
The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

In 2022, women to the field became the first "battlefield" of the game industry.

In the past 1 month, NetEase's "Absolute Interpretation" and Tencent's "Brilliant Star Road" have followed, and 3 days later, on January 20, this field will usher in the first new product of this year's "Lingyunnuo" of the veteran head manufacturer Friendship Time.

It is no exaggeration to say that the major game manufacturers attach importance to women's categories, and may have to go to another level this year. In the context of the three products choosing to launch at the same time, shaping a differentiated friendship time that has gained a lot of gains in the national style women's games for many times, how to seize the core women to game users again through "Lingyunnuo" may become a thinking topic at the beginning of the year.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

Compared with traditional women's games, what new attempts has Lingyunnuo made?

Traditional women's games are mostly modern or two-dimensional cultivation themes, and the most intuitive difference of "Ling Yunnuo" is that it focuses on the ancient style, using ink composition to make a completely different painting style from the women's products on the market.

For example, in the character standing painting, the difference in the perception shown in "Ling Yunnuo" is particularly obvious. The character costumes in the game can see the traditional costume elements including Hanfu, but in the overall presentation, they also integrate modern aesthetic styles. For example, in addition to the more obvious characteristics of the Hanfu style of "praise clothing belt, regular short clothes and wide sleeves", the heroine can also see the color matching in line with modern aesthetics.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

In terms of plot, the deep difference between "Ling Yunnuo" and the women's game currently on the market has gradually emerged.

"Ling Yunnuo" adopts a double plot structure, in the context of the "Great Qi Dynasty" suffering from the epidemic, the female protagonist chooses the career path to strive to restore the world's peace, and the male protagonist is to practice medicine and go deep into the people to help the people. It can be found that "Ling Yunnuo" focuses more on the self-growth of male and female protagonists in different environments, neither does it have a "domineering president" setting that women are more mature in the game, nor does it ink too much in love.

Looking at the heroine alone, the setting of "Ling Yunnuo" "a female growth road that worries the country and the people" should come from the modern women who shine in the workplace. Through the character design of "Ling Yunnuo", players can easily relate to the awakening of modern women's independent consciousness, so as to feel the charm of women's independence at the career level.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

In fact, in the current environment, women have always been the existence of "women can hold up half the sky". Women can be seen from nurses everywhere to doctors who stick to the front line. The opening speech of "Ling Yunnuo" fully reflects that the inspiration for the production of friendship time is derived from this. In other words, what "Ling Yunnuo" expresses is actually an affirmation and praise of the contributions made by modern women at the social level. This is also a relatively rare entry point in the current female game products on the market.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

(Ling Yunnuo animation CG)

How does Lingyunnuo integrate traditional culture into the game?

The difference in plot and theme is enough for "Ling Yunnuo" to gain attention on the female to game track. However, the friendship time has more than this polishing of "Lingyunnuo", and the R& D team can also be seen working in the direction of integrating traditional culture.

Founded in 2010, Friendship Time has launched many masterpieces of national wind so far, which has achieved good response in the market and has also accumulated rich experience in the development of women's games for Friendship Time. The veteran woman's dedication to the manufacturer's ancient route is enough to prove that the R & D team is "handy".

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

Launched for more than two years, "Floating For The Song" is still a regular visitor to the iOS best-seller list Top 30

For example, the innovative art style, the friendship time from the initial good at the realistic ancient style, to the first attempt at "two-dimensional + ancient style", to the "Floating Life for the Qing Song", the game has another layer of aesthetics. The art of "Ling Yunnuo" is more like a collection of friendship times, and the picture and aesthetic are more eye-catching, quite an ancient style of ink and brush strokes.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

It is worth mentioning that in the body of "Ling Yunnuo", the "natural advantage" of Suzhou, the city where the friendship time is located, also emerged.

As one of the representative cities of Jiangnan culture, Suzhou's Jiangnan water town of "heaven on the top and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the bottom" has always been one of the representative symbols of traditional culture. Jiangnan culture is also the focus of the art of "Ling Yunnuo", the game can be seen everywhere in the green water, gardens and other Jiangnan water town architectural style, the overall ink painting style also reflects the artistic conception of Jiangnan culture. Therefore, in a certain sense, rather than saying that "Lingyunnuo" is a combination of game and culture, it is better to say that "Lingyunnuo" itself is an expression of Jiangnan culture.

In addition, in cooperation with the new generation of cultural inheritors in the fields of Su embroidery, medicinal incense, Hanfu, and Guohua, the traditional culture is truly displayed in "Lingyunnuo", and it can also be seen that the friendship time of "National Cultural Export Key Enterprise" for many consecutive years attaches great importance to cultural inheritance.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

What does the appearance of "Ling Yunnuo" mean for women to play?

In the context of the current national trend and encouraging cultural self-confidence, cultural expression has become an industry trend. On the whole, the independent female orientation of "Ling Yunnuo" plus the national style is the "new answer sheet" handed over by the friendship time in the exploration.

According to the scale and growth of female game users released by the Game Work Committee, the female game market with 300 million users occupies the majority of categories such as casual, anthropomorphic, and dressup. However, in these routes, the integration of traditional culture is relatively limited, and the more common practice is to integrate national style elements into individual equipment such as clothing, or to carry out cross-border linkage to reflect culture through time-limited activities.

It can be seen that while female game users are rising year by year, the current head women on the market still pay attention to the homogenization of love line cultivation and partial love fantasies.

The first "big war" in the game industry in 2022, what does Lingyunnuo use to retain users?

In terms of cultural expression and the theme of the story that resonates with the target group, there is still room for women to explore the game. Before the outbreak of this field, the friendship time that has been based on the national wind + the theme of the big heroine is working hard in this direction. The continuous update of the painting style and story theme of the works of the past generations, combined with the current hot spots in real time, can not only show the development strategy of women who are deeply rooted in the market during the friendship time, but also glimpse their relatively open and free corporate culture concept.

As a masterpiece of friendship time, "Ling Yunnuo" is no longer satisfied with only using traditional love routines to attract women to players. As for whether the content delivered by "Lingyunnuo" can meet the needs of women to game users at present, the game market will reveal the answer soon.

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