
The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

The Soviet-German battle in World War II was the most tragic in history, with the Germans pouring 14.2 million troops into the Soviet theater and the Soviet Union reaching a terrifying 34.6 million. Later, the German army was defeated by the Soviet Union, and the defense of the Empire State Building was Germany's last resistance at the end of World War II, and also marked the end of the anti-fascist war in europe.

The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

By the spring of 1945, the Soviets had already attacked the German homeland, and the German defense of Berlin was inevitable, and the German army had set the Reichstag and the Chancellery as the center of defense, but there was no large number of defenders and equipment in this area. Therefore, after the Deployment of the Defensive Line, the German Army divided the remaining distributable infantry into a number of combat squads to assist in the defense of the central area, that is, street battles, and the main defense of the Reichstag was voluntarily defended by the German Army.

The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

On April 29, 1945, when the first Soviet soldiers broke through germany's last line of defense and came to the front of the Reichstag Square, it also meant that the battle for the Reichstag was officially started. There were about 1,500 soldiers in the Reichstag, including more than 1,000 SS soldiers and the rest were foreign volunteers, but these foreign volunteers who regarded death as home were forever buried in the books of history, and why they insisted on holding the Reichstag has become a mystery. The Soviets began the first round of the charge against the Reichstag on the same day, but the young Soviets did not break through and were killed outside the Reichstag.

The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

Later, the Soviet army still persistently charged the German army, the cruel street battle made all the Soviet troops very angry, still continued to organize people and horses to rush to the Reichstag, after many shocks did not rush into the Reichstag, the Soviet army was quickly suppressed by the German machine guns to the street corner outside the square, until the Soviet army several tanks drove into the square, the Soviet army breathed a sigh of relief, but the Germans soon returned to color, the remnants of the German "Müchinburg" armored division with their last tank and anti-tank gun to resist tenaciously, The Reichstag defenders destroyed the Soviet tanks. Unfortunately, the German victory was short-lived, the Soviet armored vehicles continued to enter the vicinity of the Reichstag, and the "Müchinburg" armored division finally had nothing left after several attritions. At the critical juncture when they were about to be captured by the Soviets, the Germans successively attacked the Soviets with withdrawn SS combat squads, and the Soviets were forced to re-establish the defensive line.

The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

In the early morning of April 30, 1945, the real offensive began, the Soviets had captured the Prime Minister's Office and all the Reichstags were killed, and the Soviets launched a real charge that morning, but they all failed. At 11:00 a.m. that day, after the Soviet army began to cover the Reichstag for 20 minutes, the Soviet army rushed into the Reichstag building from three directions at the same time, but the German army was not so easy to yield, still launching a fierce attack on the Soviet army, the Soviet army had to retreat to redeploy and plan.

The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

It was only at 1 p.m. on April 30, 1945, that the Soviets captured the ground floor of the Reichstag. After 18:00 on the same day, two divisions of the Soviet Army entered the Reichstag. The Germans were almost overwhelmed, and as more and more Germans were killed, the German resistance began to weaken. Soon after the Soviets did not carry out any further offensive, naïve to think that the Germans would choose to surrender, and after waiting for an hour, none of the Germans surrendered. In order to force the Germans to surrender, the Soviets opened the passage to the top floor. The Germans, on the other hand, deployed them floor by floor, and planted bombs in key locations, causing huge losses to the Soviets. During this period, the German army and the Soviet army often had white-knife fighting, and the German army basically used the tactic of grenades to open the way and rush out of the hand-to-hand combat after the bullets ran out.

The Defense of the Reichstag: The End of the European Battlefield and the Death-Defying German SS

At that time, the Soviets caught the bazooka and sprayed indiscriminately at the Germans, and with the sound of explosions, the wall was either a pool of blood or a wall with people and people turned into pieces. The Soviets even carried heavy machine guns, which were not used in indoor close-range combat, into the room and swept through the wall to the next room. Amid explosions, strafing, cold weapon knocks, curses, shouts and wailing, Germans and Soviets fell from the upper floors and died. It was not until the end that the Soviets annihilated all 1,500 German and foreign volunteers, and Germany was defeated.

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