
Why did Mu Wen, vice president of Beijing Benz, transfer BAIC BJEV as assistant general manager? Counting flat tone?

Operator Finance Network Wan Huan Xi / Wen

As a strong player in the domestic new energy vehicle track, BAIC BJEV has cultivated a group of talents in recent years, in addition to absorbing many industry cadres, and the operator finance will reveal the same executive who only joined BAIC BJEV later, she is Mu Wen, who was then the assistant general manager of BAIC BJEV.

Why did Mu Wen, vice president of Beijing Benz, transfer BAIC BJEV as assistant general manager? Counting flat tone?

Relevant information shows that Mu Wen is a female executive with outstanding ability, she is low-key, but there is not much information about her.

According to the available information, Mu Wen had worked for Beijing Benz for several years, and in 2010, Mu Wen began to gradually enter the public eye, when she was the general manager of the procurement and supplier management department of Beijing Benz.

Obviously, Mu Wen is engaged in procurement and supply chain, and she herself has benefited from her own efforts to reach a high position, and a few years later she successfully became the executive vice president of procurement and supplier management for Beijing Benz, and has been responsible for the procurement and supply chain management of Beijing Benz.

However, in February 2021, the industry rumored that Mu Wen was transferred to BAIC BJEV, and the news said that he would take over the procurement of BAIC BJEV.

BAIC BJEV and Beijing Benz are both owned by BAIC Group, BAIC Motor (01958 . HK) annual report released in 2019 shows that its operating income in 2019 was 174.63 billion yuan, of which Beijing Benz revenue accounted for 88.8% of the total revenue of BAIC Group.

Since Beijing Benz is so important, it is strange that Mu Wen, who was the executive vice president of Beijing Benz, only served as the assistant general manager after being transferred to BAIC BJEV, and the reasons for this are not very clear.

It is understood that Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., founded in 2009, is initiated and controlled by Beijing Automotive Group Co., Ltd., a fortune 500 enterprise in the world, and is the first new energy automobile enterprise in China to operate independently, the first to obtain new energy vehicle production qualifications, the first to carry out mixed ownership reform, and the first batch of pilot state-owned enterprise employee shareholding reform. ARCFOX Is an independent brand of high-end passenger cars under BAIC Group.

(Editor-in-Charge: Wan Huanxi)

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