
In order to quit drinking, the 56-year-old Xin abandoned the disease and wrote this poem, which can make you laugh and cry

In order to quit drinking, the 56-year-old Xin abandoned the disease and wrote this poem, which can make you laugh and cry

Source: The Beauty of Kaizi's Poetry (ID: kaizisc)

How to relieve worries? Only Du kang.

The literati of ancient times, there are almost no people who do not drink.

The dashing and romantic Li Bai does not need to say much, "Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon";

The open-minded Su Shi is no exception, "drunk and high sleep real career, this life has a taste in the three more";

Even the "first talented woman" Li Qingzhao is also a "drunkard", "often remember the sunset of xiting, drunk and do not know the way back"...

Of course, they also know that "raising a glass to dispel sorrow is more sorrowful", but "quitting alcohol" is too difficult.

After the death of his wife, Huang Tingjian swore to abstain from alcohol, but when he was degraded to Qianzhou, he could not help but break the vow, "The distant mountains are dipped in autumn waves, and others laugh at me without drinking."

In fact, in addition to Huang Tingjian, there was also a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty who also tried his best to quit drinking.

He is the same as Su Shi's Xin Abandoned Disease, 56-year-old in order to quit drinking, wrote the most funny poem, only read a few sentences and laughed out of tears.

In order to quit drinking, the 56-year-old Xin abandoned the disease and wrote this poem, which can make you laugh and cry

The poem is titled "Qinyuan Chun will stop drinking, abstain from wine glasses so that you don't approach", the full text is as follows:

Before the cup Ru came, Lao Tzu was in this dynasty, and the skeleton was examined

For many years, he was thirsty, his throat was like a scorched kettle, and he slept happily today, and his breath was like thunder

Ru said that Liu Ling, a master of ancient and modern times, buried after he was drunk

Hun is like this, sighing ru in the knowledge, really little grace

More with song and dance as a medium, it is considered to be a cooperative and peaceful guess

Grievances are no big or small, born of love, nothing is beautiful or evil, and too much is a disaster

With Ru Cheng, don't stay and retreat, I can still be reckless

The cup is bowed again, the tao is gone, and the trick must come

Xin abandoned the disease, we also know that he was a "horse to kill thieves, get off the horse", a patriotic lyricist full of patriotic blood, and still shouted "kill thieves, kill thieves" when he was dying.

Unfortunately, like most of the main battle faction, he has been ostracized.

The poem was written in 1196 AD, when he was impeached and idle in the fountain, his heart full of depression and depression.

Originally, it was "raising a glass to dispel sorrow", but unexpectedly " sorrow is more sorrowful ", coupled with old age and physical decline, he had the heart to quit drinking, so he had this word.

The tone of the first half of the word is stronger, indicating the determination of the lyricist to quit drinking.

In order to quit drinking, the 56-year-old Xin abandoned the disease and wrote this poem, which can make you laugh and cry

At the beginning, the writer angrily shouted at the drinking cup:

"You give me over!" I'm starting to tidy myself up today."

The word "Lao Tzu" is domineering and grounded, and Huang Tingjian also said in "Nian Nu Jiao" that "Lao Tzu is alive, Jiangnan and Jiangbei", just two simple words close the distance with readers, making people understand that even the great literary heroes are just ordinary people, and they will call themselves "Lao Tzu", which is very kind.

The next four sentences explain why he wanted to quit drinking:

After years of drinking, he made his mouth dry from time to time, and his throat was like a pot of burning paste;

He also suffered from drowsiness, and as soon as he lay down, he snored like thunder.

"The throat is like a scorched kettle" and "the breath is like running thunder", these two sentences use exaggerated techniques to vividly show his state of illness caused by alcohol, which means that he will be like this now, all blame the wine glass.

The next three sentences are written from the perspective of a wine glass.

The owner blamed himself so much, and of course the wine glass had something to say:

"Liu Ling is the most accessible person in ancient and modern times, and he once said that after death, he would be buried directly on the spot.

Liu Ling is one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" and is also known for his alcoholic life, and he often carries a pot of wine when he travels, and orders servants to carry shovels to follow.

In order to quit drinking, the 56-year-old Xin abandoned the disease and wrote this poem, which can make you laugh and cry

Curious, he said, "If you die, you will be buried directly." ”

Xin Abandoned Disease said Liu Ling's allusion in the tone of a wine glass, which made people feel thin.

Sure enough, in the next three sentences, he began to complain about the ruthlessness of the wine glass.

It is a pity that you actually said such a thing to your close friend, which is really heartbreaking!

From here, we can see that Xin Abandoned Disease regards the "wine glass" as a friend, and in this dialogue, the writer's unavoidable feelings of wanting to quit drinking are vividly described, and the helplessness is full of helplessness but people can't help but laugh.

Originally, the tone of the writer was soft, but in the second half of the gap, it suddenly became tough again.

With song and dance as a medium, wine is like poison, fascinating and painful.

Moreover, most of the so-called resentment stems from love.

Even if the things in the world are beautiful, but excessive love will become a disaster.

These few sentences of Xin Zhiyi not only write about the harm of "wine", but also tell an eternal truth:

The more beautiful things are, the more fascinating they are, and once they are fascinated, people will lose themselves, just like "poison", endangering people's physical and mental health.

In order to quit drinking, the 56-year-old Xin abandoned the disease and wrote this poem, which can make you laugh and cry

Thinking of the harm of "wine", Xin Abandoned Disease and the wine glass solemnly agreed:

"Leave, don't come near me, even though I'm old and infirm, I still have the strength to break it."

Originally, Xin's tone was very strong, and he even began to threaten here.

And how did the wine glass answer him?

It prayed with sincere trepidation:

"Since you drove me away, I will go; I will come back whenever you need me."

The whole word ends here, but the dialogue between the lyricist and the "wine glass" is timeless and evocative.

I don't know what interesting "quit drinking" poems you know, welcome to share them together.

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