in many local villages, people have the custom of worshipping the god Xuan You. If this weren't relevant, people wouldn't have sacrificed an enemy leader as a god, would they?

Secondly, in addition to the Han areas, the descendants of Xuan You should be those ethnic minorities in western Hunan Province, Western Hubei, and Guizhou, such as the Miao, Qiang, Yao, and Li ethnic groups, as the data says.

Especially the Miao people, they have always regarded Xuanyu as their ancestors, which should not be for showmanship, nor for fame, but for the tradition of the family. They perform a large ancestral ritual every six or thirteen years, and in the Hmong epic poem "Pung Xuan You", they are regarded as the "first ancestor".

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

Even in southern Sichuan, northwestern Qianbei and other places, there is still the existence of Xuanyou Temple. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Xuanyu should be the original villain of the half-human and half-beast. If the people in these areas did not have any connection with Xuanyu, I don't think they would have paid special homage to such a negative figure, right? Especially the people here think that Xuan you is a brave and warlike god of war, they worship Xuan You, in the end why this is so, I am afraid it is inextricably linked.

There is also a record in the Later Han Shu Xi Qiang Biography, which believes that when some of the clans of Xuan You migrated to the west, they made contact with the local Qiang people and left behind descendants. Look, the development of Xuan You's descendants is also quite spectacular.

After the victory of Zhuoluzhi, the descendants all called themselves the descendants of Yanhuang, and where were the descendants of the defeated Xuan you

In fact, in any case, the ancient things are not what we can judge right from wrong. But if it is only understood according to the theory of the defeat of the king, then the clam is miserable enough. But the family is also a figure with a clan mass, even if he dies, even if more than eighty of his brothers are dead, there is no doubt that he can leave some descendants. These people may be in remote areas, they may be around you and me, and even some of them are his descendants. After all, who can say such a long history.

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