
Tesla Cyberruck will push small size models related to the announcement in March

Since its release on November 22, 2019, Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup trucks have won the attention of many people with their powerful power and sci-fi styling, and their pre-sales have risen since their release, accumulating more than 1.2 million orders. However, due to multiple factors such as the shortage of automotive chips around the world, the official mass production time of the car has also been delayed. Recently, it has been reported that in addition to the standard-size models previously unveiled, Tesla may also launch a smaller-size Cyberruck model.

Tesla Cyberruck will push small size models related to the announcement in March

Tesla or launched a small size Cyberruck

According to foreign media reports, a stock analyst named Trip Chowdhry and Tesla supporters recently said that in addition to the standard-size model, Tesla may also launch a small-size Cyberruck, which is about 15% to 20% smaller than the ordinary version, and is expected to be displayed to the public at a special Tesla event held in March. As early as the release of the car, Musk had said that it was meaningful for Tesla to launch a smaller Cyberruck, but he has never proposed this idea in public since then, and the small size Cyberruck has not been officially recognized by Tesla.

According to Chowdhry, Tesla won't mention the matter in its next earnings call on Jan. 26. A new report released by Reuters shows that Cybertruck may be officially mass-produced at the end of this year and will start delivery early next year. Reuters also said that given that Tesla has postponed mass production of Cyberteruck for so long, the design of the car may face important changes to cope with competition from other electric pickups. Moreover, given that Ford, Nissan and other manufacturers will soon launch electric pickup trucks smaller than Cyberruck, it is not impossible for Tesla to launch a small-size Cyberruck to compete with it.

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