
On the idea of sexuality

author:The spirit of coffee

You wise and learned people,

You have thought about it, and you know it,

Why does everything have to mate?

How exactly did this happen, and when did it happen?

Why do they kiss and fall in love?

Tell me, you noble wise men!

Here's what happened to me,

Tell me when, where and how

Why is this happening to me?

- Beagle

Animals are sexual. Of course, we humans as higher animals also have sex.

So how do I look at sex?

On the idea of sexuality

There is a notion that men love for sex and women have sex for love.

Only the real is beautiful, and only the real is worth loving—Beauvag

In today's society, every year there are one or two cases of lovers being martyred due to the obstruction of external circumstances. Everyone is sympathetic, when we hear these things, we can't help but feel fluctuations and even tremble in our hearts, it is uncomfortable for both parents, and the children who have worked hard to raise are "gone". But why do we wonder why those who love each other and expect the supreme happiness in enjoying it do not prefer to take extreme steps, to detach themselves from all relationships and endure all kinds of inconveniences, but to give up this life to what they think is great and no greater happiness.

I think it's not happiness, it's great sadness.

On the idea of sexuality
Love is the excitement and pleasure that accompanies the appearance of an external cause.

Now there are too many people who are controlled by the passion of sex, and even have a comparison, how many women men sleep with, and how many women women sleep with women.

Are they wrong? Are they right again? All passion for love, no matter how otherworldly it may appear, is only rooted in sexual desire.

Sex is the strongest and most active of all the driving forces, second only to the love of life, it continues to occupy half of the energy and thoughts of some young people, day by day only thinking about the opposite sex, does she love me or not? It is to dwell on these problems, which is a waste of time and a waste of life. Sex is the ultimate goal of almost all desires and efforts. The most important human affairs are at their disadvantage, interrupting every hour what is serious and seriously carried out; sometimes it temporarily plunges even the greatest spiritual minds into confusion and confusion; it sometimes demands the sacrifice of health or life for it, and at times it offers wealth, status and happiness; it even makes the always honest man lose his conscience and turns those who have been loyal before into traitors. Overall, sex seems to be a hostile devil, bent on turning everything upside down and making a mess. In this way, people can't help but ask loudly: Why is it so noisy and hectic? What is the purpose of these longings, noises, and fears? Isn't it that Hans wants to find his Gretel; why does such trivial matters play such an important role and bring these endless troubles and chaos to human life?

In fact, the importance of this kind of thing is completely commensurate with people's serious and enthusiastic efforts. The ultimate goal of all love affairs is indeed more important than any other goal in life, and these love affairs determine nothing else, but the composition of the next generation.

The general situation of the present generation is the consideration that mankind makes for the composition of the future generation, which in turn determines the composition of countless generations to come. This matter is extremely important, because it is not like other things that are only concerned with the misfortunes and blessings of individuals, but with the existence and specific composition of human beings in the future; and only the events are attractive to us, making us realize that there is no general sexual impulse aimed at a particular opposite sex, which is in itself, the desire to survive outside the phenomenon.

In every example of love, no matter how much the man and the woman appreciate each other, their only goal is to produce an individual with a specific composition. To love each other is to possess each other, that is to say, to enjoy each other's body. So even if you love each other, if you can't possess each other's bodies, it won't give comfort to the lover at all. People who are good to you don't necessarily really love you, just want to get your body, and people who treat you badly don't necessarily love you. Many people who encounter this situation have shot themselves, compared to those who love each other deeply, but do not get the same love from each other, as long as they can possess each other's body, that is, get the pleasure of the flesh, it can be barely made up.

On the idea of sexuality

Proof of this is all those forced marriages, and the scene where the woman has no love for the man, but the man exchanges the woman's favor through a large number of gifts and other sacrifices, and the woman is like a "commodity", "clearly marked", and finally completes their goal - to produce a specific composition of the individual.

We can't love for sex, and while that's fundamental, we can't mess with the order.

It is better to be alone than to rot.