
The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

The registration of the women's volleyball head coach selection has ended, and after zhao Yong and Zhang Jianzhang registered on the first registration day, we did not receive the news that other people were selected to register, Wang Baoquan and Cai Bin, who had a relatively high voice, still chose to stay still, and the young coach may also be insufficient, so to a large extent, the head coach is between Zhao Yong and Zhang Jianzhang, but this is obviously not satisfactory to everyone.

The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

Although Zhao Yong's team results are barely OK, Zhang Jianzhang's biggest credit is to win the Athens Olympic Championship as Chen Zhonghe's assistant coach, but they also belong to the coaches who are not high or low, and many young people with high voices, their upper limit seems to have been seen, such as Feng Kun, Yang Hao and other retired national players, and Wang Baoquan and Cai Bin, their level is obviously very inferior, so we don't have to have too much expectations.

The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

In addition, what we are most worried about is when the head coach will be announced, referring to Lang Ping's competition for the head coach that year, the competition began on April 15, 2013, and it was announced on April 25, 2013, which took only 10 days, and compared with the just-concluded women's football coach selection, october 12, 2021 registration, until November 18, 2021, chose to directly appoint Shui Qingxia, which lasted more than 1 month, so the selection of the coach this time may be announced in about 10 days at the earliest.

The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

In fact, the process of selecting the coach is more complicated, after three levels of confirmation to be eligible to become the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, first of all, the recommendation of the expert group, then the confirmation of the leadership team, and finally the approval of the highest level of the volleyball association, so as long as the opinions and ideas in each link cannot be unified, it is possible to have problems.

The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

Referring to the previous women's football coach, Zhu Guanghu supported Zhao Junzhe, Sun Wen supported Chen Wanting, and finally determined that Shui Qingxia, who did not participate in the competition, we do not rule out that there is such a problem in the women's volleyball team, after all, the number of people in the leading group and the expert group alone is 11 people, it is difficult to ensure that everyone's ideas are the same, and champions like Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe, they are bound to have their own set of standards for looking at people.

The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

Although the head coach is the soul of the team, but after Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe quit, the current existing domestic provincial team coaching lineup has limited expectations for them, whether it is Wang Baoquan or Cai Bin, no matter what the reason, in the eyes of the fans they have failed, and in the case of excluding foreign teachers, it may be more meaningful to support a young and vigorous young coach, of course, this final decision is not on our fans, I hope the Chinese women's volleyball team has good luck.

The women's volleyball coach is the fastest or 10 days to announce, the process is too complicated and variable, and the expectations are not too high

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