
Lenovo said that the confirmed cases in Beijing were closely related to the negative nucleic acid of the employees, and iQiyi required all employees to return to work after negative nucleic acid

On January 15, a person positive for the new coronavirus was reported in Haidian District, Beijing. At about 20:00 on the evening of January 15, Beijing held the 266th press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report the latest epidemic information.

Information shows that the case lives in Building 7, Boya West Park, Nongda South Road, Shangdi Street, Haidian District, and the working unit is Haidian New Technology Building, Haidian Street. The case reported developing itchy throat symptoms on 13 January, developing fever symptoms on 14 January, going to the nucleic acid test site for nucleic acid testing on his own, and his symptoms improved after taking the drug on his own, and he did not see a doctor.

According to CCTV news, Lin Hang, deputy mayor of Haidian District in Beijing, said that as of 18:00 on the 15th, 15 close contacts who had investigated new cases had been controlled.

The first financial reporter learned that one of the close contacts of the confirmed case was a Lenovo employee. This evening, Lenovo's epidemic prevention and control team released an internal email saying that the latest news shows that the nucleic acid test results of the close contacts of the confirmed case in Beijing on January 15 were negative for the nucleic acid test results of the company's employees and their families. Today, nucleic acid testing is underway for office workers in Lenovo's campus. At the same time, various epidemic prevention and security work such as the elimination of the park has also been carried out in an orderly manner.

The first financial reporter learned that Lenovo was scheduled to hold the "2022 Lenovo New Year Home Year" activity attended by all employees and their families at Universal Studios Beijing on January 21. Today, a Lenovo employee revealed to the first financial reporter that whether Universal Studios will complete the trip is still waiting for further news.

In addition, the trajectory of the above-mentioned confirmed cases includes watching a talk show at the first cinema hall of the basement theater on the basement floor of Wynn International (No. 21, Chaoyang Gongti North Road) on January 2, 17:00-18:30, and driving home after the performance. The location is located downstairs from iQIYI's office. The first financial reporter learned that today iQIYI has sent an internal email, asking employees to do nucleic acid as soon as possible and hold a negative nucleic acid certificate to go to work.

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