
How many field armies were stationed in the Yongzheng Emperor's trump card, the Yangzhou Jiangbei Camp?

During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, the situation was naturally no exception. According to the film and television drama, in the Fengtai area, the field mobile troops of the Qing Dynasty were stationed, and the total strength of the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia was tens of thousands. In addition, there is also the Xishan Rui battalion, although the strength is small, but it is very elite and the combat effectiveness is very strong. In the process of the Yongzheng Emperor's ascension to the throne, the thirteenth brother Yin Xiang used his prestige in the army to successfully control the Fengtai camp and the Xishan Ruijian camp, thus ensuring the smooth ascension of the Yongzheng Emperor. In recognition of Yin Xiang's merits, after the Yongzheng Emperor came to power, he crowned his thirteenth brother Yin Xiang as the Prince of Heshuoyi, and his hereditary replacement. In addition, Yin Xiang's second son was crowned as the King of the County.

After the Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne, in recognition of Yin Xiang's merits, Yin Xiang was made the Iron Hat King who could be hereditary. In the film and television drama, the Fengtai camp stationed more than 20,000 elite troops of the Eight Banners. In fact, in the real history of the Qing Dynasty, the garrison in Fengtai was only a few hundred people, and only post posts were established, which belonged to the troops that maintained law and order. As for the Northern Field Mobile Unit of the Qing Dynasty, it was stationed in Miyun, so it was called the Miyun Battalion. In the film and television drama, the Xishan Ruijian camp was repeatedly mentioned, and according to the description, more than 10,000 troops were stationed, in fact, during the reigns of Kangxi and Yongzheng, the Xishan Ruijian camp did not exist at all.

And it is not the Xishan Rui camp, but the Xishan Jianrui camp, which was established during the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. In that year, in order to quell the rebellion of the big and small Jinchuan and face the complex terrain of the big and small Jinchuan, the Qianlong Emperor specially set up the Ruijian camp. Since it was indeed stationed in Xishan, known as the Xishan Jianrui Battalion, it was impossible to appear during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor. The Establishment of the Xishan Jianrui Battalion is special, with a total of only more than 2,000 people, and the strength of the troops is not much. Therefore, the Fengtai camp and the Xishan Ruijian camp mentioned in the film and television drama are actually non-existent. As for the Eight Flags Infantry Battalion and the Five Patrol Battalions in the city, they are really existent units.

In ancient Chinese history, almost all dynasties and dynasties have stationed a large number of troops near the capital, such as the 16 wei and 6 armies of the Southern And Northern Ya of the Tang Dynasty, the three battalions of the Beijing Division of the Ming Dynasty, and so on. In fact, the situation in the Qing Dynasty was similar, and a large number of troops were also stationed near the capital of the Qing Dynasty. In order to prevent the story of Chen Qiaoyi's mutiny, the army around the Qing Dynasty Division was divided into several parts. In the palace, more than 2,000 guards were stationed, which belonged to the guard force and was managed by the minister of the leading guards. In the capital, there are also eight flag infantry battalions and five patrol battalions. The two units were run by the Nine-Door Admiral, a position of great importance.

The Eight Banners Infantry Battalion had more than 20,000 men, similar to the current Mobile Unit of the Inner Guard. The status of the patrol five battalions is relatively low, belonging to the security force, and there are more than 10,000 people. The Governor of jiumen was responsible for the defense of the capital and had no power to mobilize garrisons outside the capital. In Fengtai and Tongzhou, a field force of the Qing Dynasty was stationed each. The Fengtai camp has more than 20,000 troops, and the troops are very complete, belonging to the main field force of the Qing Dynasty. As for the Tongzhou camp, the situation is similar to that of the Fengtai camp. There are more than 30,000 troops stationed in the Tongzhou camp, basically the same officers and men of the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, and there are also a small number of officers and men of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty.

Although the Tongzhou battalion has more than 30,000 troops stationed, some people think that the actual strength of the Tongzhou battalion is only more than 10,000 people. This is because the situation of short-eating is very serious, and a large number of officers and men are not in the barracks. The salary standard of officers and soldiers in the Qing Dynasty was originally not high, and it was stipulated in the early days of customs entry. After decades and centuries of development, inflation is very high. In order to support their families, many officers and soldiers have chosen to do their own business. Therefore, only about half of the officers and soldiers in the barracks are really in the barracks. If inspected by their superiors, the generals would notify everyone to come back for a few days.

How many field armies were stationed in the Yongzheng Emperor's trump card, the Yangzhou Jiangbei Camp?

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