
The historic contribution of the young girl Ti Ling

The historic contribution of the young girl Ti Ling

The story of "Ti Hao Saving The Father" is a household name. The original text is as follows:

In the four years of Emperor Wen's reign, people wrote to Chun Yu to be bribed, and the crime was passed on as a punishment, and chang'an in the west. There are five daughters, and they cry with them. Angered, scolding: "If you give birth to a son and do not give birth to a man, there is no messenger in a hurry!" "So the maiden Ti haunted her father's words, but followed her father's west. The book reads: "The concubine father is an official, and Qi Zhong calls him honest and peaceful, and now he sits in the law and is punished, and the concubine who is in pain cannot be revived, and the torturer cannot be renewed, although he wants to reform himself, his path is inexplicable, and he will not be able to get it in the end." Concubines are willing to become official concubines to atone for their father's sins. "Smell and pity, this age is the removal of meat criminal law."

For thousands of years, the brave and fearless filial piety of the young girl Ti Qian has touched countless people, but few people have to think about it, and in Ti Qian's words of saving her father, she has put forward a legal concept with "historical pioneering", that is, "those who commit crimes should have the opportunity to reform themselves", not "the criminals cannot be renewed, although they want to reform themselves, their way is inexplicable, and they will not be able to get it."

Before Ti Hao, China's punishment methods were mainly based on "corporal punishment", such as cutting tongues, gouging out eyes, cutting hands and feet, piercing noodles, cutting noses, etc. are more familiar to everyone. The rulers imposed these punishments for two main purposes, one was to retaliate against those who violated the interests of the ruler, and the other was to attempt to "stop the sentence with punishment." "Suspension of sentence by sentence" is mainly manifested in two aspects, first, through the implementation of corporal punishment of criminals to deter the people, and secondly, so that those who have been sentenced for crimes lose the ability to commit crimes again.

But whatever purpose the rulers have for, they have created the fact that the tortured will leave a clear "mark" on their bodies, and no matter where they go or what work they do in the future, they will not be able to erase the "obvious" fact that they have committed crimes, and thus deprive these people of the opportunity to become new people.

Ti Hao put forward the concept of "reform and self-rehabilitation" and hoped that all criminals would not be "beaten to death with a stick." This cannot but be said to be a major ideological breakthrough in China's legal history and has made great contributions to the construction and development of the rule of law in our country. Perhaps the deepest root cause of our current "re-education through labor system" is this concept of Ti Qian.

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