
He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

Xu Jiefan, do you have an impression? He was awarded the rank of Founding Colonel in 1955, and he also made many contributions to China's modern revolution.

He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

In 1901, Xu Jiefan was born in Machang Village, Guzhen Town, Anhui Province, his father was a late Qing Gongsheng, so in his father's heart, he very much hoped that his son Xu Jiefan could have a role in the future, so the family supported Xu Jiefan to study as much as possible, and Xu Jiefan also worked very hard during his studies, and did not deserve his family's cultivation of him.

However, although Xu Jiefan is very hard at learning, he is extremely disgusted with his father's old ideas, after all, it is a new era, it is the Republic of China, it is no longer the Qing Dynasty, for this reason Xu Jiefan likes new things very much, but his father does not support it, and often has some quarrels with his father.

He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

With the continuous study, Xu Jiefan began to feel more and more that the old China at that time was very backward, and the imperialists and warlords were constantly oppressing the common people, so he secretly vowed in his heart that he must change this situation.

In 1919, the vigorous May Fourth Movement broke out, and the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement undoubtedly greatly stimulated Xu Jiefan's patriotism, and then he immediately organized his school to open a remote echo, and also gave a speech, so soon Xu Jiefan became a prominent figure in the school, and everyone only looked at him.

And Xu Jiefan officially began to contact Marxism-Leninism, that was 1 year later, when he came to the First Middle School to study, when he read Marxism-Leninism, it was extremely convincing, so Xu Jiefan was completely fascinated by communism.

He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

Don't look at Xu Jiefan as a student, but he is a very dare to fight, when the Anhui warlords embezzled education funds, it can be said that a great indignation was set off in the local area, and at this time Xu Jiefan resolutely united many students to start protesting in front of the Anhui Provincial Parliament, and this time it was brutally suppressed.

However, this did not crush Xu Jiefan and other students, but Xu Jiefan continued to lead more students to start demonstrations, and finally directly succeeded in forcing the local government to compromise.

He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

In 1925, Xu Jiefan was admitted to the third phase of the Whampoa Military Academy, and after graduation, he went to the Guangdong Aviation School to study, and the following year Xu Jiefan went to the Leningrad Red Army Aviation School in the Soviet Union and the Moscow Oriental University to study.

In addition, Xu Jiefan also participated in the Red Army in the Soviet Union, and experienced the famous Soviet Patriotic War, and did not officially return to China until 1948, and New China is naturally very important to talents like Xu Jiefan.

He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

Later, Xu Jiefan successively served as counselor of the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, consul general of the Chita Consulate General, director of the office of the headquarters of the Chinese Volunteer Army, and vice president of the Academy of Armored Forces Engineering.

In 1955, Seo Jie-fong was awarded the rank of colonel, and six years later he was promoted to the rank of major general and awarded the Order of Freedom and Independence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Second Class.

He was a former vice president of the Armored Corps Engineering College, and his wife was married to Lin Shuai at the age of 82

Xu Jiefan's wife was Zhang Mei, who had a marriage with Lin Shuai, but it ended after 1942.

In his later years, Xu Jiefan enjoyed the treatment of the regular army rank, and died at the age of 82 at the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army on April 16, 1983.

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