
The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is a work that records the mythology, geography, plants, animals, minerals, products, witchcraft, religion, medicine, folklore, and ethnic groups of ancient China, reflecting the cultural phenomena of the negative sea and all-encompassing. In addition to preserving a wealth of mythological materials, it also involves a variety of academic fields, such as: philosophy, aesthetics, religion, history, geography, astronomy, meteorology, medicine, animals, plants, minerals, folklore, ethnology, geology, oceanography, psychology, anthropology... Wait, it can be described as a vast ocean, like a sea day.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Under the circumstances of ancient culture, science and technology and transportation, the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a strange book with the most records of mythology in China, and it is also an encyclopedia of geographical knowledge.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Ancient China has always regarded the Classic of Mountains and Seas as a history, and it is an indispensable reference book for chinese historians of all generations. Due to the age of the book, even Sima Qian, when writing the "Records of History", thought: "To the Yu Benji, all the monsters in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Yu did not dare to say anything. "It has important reference value for the study of ancient history, geography, plants, animals, culture, transportation, folklore, mythology and so on.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

There have always been divergent opinions on the geographical scope and related things involved in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Many scholars believe that it is a documentary record after a national geographic census, and some of them can indeed be determined, such as the Yellow River, Wei River, Huashan Mountain, etc., and the geographical location is generally consistent with reality.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

In modern times, Chinese natural science expert Wang Hongqi has visited for more than 30 years and drawn more than 800 maps of the geographical restoration of the Shan Hai Jing, and found that the records in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" are actually consistent with the truth, thus also indicating that the Shan Hai Jing is not a legendary fiction. This discovery can be described as a groundbreaking shock to the archaeological community.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Archaeologists have also discovered the site of Shi'e, the largest site of the late Longshan to early Xia period that has been discovered in China, located on the north side of the Bald River in Shi'e Village, Gaojiabao Town, Shenmu County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, on the northern edge of the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi. It is preliminarily judged that its culture is named Shiya type, which belongs to the late Neolithic to early Xia Dynasty remains.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

The Site of Shi'a is a window into the origins of Chinese civilization, possibly the center of northern China in the early Xia Dynasty, and according to expert research, it may be kunlun, the capital of the Yellow Emperor, and this discovery is even more shocking.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Archaeological exploration has confirmed that the Shi'an site consists of three basically complete and relatively independent stone castle sites: "Imperial City Terrace", "Inner City" and Outer City. The investigation found that the stone city is divided into an outer city and an inner city, and the inner city wall is 2,000 meters long and covers an area of about 2.35 million square meters; The outer city wall is 2.84 kilometers long and covers an area of about 4.25 million square meters. Its scale is much larger than the known city sites such as the Liangzhu ruins and the Tao Temple ruins of similar ages, becoming the largest known prehistoric city site.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Located in the center west of the inner city, the "Imperial City Terrace" is a four-bread stone wall of stone, which is roughly square. The inner city encloses the "Imperial City Platform" and is built according to the mountainous terrain, and the city wall is a stone wall that rises above the ground. The outer city system uses the southeast wall of the inner city to expand a curved stone wall in a southeasterly direction, most of which is higher than the ground, and the best preserved place is more than 1 meter high on the surface of the present earth.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

The phenomenon of the city wall crossing the ditch basically closed the site of Shi'e City, forming a relatively closed independent space, which provided important information for discussing the geomorphological changes and environment in the early days of Shi'an.

The Yellow Emperor's activities on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, where Shi Jia is located, are clearly stated in history, and the Records of History and the Book of Han record that the tomb of the Yellow Emperor is in the zichang area of northern Shaanxi not far from Shi'an. The "History of the Five Emperors" says: "The Yellow Emperor collapsed, buried Qiaoshan", and the "Suoyin" quoted the "Geographical Chronicle" as saying: "Qiaoshan is in Yangzhou County, Shangjun County". Checking the "Book of Han and Geographical Records", the upper county of Yangzhou County does indeed have the words "Qiaoshan is in the south, there is the Tomb of the Yellow Emperor", yangzhou is the present-day Zichang County in northern Shaanxi, and the place north of huangling county in present-day Shaanxi is three or four hundred miles to the east.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

In addition, the "Book of Han and Geographical Records" also records that there are "four Ancestral Halls of the Yellow Emperor", and That Fushi is now Yulin, Shaanxi, in the north of Zichang County, adjacent to Gaojiabao in Shenmu County, where Shi Jia is located. Since the Tomb of the Yellow Emperor is in Yulin and Zichang near Shi'an, and there are ancestral halls where people worship the Yellow Emperor, it is undeniable that the Yellow Emperor and his clan were active in this area during his lifetime.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

At the same time, according to the analysis of classics such as "Qianfu On Zhi Surnames", "Liezi", "Shan Hai Jing", "Great Wilderness West Classic", "Zuo Chuan • Thirteen Years of Chenggong", "Chinese Jin Yu IV", "Chinese Qi Yu" and other classics, it is believed that not only Bai Di, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, is active in northern Shaanxi, but also the Zhou people, who are direct descendants of the Yellow Emperor's clan, are also active in northern Shaanxi.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Finally, Professor Shen Changyun once again stressed that according to the archaeological experts, the ancient city of Shi'e is dated from the late Longshan period to the early Xia Dynasty, which is roughly equivalent to the time of the Yellow Emperor's activities, so it can be more certain that the ancient city of Shi'a is inhabited by the Yellow Emperor's tribe.

The records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually correspond to reality?

Our great ancestor the Yellow Emperor built the capital here, here is the political and cultural center of the Yellow Emperor tribe, here is the glory of the Yellow Emperor's life, but also buried the secrets of his life, here for us to study the history of the fault provides a good soil, leaving a lot of clues to the world, I believe that one day archaeologists will have a shocking discovery, tell us the hidden historical truth.

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