
ShuangniuShan found the tomb of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb owner was not wearing a golden jade robe, expert: it was so!

As we all know, after the Battle of Chu and Han, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and established the Western Han Dynasty, and during the Western Han Dynasty, a parallel system of counties and states combining the county system and the sub-feudal system was implemented. In order to defend the rule of the Han Dynasty, during the reign of Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gaozu, he successively cut off other kings with different surnames and sealed 9 princes surnamed Liu. In the sixth year of Han Gaozu,Liu Bang made Liu Fei, the eldest son of Shu, the King of Qi, established the State of Qi, and set the capital at Linzi, ruling over 73 cities, which was the largest princely state in the Western Han Dynasty at that time. After Liu Fei's death, his son Liu Xiang the Prince of Qi'ai succeeded to the throne, and after the Western Han Dynasty implemented the "Tui En Order", the princes divided their fiefdoms among their sons, and the princely states became more and more divided, and Liu Xingju, the younger brother of Liu Xiang, who was then the king of Jibei, was deposed and enfeoffed by Liu Kuan.

ShuangniuShan found the tomb of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb owner was not wearing a golden jade robe, expert: it was so!

Speaking of Liu Kuan, the king of Jibei, I believe many people are not familiar with him, he is the grandson of Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, and the son of Liu Hu, the king of Jibei. During Liu Kuan's reign, he rebelled against human morality because of his adultery with his father Liu Hu's queen and concubines, and cursed the emperor during the sacrifice at the ancestral temple. After the incident, Emperor Wu of Han ordered him to be taken to the capital for questioning, and Liu Kuan died after hearing the news, after which the State of Jibei was deposed and renamed Bei'an County, under the jurisdiction of Taishan County. Today I want to tell you about the tomb of Liu Kuan, the last king of Jibei.

ShuangniuShan found the tomb of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb owner was not wearing a golden jade robe, expert: it was so!

Located in Changqing District, Shandong, there is a double milk mountain, according to the villagers, two prominent mountain bags in history, from a distance to look similar to double milk, so it is called double milk mountain by the locals. It was June 1995, when villagers in Shuangniushan Village in Changqing, Shandong Province, were mining stones in nearby Shuangniushan When they accidentally found a man-made stone wall, they immediately reported it to the local cultural relics bureau. After the local cultural relics bureau received the news, it immediately sent staff to the scene for protection, and archaeologists arrived at the scene and found that it was a large tomb, and the tomb was also blown open by the villagers. After reporting to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage for approval, the Shandong cultural relics department immediately organized an archaeological team to carry out rescue excavations.

ShuangniuShan found the tomb of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb owner was not wearing a golden jade robe, expert: it was so!

After exploration and excavation, experts confirmed that this is a large tomb in the Western Han Dynasty, and the Han Tomb of Shuanglushan mountain is located at the top of the mountain, with the mountain as a mausoleum and the rock chiseled into a cave. According to archaeologists, the shape and structure of the two tombs found in Shuangniushan are basically the same, and the main burial chambers are vertical cave pits excavated on the top of the mountain, with a sloped tomb passage, in the shape of a "A". Experts said that the scale of the Tomb of Shuang rushan Han is very grand, the mausoleum is carved out of stone, to build a mausoleum of this scale, it must cost a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, so experts speculate that the identity of the owner of the tomb is extraordinary, at least a prince.

ShuangniuShan found the tomb of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb owner was not wearing a golden jade robe, expert: it was so!

According to experts, more than 2,400 pieces of bronze, jade, iron, lacquerware, pottery, gold cakes, carriage and horse utensils have been unearthed from the Shuangrushan Han Tomb. Among them, the jade covering and jade pillow are the most exquisite, the jade covering is composed of forehead, yi, cheek, cheek, jaw, ear and other parts, the image is vivid and integrated; the jade pillow is composed of 9 pieces of jade pieces, 3 pieces of jade plate, 2 pieces of jade tiger headdress and bamboo plate in three layers, with ingenious structure and unique ingenuity. The archaeologists carefully cleaned the corners of the tomb and found nothing to prove the identity of the tomb owner, so who is the owner of the tomb? Experts consult historical records that the Changqing area during the Western Han Dynasty belonged to the fiefdom of the State of Jibei, and the owner of the Han tomb in Shuanglushan was likely to be a certain King of Jibei in the Western Han Dynasty, and experts said that this is the largest Han tomb found in the country at present.

ShuangniuShan found the tomb of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb owner was not wearing a golden jade robe, expert: it was so!

According to the five baht money unearthed in the tomb, it was minted in 118 BC, indicating that the tomb owner was buried later than this time, and experts at the beginning of the period inferred that the owner of the tomb was Liu Hu, the prince of the Northern Kingdom of Jibei, because he reigned for 54 years and had time and finance to build such a large mausoleum for himself, but soon experts overturned this conclusion. Because according to the customs of the Western Han Dynasty, the tombs of the princes will be buried with golden jade clothes, but no trace of the golden jade clothes has been found in the tombs of the Han tombs of Shuangrushan Mountain, nor has there been any yellow intestine inscriptions and seals, and there are very few burial jade objects, plus the tomb has not really been completed, so experts infer that the tomb owner is Liu Kuan, the last prince of the Northern Kingdom of Jibei.

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