
It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

author:Caddy Mowgli

The NBA has entered the offseason, and just as teams are making personnel changes, John Wall, who has been absent from the NBA for more than a year, appeared in front of the media.

Recently, he expressed his desire to return to the NBA on a show, he said: "Whether I can play or not, or like Haslem, as long as I can return to the NBA, I am willing to do anything, anything, I know that my mailbox is still oiled." ”

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

The last time Wall played in the NBA was back in January 2023, and now more than 1 year has passed, and no team is still willing to give him a chance.

In 2010, Wall, who can run and jump, and is extremely fast, was successfully elected as the champion, and averaged 16.4 points, 4.6 rebounds, 8.3 assists and 1.8 steals per game in his first season.

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

Wall also lived up to expectations, as an offensive and defensive guard, he is also full of gains, in the Wizards' nine seasons, he successfully selected 5 times, 1 3-team, 1 second defense.

In the 16~17 season, Wall played in 78 games in the regular season, averaging 23.1 points and 10.7 assists per game, and averaged 27.2 points and 10.3 assists per game in the playoffs, helping the team reach the Eastern Conference semifinals.

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

With this wave of performance, in 2017, the Wizards offered him a four-year contract with a maximum salary of 170 million, and at that time, he also became the first batch of players with a maximum salary contract.

But after signing the big contract, Wall began to lie on his stomach, and in 2019, he accidentally slipped while taking a shower in the bathroom at home, which directly led to the rupture of the Achilles tendon.

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

With Beal's growth, at the beginning of the 19-20 season, the Wizards officially peddled Wall, and this was also the beginning of his career nightmare, the 19 season was reimbursed, and then he was traded to the Rockets in 2020, the Rockets who were aiming to rebuild did not give Wall much of a chance, where he only played 40 games, and then the two sides broke out.

In the 21-22 season, Wall was directly DNP by the Rockets and sat on the cold bench for a year. He was bought out by the Rockets in the 22-23 season, and then joined the Clippers for 13 million over 2 years.

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

In his first season with the Clippers, although he averaged 11.4 points, 2.7 rebounds and 5.2 assists per game, the statistics looked okay, but it was actually a big hole.

As a substitute, Wall has become the team's ball-handling core, with a ball possession rate of 25.9%, and Deng's this season is only 20.2%. On top of that, Wall's offensive efficiency is also very inefficient, shooting 49.7 percent from the field and averaging as many as 2.4 turnovers per game.

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

Not only did the offense pull up, but Wall's defense was also dragging its feet, losing by 6.6 points per 100 possessions and outscoring opponents by 2.5 points per 100 possessions when he was on the floor.

In 2023, the Clippers sent Wall back to the Rockets again, and then the Rockets immediately cut Wall, and Wall has never been able to return to the NBA.

It's hard! Goodbye, NBA, Champion Lang has no ball to play, he is only 33 years old, sigh

Wall is 33 years old this year, and George, a year older than him, is still alive and well.