
Microsoft Bing Bing China restores the "Search Suggestions" feature

According to reports, last month, Microsoft Bing officially issued a statement saying that under the laws of the People's Republic of China, Bing suspended the "search auto-suggestion" function for 30 days in Chinese mainland.

Microsoft Bing Bing China restores the "Search Suggestions" feature

According to netizen feedback, Bing's search suggestion function in China has returned to normal.

According to the data of the market research agency StatCounter, in the domestic search engine market in 2021, Baidu's market share of 85.48% is far ahead, And Bing's market share of 4.44% ranks second; Sogou ranks third, 3.66%; Google ranks fourth with 2.93%; Haosou ranks fifth with 1.47%; and Shenma ranks sixth with 1.37%.

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