
Why didn't the tomb robber take the treasure first, but instead pull open Cixi's pants?

Since ancient times, China has attached great importance to feng shui and attaches great importance to the return of fallen leaves to the roots. Therefore, most Chinese are very concerned about where they will be buried after death.

People feel that the place where they are buried after death will directly affect the career and luck of future generations. Therefore, when buried, they will do everything possible to find a feng shui treasure land. After the place below is selected, you will begin to prepare all the funerary items you will take away when you are buried.

After the death of the ancients, they would bury their favorite treasures and treasures that symbolized their identity in their tombs. And these valuable funerary products have also become the object of death for many tomb robbers.

At the same time as the tomb culture flourished, the tomb robbery culture also developed. Since ancient times, there have been many tomb robbers in China, such as Cao Cao and later Sun Dianying.

When Sun Dianying was fighting, because of insufficient military expenditure, he set his sights on the mausoleum of Empress Dowager Cixi, the ruler of the late Qing Dynasty.

Why didn't the tomb robber take the treasure first, but instead pull open Cixi's pants?

He knew that Empress Dowager Cixi was a very extravagant woman, and the things in her tomb must be of great value. It is said that Empress Dowager Cixi had to put hundreds of dishes on the table every time she ate, and some dishes must be served even if they were not eaten. Every time he took a bath, he would be asked to wipe his body with towels made of gold wire, and these towels would generally be thrown away by him once he wiped them.

Some people also said that the sheets and bedding used by Empress Dowager Cixi every day were also thrown away every few days and replaced with a new set. You should know that those sheets and bedding are made of valuable fabrics from various places. It is difficult for her extravagant behavior not to be targeted by others.

But after Sun Dianying blew up Empress Dowager Cixi's tomb, the first thing he did was not to take away the treasure inside, but to rip open Empress Dowager Cixi's pants first. Why did he do this?

According to historical research, it can be learned that Sun Dianying may have taken off Empress Dowager Cixi's intimate clothes for two reasons. The first reason is that Empress Dowager Cixi's intimate clothing is very expensive.

Relevant historical documents record that the silk products inside the light fruit are seven inches thick and are inlaid with pearls of large and small sizes, about 10,000 grams. Moreover, there are more than eighty pieces of gemstones and more than two hundred pieces of white jade. Empress Dowager Cixi also wore a phoenix crown on her head, which was studded with a large jewel, and her headdress was so flashy, and the things covered on her body were so valuable. Intimate clothing is certainly good too.

Everyone thought that Sun Dianying was coveting the high value of Empress Dowager Cixi's intimate clothes, so they rushed to fade him. This statement is also a statement that is more recognized by later generations.

Why didn't the tomb robber take the treasure first, but instead pull open Cixi's pants?

The second theory is that some people speculate that Sun Dianying's act of withdrawing Empress Dowager Cixi's intimate clothes was to vent his anger.

Because empress dowager Cixi was on the occasion of the arrival of the invaders. Li Hongzhang was fighting on the front line and could hardly afford to buy bullets, while Empress Dowager Cixi spent the military expenses that should have been spent on the front line. It was spent on his birthday, and the soldiers in the front were fighting on the front line and suffering with their lives, and he filled the money with his own pockets. Empress Dowager Cixi behaved like this. It really made many Qing Dynasty soldiers very chilled.

In order to make the Western powers recognize her rule, Empress Dowager Cixi negotiated and signed many unequal treaties with them, which was also an important reason for later generations to criticize Empress Dowager Cixi.

Some people speculate that Sun Dianying, as a warlord at that time, in order to show his punishment for Empress Dowager Cixi, only to withdraw his clothes and make him wear no clothes, which was his insult to Empress Dowager Cixi.

The ancients were very concerned about their own honor and posthumous posture. Empress Dowager Cixi spent a lot of thought on her own death to be buried in the ground in the most beautiful posture, and Sun Dianying wanted to do the opposite, expressing her anger and punishment for Empress Dowager Cixi in this way.

The treasure that Sun Dianying brought out of the mausoleum of Empress Dowager Cixi was enough to contain more than thirty carts. He also became famous for this tomb robbery, and after stealing many treasures, he also aroused the indignation of the people. In order to save his own life, he sent the money to the important officials of the time, and he saved his life with such behavior.

Why didn't the tomb robber take the treasure first, but instead pull open Cixi's pants?

It is said that Sun Dianying gave the huge pearl of night in the mouth of Empress Dowager Cixi to Chiang Kai-shek's wife. And then this pearl of night. He was sold to a foreign oil tycoon.

Sun Dianying's behavior is not only an insult to the deceased, but also caused a large loss of cultural relics in our country. Of course, later Empress Dowager Cixi and Sun Dianying also received the punishment they deserved.

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