
Young people, your marriage and baby problem is solved under the principle of Occam's razor!

Whether it is the city or the countryside, the parents' urging, the nagging of the seven aunts and eight aunts has come again, all pointing to marriage and children. After the 80s, I once had such a stage, and now that I am married and have children, there is no longer such soul torture.

Young people, your marriage and baby problem is solved under the principle of Occam's razor!

Once, in the blind date corner of Changsha Martyrs Park, parents chose objects on behalf of their children. Screenshots of the network

Getting married and having a baby is everyone's own business, and I don't like or recommend that people around me interfere more. When I was looking for a partner, I took the initiative to ask my friends and relatives around me to help introduce, and there was no need to be forced to go on a blind date or get married. Until now, I think that there is nothing wrong with taking the initiative to entrust someone to help introduce.

Once, I also felt that looking for a partner should have a good look, a degree and a background, and a house, a car and a deposit. But when it came time to really understand each other's way into marriage, I found that this was not the case. What the other person cares about is very different from what I think. If I only think about the side branches and leaves, and never grasp the main stem of the problem, I am afraid that marriage is far away.

When there is no clear direction, it is easy for people to be thrown into a chicken feather by complex ideas. When you learn to use the Occam razor principle, simplify complex problems, see the essence through the phenomenon, and sincerely go straight to the subject, when you can get married and have a baby.

After ten years of marriage, I truly feel that marriage does not require how smart, rich, and capable the other party is, but to be able to support themselves at the most critical time, to be able to be around when they need it most, and to spend it together when they are most difficult. I really think that money, looks, education, background, occupation, motorhome, geography, etc., are just decorations, and they can all be put aside. Whether there is a desire to start a family, whether it can give people a sense of security, whether it is a matching type, etc., is the fundamental. Many people have put the cart before the horse, but they are still blaming others for society.

Young people, your marriage and baby problem is solved under the principle of Occam's razor!

Why not get married? Many articles on the Internet say that the phenomenon does not mention the solution. Screenshots of the network

Our family has always had a simple life, but it does not affect each other's trust. The essence of marriage is to live a life, not to do whatever you want when you are single. For example, if the baby cries in the middle of the night, no matter how tired, she has to get up and coax the baby to sleep first, which is called tired and happy, can not be measured by bitterness, and does not need others to praise.

That kind of love that wants to die and live, I don't quite approve of it. Too complicated rituals are doomed to not last long, too laborious communication breeds distrust, that day is trembling, I advise you to be honest when you are in love, do not punch the swollen face and be fat, do not cross the bottom line of getting along.

Source 丨 Red Network Forum Netizen @ Chase Lake Fish

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