
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

author:Number animation highlights

Because of you, I'm willing to be a better person and don't want to be a burden to you, so I work hard just to prove that I'm good enough for you. - "Listening with One Ear"


The male protagonist of this anime is named Seiji Tenzawa

It is the name of the first love in every girl's heart

The story triggered by the library's library card, as romantic as it happened in the last century, has long since belonged to our time, but when we go back and watch this animation over and over again, the throbbing and beauty of youth still linger in our hearts.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

The story begins with Tsukishima's father, who works in the library, telling his daughter that the library is about to become electronic and that the library card is going to become history, and Tsukishima is a little nostalgic with the library card: "But I still like the borrowing card."

This is a habit that prefers trouble to abandonment, just like e-books can achieve a hard disk to hold half a library, but some people still like the feeling of turning the pages, like lead and ink. But there are a few people who can enjoy the beauty brought to us by the old times like Ah Wen, and the times have given us a lot and taken away a lot.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Shengji is an excellent boy, he believes that he likes to do things, struggle for his future, not afraid of the road ahead, not afraid of the bitterness of the future, the personality charm he exudes attracts the admiration of every girl, including Ah Wen, Ah Wen is undoubtedly an excellent girl, likes to read, and leaves his name on every library card.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Gradually, she found that there was a name of Tenzawa Seiji that had been appearing on the library card before her, and since then this name has been lingering in her mind, until one day, Ah Wen borrowed a very old and precious book in the library, the card did not have the name of Shengji, but it was printed with the name of So-and-so, it was the name of Grandpa Shengsi, and the boy who had been walking in front of Ah Wen completely aroused Ah Wen's interest.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Ah Wen met a cat on the road, followed the cat to Grandpa Shengsi's shop, where he saw the violin maker wearing a white shirt and jeans, Andi and Ah Wen sang the school rehearsal song together, when Grandpa and Grandpa's friends returned, they did not interrupt Ah Wen's singing, but picked up the instrument and composed this simple song with them.

In this way, Ah Wen and Shengji and several elderly people collaborated to play this song, and this clip also touched our hearts. After playing the song, Ah Wen realized that the boy in front of him who had learned to make a violin was Tenzawa Seiji.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Later, Shengji learned that he could go to Italy to learn violin, but due to his quiet and introverted personality, he never dared to confess his heart to his crush Awen. After learning that he could finally go to Italy to learn to make violins, he couldn't wait to come to Ah Wen and wanted Ah Wen to be the first person to share his happiness.

On the roof after the rain, Saint Si finally plucked up the courage to confess. At this time, his heart was full of hope—hope for the future, hope for love; but he completely ignored the psychological impact of his decision on Ah Wen.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Ah Wen was deeply shocked after knowing Shengji's plan for herself, she never thought about her future, and Shengji was so excellent, which brought her a deep sense of inferiority, but Ah Wen did not give up, but tried to keep herself up with Shengji's footsteps, try to move forward, and strive to become excellent.

Let's not forget that Ah Wen is still just a child, she met a cat who would ride the subway and was curious to follow up, crouched on the ground and talked to a cat when she was sad, she had the temper and innocence of a child, and she had the persistence and bravery that many adults did not have.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

In order to catch up with Shengji, Ah Wen desperately wanted to write a novel, and even delayed her studies and had a big fight with her sister, which I still remember deeply, and my sister and Ah Wen quarreled at the dinner table.

The father did not immediately stop or scold the two daughters, but patiently listened to the ins and outs of the matter, let Ah Wen change into formal clothes, and then explained the words well, which is worth learning from most of our parents, respecting the child, there are disputes inevitable, the important thing is to solve the problem attitude.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

One of the most memorable fragments is that Ah Wen desperately wrote the article, and finally the tired lay on the ground, turned over and adjusted a slightly comfortable posture, and then quietly lay down, seeing here, I don't know how many people have the same deep breath of relief as me, as if the burden on the body has been put down, finally can take a breath to rest, Ah Wen This rest of the details of the processing, through the screen can feel her tiredness.

Compared with Shengji and Ah Wen, how many of us have to be ashamed of ourselves, high school they began to pave the way for their own lives, and when did we start to look into the future, perhaps most of us are forced by reality to see their future before making decisions, and at that time, do we remember what we expected of ourselves when we were young.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Ah Wen took the prototype of the novel she wrote to find Shengji's grandfather, she wanted to make grandpa her first reader, time passed very slowly, Grandpa finally finished reading the novel, here, Grandpa's evaluation and encouragement of Ah Wen is also one of the most wonderful parts of the animation.

Grandpa did not blindly praise this novel that Ah Wen used a lot of hard work, he understood Ah Wen's hard work, but he objectively pointed out that Ah Wen's novel still had many shortcomings, and cooked ramen for Ah Wen, telling her that there were many deficiencies that only showed that she needed more learning and training, not that she was incompetent.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

"Your story is like the violin that Shengji is making now," Grandpa said kindly to Ah Wen, "you are all children like raw ore, and you need more polishing to become exquisite gems!" Grandpa's words made Ah Wen suddenly enlightened. For an instant, she seemed to see the plain appearance like raw ore, but with a shining inner self.

She knows that there is still a long way to go to become the person she wants to be! Just like the stray cat Ah Yue who will ride the tram alone, although it is called different names by different people and defined as different identities, it is still a cat full of personality and mavericks!

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

In addition to the main line of the love story of Ah Wen and Shengji, this animation hides more of the daily life of the old animators, husband and wife respect, sisterly love, neighbor harmony, classmates are warm, and even cats are very spiritual and friendly.

The most difficult thing to write is to write about familiar things, the most difficult to draw is to paint familiar people, geniuses prefer the lofty sky, the master likes to focus on fireworks in the human world, that is, "buy a carton of milk do not use plastic bags to pack", "Mother is very hard, we want to help her more" such details, outlining the outline of a warm family in reality.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

Later, when Seiji returned to Japan after 2 months of internship, grandpa informed him of Ah Wen's pain these days, and the self-blaming Saint Ji rode to the downstairs of Ah Wen's house - presumably for a long time, because Ah Wen did not tell Sheng Si exactly the location of his home, looking forward to seeing Ah Wen. Perhaps with a sharp heart between lovers, Ah Wen woke up from her sleep and pushed open the window to see Shengji. Worried that Ah Wen sitting on the bicycle would be cold, Shengji draped his coat over Ah Wen's shoulders.

Filled with guilt for his selfish decision, Saint Priest sincerely apologizes to Ah Wen. At this time, Saint Ji had already discovered love and was trying to love it! When the sun rises, Shengji proposes to Ah Wen, and the two make a love pact and embrace each other happily. The next day, Seiji left Japan with Awen's love.

NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways
NO.32 Animated Film: Listen sideways

It doesn't matter if they end up together or not, but I thought, what does it matter? Since Ah Wen and Shengji have grown in this process- they have discovered themselves, they have discovered each other, they have discovered love, they have discovered people, no matter what twists and turns the future brings them, even if they have to give up their agreement one day, they can live happily. Some people often do not understand what it means to love someone and how to know whether this person is suitable for them. In fact, love is just something that can make us better and better

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