
He aspired to be a mining engineer, but became Chiang's Gestapo

Chen Lifu graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, majoring in mining, and after returning to China, he was full of ambition and was determined to make his own contribution to China's mining industry, but unexpectedly received two telegrams from Chiang Kai-shek that his brother handed over on his behalf. It turned out that Chen Lifu's second uncle, Chen Qimei, entrusted the two brothers to Chiang Kai-shek. Since then, Chen Lifu's life trajectory has taken a sharp turn.

He aspired to be a mining engineer, but became Chiang's Gestapo

Compared with the loyalty of ordinary Kuomintang officials, Chen Lifu's loyalty carries the meaning of "filial piety". Chiang Kai-shek often invited some public figures or important officials to his home as guests, but Chen Lifu almost always stood behind the scenes, and when there was no one, he only had a long talk with Chiang Kai-shek, and his ideas often reached Chiang Kai-shek's heart, so he was more and more appreciated by Chiang Kai-shek.

The twisted filial piety in Chen Lifu's heart instructed him to maintain Chiang Kai-shek's authority in a harsh way. As a result, Chen Lifu and his brother were ordered to secretly establish the Secret Service Of the Kuomintang, and these cronies and dead soldiers, who had been personally selected and cultivated by him, would be like a sharp blade and pierced into the interior of the Communist Party. Chen Lifu secretly wandered through central and southern China to see if the dagger he had planted was loose or rusty. The punishment for his infidelity was also cruel. Chen Lifu's various deeds can be called the Gestapo around the old Jiang at that time.

At this point, Chen Lifu firmly controlled the Secret Service Machine of the Kuomintang, and once anyone was found to be opposed to Chiang Kai-shek or the CC department he had formed, it would become a nail that was about to be removed, and the way of removal would be extremely cruel. The so-called "Chen Family Party in the World of the Chiang Kai-shek Family" is very much in line with the actual situation of the Kuomintang.

He aspired to be a mining engineer, but became Chiang's Gestapo

On the eve of the Liberation War, Chen Lifu's fanaticism for Chiang Kai-shek led him to not allow other political parties to share the world with Chiang Kai-shek, and he even openly refused to accept US military mediation. Unfortunately, Chiang Kai-shek, under pressure from the United States, finally received the visiting emissary Marshall, but this did not prevent the outbreak of civil war.

At that time, the Kuomintang, which was also like a candle in the wind, could not be saved by Chen Lifu and his secret police, but until the defeat of the army, Chen Lifu's loyalty could not be doubted. However, after arriving in Taiwan, Chen Lifu was at odds with Chiang Kai-shek's political views, and a rift arose between the two.

Although Chen Lifu resolutely supported the Kuomintang, some of the things he did were extremely conducive to China's development. Perhaps because of his higher education, Chen Lifu made outstanding contributions to China's education during the war. Even though he knew that the internal migration of colleges and universities was laborious and hurtful, he still presided over a large-scale internal relocation of colleges and universities without hesitation, and reserved the fire for university educational resources. He then created the "loan money" system, which benefited countless outstanding students and cultivated such pillars as Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao.

He aspired to be a mining engineer, but became Chiang's Gestapo

Regrettably, Chen Lifu was unable to see the two sides of the strait enter the track of peaceful development and died of illness.

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