
In order to solve the problem of the princes, the Han Dynasty implemented the policy of tuien order, why did the kings not resist?

The main reason for the success of Emperor Wu of Han's tuien order was nothing more than two points: first, this order was a holy decree issued by the emperor that must be carried out, which is common sense; the second was that the tuien decree made the princes have no choice but to carry it out, and if they did not carry out their sons, they would never agree, especially the children of the second son and other non-concubine eldest sons. It is precisely because of this edict that these sons who originally had no chance of getting the land and wealth also have such an opportunity, then they will definitely respond to and carry out the orders of the imperial court, after all, they can get a part of the wealth and power, which no one can resist. The princes also knew the true meaning of this order, that is, to weaken the power of the princes, so that the imperial court was dominant, so that no prince anywhere had the opportunity to challenge the central government, thus affecting the stability of the rule. If he did not do this, then the relationship between him and his sons would deteriorate, affect the unity of the family, and may even be reported to the imperial court, which would be more than worth the loss, and eventually he would have no choice but to carry out this order. I'll talk about a few things:

In order to solve the problem of the princes, the Han Dynasty implemented the policy of tuien order, why did the kings not resist?

The case of the Tuien Order

According to the current historical records, in the early days of the Han Dynasty, the titles and fiefs of the princes were inherited by the eldest son alone, and other children did not get any fiefs. Later, with the development of time, the area of the various princely states was further developed and there were a certain number of armies under its jurisdiction, which seriously threatened the rule of the imperial court, and later the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms broke out, which was more and more intolerable to the rulers.

In order to solve this problem, in 127 BC, the then emperor Emperor Wu of Han adopted the proposal of the chancellor's father to weaken the power of the princely states and issued the "Tui En Order". The content of the so-called Tuien Order is mainly: it stipulates that in addition to letting the eldest son of the prince inherit the throne, the rest of the princes are enfeoffed in the original country, and the newly feudal princely state is no longer under the jurisdiction of the original princely prince, and is directly administered by the counties, and its territory and status are equivalent to the counties.

After the implementation of this order, the problem of the princely states that had previously threatened the central government was well solved, because the land of these princely states became smaller and smaller, and later reached one hundred and ten princely states. As a result of these, the subsequent princely states were no longer able to compete with the central government, and the centralization of power was effectively consolidated. This allowed the princely kingdoms to be nominally not stripped of their domains, thus avoiding the possibility of provoking an armed revolt by the princes. Even if some princes dared to rebel with their own strength, they would soon be quelled, because their overall strength could not compete with the imperial court. As a result of the implementation of the Tuien Order, the problem of making the princes powerful and difficult to control was solved in one step.

In order to solve the problem of the princes, the Han Dynasty implemented the policy of tuien order, why did the kings not resist?

The reason for the smooth implementation of the Tuien Order

The main reason why Emperor Wu of Han's edict was able to be implemented smoothly was to take advantage of the contradictions between the sons of the local princes and the situation of the princes themselves. At the beginning, according to the regulations, the position and fiefdom of the princes could only be inherited by the eldest son of the concubine, and other sons could only find another way out, which made many second sons and other sons without the right to inherit very dissatisfied, and also made the princes' families full of contradictions.

And the Tuien Order just solved this problem, so that the sons of the eldest son of the non-concubine also had the right to inherit, even if they could only get a part of it, it was much better than nothing. Therefore, the sons of the princes were extremely welcome to this order, of course, the eldest son may be dissatisfied, but there is nothing they can do. Because not all the eldest sons, the princes like it, some people prefer their second son or third son, want to give them some fiefdoms to make their lives better, but suffering from the previous regulations there is no way, now that the Tuien order has been issued, it is just that you can handle it like this, divide your fiefdom to your favorite son, so that everyone has a chance to get it.

If the princes are unwilling to carry it out, they will be charged with the conflict with the children in the family, and they will have the opportunity to obtain fiefs and property through this order, but their fathers are not willing to do so, which will aggravate the contradictions, so the princes know the intention of the court and have to do so.

In order to solve the problem of the princes, the Han Dynasty implemented the policy of tuien order, why did the kings not resist?

In summary, the Tuien Order implemented in the Han Dynasty well solved the situation that had plagued the imperial court before, so that the strength of the princes gradually weakened, and finally they could not resist the imperial court and stabilized their rule.

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