
Consciousness is about to fall, and the "tiger" abandons itself, harvesting nearly 70 million yuan a year

author:Shangguan News

Episode 3: Punishing the Former and The Latter

Commentary: Punishing those who have done wrong and curing the sick and saving people is our party's consistent policy. Since the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, discipline inspection and supervision organs have implemented the requirements of the party Central Committee, carried forward the good practices and good experiences formed in exploration and practice since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, always maintained the intensity of "punishment," actively explored ways to "govern," given full play to the effectiveness of "rescue," continuously deepened and expanded the connotations and methods of punishing those who have been punished before and after, cured diseases and saved people, persisted in combining strict management with loving care, attached equal importance to incentives and restraints, and promoted the continuous in-depth development of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, rectifying the work style, suppressing discipline, and fighting corruption.

【Subtitle: The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission】

Xi Jinping: It is necessary to integrate the rectification of discipline and anti-corruption with the deepening of reform, the improvement of the system, and the promotion of governance, make good use of the "four forms", punish the former and the latter, treat the disease and save people, and comprehensively play the role of punishment deterrence, punishment and rescue, and education and vigilance.

【Commentary】 The discipline inspection and supervision organs will implement the concept of punishing the former and punishing the latter, treating the sick and saving people, and implementing it throughout the entire process of discipline inspection and supervision work. Rectifying the work style and suppressing discipline and fighting corruption is not only a serious work of supervising and enforcing discipline and law enforcement, but also arduous and meticulous ideological and political work; finding out problems and severely punishing them is not the only purpose; it is also necessary to make party-member leading cadres who have made mistakes truly realize their mistakes, make them believe in the organization, and sincerely repent, so as to achieve the purpose of educating, reforming, and saving people, and realize the unity of the political, disciplinary, and social effects of investigating and handling cases.

Chen Gang (former member of the party group of the China Association for Science and Technology, secretary of the Secretariat): I am grateful for the party's censorship and legal sanctions, which are a kind of salvation and a kind of salvation for you. Because at this time, after you have removed these muddy waters, you can have a clean soul and live a new life. Throwing away the wandering, fearful, tangled state of life in the past, I think my current mental state is much healthier than in the past.

Chen Gang, former member of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology, was the Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, and a member of the Standing Committee and Vice Mayor of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. His prominent problem is the use of the important power of planning approval to trade power for money. After the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection successively received some reports of problems related to Chen Gang's close contacts with his boss and extravagant work style, and sent letters to Chen Gang, all of which Chen Gang denied. In February 2017, Chen Gang was transferred to the office of the former State Council's South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee, and in 2018, he was transferred to the China Association for Science and Technology. Chen Gang realized that the organization might further investigate and deal with him.

Chen Gang: There are nightmares, there will also be entanglements, how to do so many things in the past, how to clean up, I am also self-aware.

[Commentary] For a whole year in 2018, Chen Gang held the mentality of self-abandonment and lived a self-destructive life. Instead of restraining himself or taking it over, he intensified his efforts and frantically accepted nearly 70 million yuan in huge bribes, accounting for more than half of his total bribes. At the same time, he was extremely afraid of emptiness in his heart, and he anesthetized himself every day by indulging in erotic pleasures, and he thought of taking the initiative to surrender many times. In January 2019, when the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission asked Chen Gang to verify the situation in another case, some of his unusual remarks attracted the attention of the special case team.

Gu Ju (staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): During the conversation, Chen Gang took the initiative to talk to the organization and asked the central management cadres who had surrendered themselves before how the organization viewed them. What kind of policies will be given by the organization in the future for those who can take the initiative to clarify the problems and take the initiative to confess to the organization, and how is the law stipulated? We perceive some of Chen Gang's thoughts on his own problem.

[Commentary] Chen Gang was in the midst of contradictions and entanglements at that time, and he had both the impulse to explain and the uncertainty of moving. The special case team captured his mentality and immediately carried out ideological and political work on him, and this evidence collection conversation turned into a sudden encounter and a tough battle.

Gu Ju (staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): We have further clarified his organizational policies for him, and also encouraged him to be like Ai Wenli, who was able to surrender himself before. In the process of telling him about these cases, Chen Gang's attitude gradually wavered, saying that he was willing to consider it. We seized this sign and continued to work for him in depth so that he could realize that seizing the opportunity to clarify his problems to the organization as soon as possible was the only way out.

Gang Chen: People hesitate. But in the end, what I figured out was this matter, and I couldn't have any luck mentality, you had to explain the problem comprehensively, thoroughly, and cleanly, and the sooner the better.

[Commentary] The in-depth conversation that lasted for several hours prompted Chen Gang to make up his mind to surrender on the spot. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission then formally filed a case against Chen Gang for review and investigation. Chen Gang quickly confessed all the facts of his violations of discipline and law, involving bribes of as much as 120 million yuan. However, the task force noticed that his mentality at that time was more to hope to strive for light treatment through active accounting, and the reflection on his own mistakes was not deep enough.

Gu Ju (Staff Member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Education and rescue are the pursuits of our review and investigation. More importantly, let him realize why he did wrong, how he went in the wrong direction step by step, and encourage him to reflect on his own life experience.

[Commentary] Together with Chen Gang, the special case team systematically sorted out and reflected on his past life. Chen Gang graduated from Tsinghua University in 1989 with a major in urban planning, just in time for an excellent historical opportunity. At that time, Beijing still only had the third ring road, the subway only had line 1 and line 2, and the rapid development of urban construction was in urgent need of highly educated professionals. In the context of such a big era, Chen Gang joined the work for only eight years, and then he came to the main leadership position in the field of planning and construction in Beijing, and he was also full of passion at that time, and he was full of enthusiasm and was excited to participate in the construction of Beijing.

Chen Gang: The tide of the country requires intellectuals to quickly top up, and there is a real feeling of blood boiling, and they are thrown into this tide of reform, opening up, and construction.

Chen Gang became deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission at the age of 31, director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission at the age of 36, and vice mayor of Beijing at the age of 40.

Chen Gang: Everywhere people say that you are a young and promising professional cadre with fluttering thoughts. But in fact, later, as your power increases, the risks you face, the tests, the challenges, the temptations, in fact, these tests are not your professional knowledge, but your ideals and beliefs, your values, but you just relax, you don't think those things are important.

[Commentary] Ignoring the tempering of ideals and convictions, it is naturally difficult to establish a solid defense line against corruption and degeneration. And Chen Gang holds the right to approve planning, and it is in the period of rapid development of the real estate industry, under the key "hunting" of real estate developers, Chen Gang gradually lost his concentration. The boss developed from arranging for him to eat and entertain, to providing vehicles, credit cards, and then directly sending real estate and huge sums of money; Chen Gang used the convenience of his position to help the boss in the change of the nature of the project land, the approval of the planning and design plan, the adjustment of the plan, the approval and acceptance of the project, and so on.

Gang Chen: There is discretion in planning, and the power gap left behind is too large. This land gives you, what kind of building, how much to cover, related to his profits, his returns.

[Commentary] Chen Gang has been engaged in and in charge of Beijing's planning and urban construction work for 17 years, and his problems also reflect the chaos and ills in this field, which are worth summarizing in depth, using cases to promote reform, and by improving the system and strengthening supervision, to avoid the recurrence of the same mistakes by latecomers. In the conversation with Chen Gang, the special case team discussed the problems in the field of planning and construction with him in depth, which also promoted him to reflect more deeply on his own mistakes.

Gu Juniper (Staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): I hope to discover some deep-seated problems in beijing's planning and construction fields. Discovering problems, rectifying problems, and solving problems through the investigation and handling of cases is the purpose of our review and investigation.

[Commentary] The special case group arranged for Chen Gang to re-study a series of important documents of the CPC Central Committee on the planning of the capital, encouraging him to put aside his personal gains and losses, return to his original intention and public heart, seriously think in light of his own experience, and put forward valuable reflections and suggestions. This arrangement deeply touched Chen Gang.

Gang Chen: Personal gains and losses are actually not important. What you gain and lose more (should) is to think about those things, your work, what you bring to the city, what you bring to the larger crowd, where it gains and losses are. Looking back, these things are a kind of salvation for you, a kind of salvation for you.

[Commentary] Thinking about the big problems of planning and construction, in turn, also promotes Chen Gang's reflection on "self". He took the initiative to talk to the special task force about several absurd things he had done, and made a deep confession from the bottom of his heart. One of them is about the construction of private gardens. From 2002 to 2014, in order to satisfy his "design dream", Chen Gang asked his boss to invest tens of millions of yuan to build a private garden garden for him in Huairou, Beijing, in two phases. Because the garden violated Beijing's urban master plan, it was demolished after Chen Gang was investigated.

【Commentary】The garden covers a total area of 109 acres, with a construction area of more than 3,000 square meters, luxurious decoration, including Chinese-style courtyards, Western-style waterfront all-glass villas, Japanese courtyards, etc., and has a semi-suspended swimming pool, artificial white beach, audio-visual room, massage room and other places. After its completion, Chen Gang often brought his family, friends and business owners here for leisure and entertainment, indulging in the "quality life" space he created. Looking back now, he felt the narrowness of selfish desires.

Gang Chen: A very stupid, very ignorant approach, the root is the ego. In your planning throughout Beijing, haven't you received this reward and value recognition? Isn't this joy a greater joy? What does it mean for an individual to make such a small garden? Is it worth it to get those personal, material things at such a great price? Now to put it in my heart, relative to my own life value, my life value, my career value, I really feel that it is not worth it.

Another thing Chen Gang is particularly remorseful about is that in 2008, a real estate owner who was close to him developed a property in a prime location in Beijing, and Chen Gang saw the environmental location of the community and asked the boss to build a tailor-made villa for him. He personally revised the drawings and changed the above-ground area to more than 200 square meters to meet the policy standards. In fact, he asked the boss to build a two-story basement with a total area of more than 800 square meters above and below ground. When the relevant departments of Beijing Municipality came to inspect the area of the house, he arranged for the boss to carefully cover the stair elevator leading to the basement, and the disguised house was only one floor above the ground. Now, reflecting on himself as a high-ranking cadre, Chen Gang is sincerely ashamed of being so painstaking in order to be greedy.

Chen Gang: Trying to disguise in every way, I was trapped in this cage by my own selfish desires. Although I am here now to be censored and have lost my freedom, I am liberated, I can sleep and eat. Of course, I am very sorry now, one regrets sorry for the party and the people, and has failed in this; the second wasted his youth and wasted his precious life. Fortunately, I finally woke up late, but after all, I woke up.

[Commentary] Self-reflection that touches the soul is always painful, but Chen Gang finally took this step and faced his worst side. Whether it is from the reflection of individual mistakes or the analysis of problems in the field of planning and construction in Beijing, this review and investigation has achieved the effect of "punishing" to "curing".

Gu Juniper (staff member of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection): He carefully sorted out and reviewed the gains and losses of his planning and urban construction work in Beijing, and took the initiative to write down his understanding and thinking on some issues in the field of planning and construction in Beijing. Through the use of cases to promote reform, Chen Gang's case finally achieved very good political, legal and social effects.

Commentary: In February 2021, the court held a public hearing of Chen Gang's case. The court held that Chen Gang illegally accepted more than 120 million yuan of other people's property, constituting the crime of accepting bribes. In view of the fact that he voluntarily surrendered, truthfully confessed the crime, constituted voluntary surrender, had major meritorious performance, and had statutory mitigating circumstances, Chen Gang was finally sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.

Chen Gang: I especially want to talk about this point, when there is a problem, really open up to the party organization to explain clearly, the sooner it is cured, the better. If I had treated it earlier, when my first button was not buttoned, or when the second button and the third button were not buttoned, it would not be as far as it is now. So that's a deep lesson. To this point, I still think it is not too late, or I have been saved.

[Commentary] Looking back at the party's century-long course of struggle, many principles and policies that have been sustained and effective have been summed up from rich practical experience and profound historical lessons. In February 1942, when yan'an was rectifying the wind, Comrade Mao Zedong first put forward the principle of "punishing the former and punishing the latter, curing the disease and saving people". Over the past 70 -odd years, this policy has been tested by long-term practice and has become the historical experience and fine tradition of our party in consolidating and developing the party's unity and unity by solving its own problems, and is also an important symbol of our party's political maturity.

Han Jinping (Deputy Director of the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): We "punish the former" for the purpose of "punishing the queen" and "curing the disease" in order to "save people." After the Eighteenth National Congress, in the historical process of our party's continuous and in-depth promotion of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, the understanding and practice of "punishing the former and punishing the latter" has been continuously deepened, and the political effect of curing the disease and saving people has been truly realized.

Commentary: The "Regulations on Intra-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China" revised in 2016 regard punishing the former and punishing the latter, treating the sick and saving people as an important principle of the party's supervision work. The "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China" regard punishing those who have committed crimes before and after and treating the sick and saving people as one of the five principles that the party should adhere to in disciplinary punishment work. In October 2017, the new Party Constitution adopted by the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, while adhering to the principle of punishing the former and punishing the latter, curing the disease and saving people, added provisions such as strict discipline enforcement, investigation of violations of discipline, early grasp of small problems, and prevention of micro-gradualism, which have become the principles that must be followed in supervising and enforcing discipline. The principle of "punishing those who have done wrong before and after, curing diseases and saving people" has been effectively implemented in practical work, helping many party members and cadres who have violated discipline and the law to find their original intentions, admit their mistakes and repent of their mistakes, and finally realize self-transformation.

Liu Guoqiang (Former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference): From the beginning of my lack of understanding of my own mistakes, to gradually understanding and deepening my understanding, I really feel that I am wrong.

Liu Guoqiang, former deputy secretary and vice chairman of the party group of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former general manager of Benxi Iron and Steel Group, mayor of Benxi Municipal Government, and vice governor of Liaoning Provincial Government, retired in January 2017 and was reviewed and investigated in July 2020. At that time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission discovered a clue that Liu Guoqiang had accepted bribes in the course of handling another case, and after preliminary verification, Liu Guoqiang was placed in liuzhi measures. At that time, Liu Guoqiang said that he would confess all the problems to the organization, but in fact, he avoided the important and light.

Zhao Feng (Staff of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Some suspected bribery problems have been successively explained, and the amount is relatively large, tens of millions. After reaching tens of millions, we found that he had a mentality of trying to fool through the pass, and he no longer explained new problems, but had to deal with our case-handling personnel.

Liu Guoqiang: I didn't feel too much guilt, how to say it at the time, I was not very accepting psychologically.

From 2006 to 2020, he used the convenience of his position to help others in matters such as business operation and job promotion, illegally accepting property equivalent to more than 350 million yuan, and the amount of bribes was so huge, But Liu Guoqiang hid his ears and stole bells in his thinking, and found excuses to paralyze himself.

Liu Guoqiang: The money they gave me, I always felt a little bit like I should be in my heart, it was all I helped them develop from small to large, they thanked me from the bottom of their hearts and gave me money, so at that time it was such a mentality, I never realized that this bit of my own ability, this little power, was given by the party and the people, this is the core issue.

[Commentary] On the one hand, Liu Guoqiang avoids and whitewashes his own problems ideologically, and on the other hand, he has a strong fluke mentality. He had done a lot of preparations to fight the organization's investigation, thinking that he might be able to avoid detection.

Zhao Feng (a staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): He transferred some of the money he received to his boss, whom he thought was good friends with. Liu Guoqiang told him that if you organize an investigation, you will not say anything, I will not say anything. In the process of review and investigation, in fact, these bosses involved in the case quickly confessed to the improper economic exchanges with Liu Guoqiang.

[Commentary] The special case group intensified its peripheral investigations, grasped a large number of new clues and evidence, and seized a large amount of property hidden by Liu Guoqiang at some bosses, and continued to carry out ideological and political work on this basis. Before being expelled from the party, the party members and cadres who were retained in custody were still comrades in the party, and the special case group also called them "comrades" and held "comrade-style" conversations with them, urging them to face their own mistakes and clarify the problems themselves.

Zhao Feng (a staff member of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission): In the process of doing ideological and political work, we adopted many methods, and in the early stage, we gave him his application for joining the party and the party constitution, read it, and reawakened his sense of party spirit.

More than 40 years ago, Liu Guoqiang wrote this application to join the party when he was in college. Between the lines, it is a yearning and longing for the party organization and a simple enthusiasm for making contributions to the people of the motherland. Revisiting the words written by himself in his 20s, comparing the road he has traveled in the following decades, Liu Guoqiang asked himself, indeed he is gradually drifting away from his original intention.

Liu Guoqiang: I have shown me the application for joining the party, and I myself have shed tears, and I think back to the road I wanted to take, and I regret it very much, and I am also very guilty.

Zhao Feng (a staff member of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission): After he himself read the application for joining the party, he also told the comrades of the special case group about his original intention of joining the party, that is to say, he had betrayed his original intention.

[Commentary] People's thinking is complex, and the process of ideological transformation cannot be smooth and achieved overnight, but it is repeated and tortuous. In each case, it is necessary to take a different approach to the actual situation of the lien subject and carry out patient and meticulous work. The special case team analyzed the actual situation of Liu Guoqiang and paid attention to the family's call to his affection, which deeply touched Liu Guoqiang.

Zhao Feng (a staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Asked his son to have a dialogue with his father in the air, and asked his father, after receiving so much money, do you enjoy it or can you take it away, is it not good for us to live a good life? It touched him a lot.

Liu Guoqiang: I shed tears, and I thought to myself, his mother was no longer there, and as a result, my so-called "concern" for him finally killed him.

【Commentary】The special case group adheres to the integration of discipline and law reason, and unifies discipline enforcement, policy and strategy with ideological guidance, psychological counseling, and organizational care, educating and inspiring people.

Liu Guoqiang: The Mid-Autumn Festival task force specially sent me mooncakes. I had a birthday on December 17th, and I bought a birthday cake, a cake that a few young men in the task force ate with me. I miss my daughter, so I will give me the video. I was unwell and took good care of me.

During the examination and investigation, Liu Guoqiang often used the excuse that he was a professional cadre and did not know discipline and did not understand the law as an excuse to excuse himself. To this end, the special case group specially arranged for him to study party rules and party discipline, watch warning education films, and conduct discipline and law education, prompting him to find out the deep-seated reasons for his violations of discipline and law.

Zhao Feng (a staff member of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission): After watching the warning education film, he said that he received warning education before and did not really go to his heart, but watching the warning education film here, this role is different, and he feels that the person in the warning education film is himself. When you really put yourself in it, the role of this kind of education will be truly achieved.

【Commentary】A series of comprehensive measures such as looking back at the original heart, deterring discipline and law, and calling on relatives and feelings have had a great impact on Liu Guoqiang, especially the comrades of the special case team recalling and combing his growth experience with him, which made Liu Guoqiang feel a lot of feelings. Gradually, he stopped running away from himself and began to sincerely reflect on his life.

Liu Guoqiang: I think back to myself, I went to college with a salary, and the state provided me, and at that time I really had a grateful mood and must do a good job. As his status became higher and higher, he completely changed the study, living, and working environment before he joined the party, one in the sky and one in the underground. With this change, there is no grasp of yourself.

Commentary: Many party members and leading cadres who have embarked on the wrong path are not completely ignorant of their original intentions, but are gradually lost as their power grows. Liu Guoqiang worked in Benxi Iron and Steel Group for a long time in his early years, and he also had the passion and pride to fight for the national steel industry and made contributions. How did the subsequent metamorphosis happen? After in-depth talks between the special case group and him again and again, Liu Guoqiang felt the attitude of the party organization toward the cadres who made mistakes and sought truth from facts, and finally began to face up to the process of the gradual deterioration of his thinking.

Liu Guoqiang: The party has trained me from a purely technical cadre to a high-ranking cadre, but this root cause has not been solved, and the higher the position you go to, the greater the destructive power.

After deep reflection, Liu Guoqiang finally realized that the fundamental reason for his transformation was to give up his original mission and give up his ideals and beliefs. The change of thinking will naturally be reflected in action. Liu Guoqiang went from initially harboring a confrontational mood to explaining the problems a little bit with reservations, to finally confessing all the problems and sincerely writing a confession to the party and the people.

Zhao Feng (a staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Through ideological and political work, he successively explained to the organization some problems between other bosses involved in the case who had improper economic contacts with him.

By the end of the review and investigation, Liu Guoqiang's mentality had undergone a fundamental change. In August 2021, the court conducted a first-instance trial, and the procuratorate prosecuted Liu Guoqiang for accepting more than 350 million yuan of illegal property, and should be investigated for criminal responsibility for accepting bribes according to law. The court will pronounce the verdict at a later date. Liu Guoqiang pleaded guilty and repented in court and obeyed any verdict.

Liu Guoqiang: I regret it very much, and I feel very guilty. Whatever punishment the law gives me, I think is nothing more than that, it should be, I do not appeal, completely obey the court's judgment.

Zhao Feng (Staff Member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): In fact, our investigation and punishment of a person is not the ultimate goal, we hope to investigate and punish a person, educate a group of people, warn a group of people, and finally realize the purification of the political ecology.

Commentary: The price paid for the occurrence of every corruption case, whether it is for individuals or for party organizations, is painful. The price cannot be paid in vain, and the lessons must be remembered. During the period of examination and investigation, leading cadres who violated discipline and law and party members wrote profound confessions in light of the fact that their ideals and convictions were shaken and that they violated discipline and the law, and many people shed tears, indicating that ideological and political work has played a role in saving the soul. Sincere repentance is also the redemption of human nature and soul, and the embodiment of the effectiveness of the work of punishing the former and punishing the latter, curing the sick and saving people.

Li Yihuang (former member of the party group of the Jiangxi Provincial Government, vice governor): You said that there was no touch and no change, how could you admit guilt and repent of your sins, how could you write a confession? I think everybody has this transition process, everybody is like that.

Liao Shaohua (former member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial CPC Committee and former secretary of the Zunyi Municipal CPC Committee): When I wrote the confession, I searched for myself from several aspects, reflecting on the world outlook, study, and vigilance of party discipline and government discipline, including the issues of making friends and the desire for power.

Wu Changshun (former vice chairman of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former director of the Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau): I regret it, I am sorry for the cultivation of the party and the state, sorry for the organization, so I have written a lot of confessions one by one.

【Commentary】 The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the use of confessions of leading cadres who have violated discipline and the law, deepened warning education, and promoted the use of cases to promote reform and cases to promote governance. Party committees and discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have compiled and published confessional records, compiled and disseminated warning circular materials, set up warning education courses in party schools, and selected typical cases to be disclosed through the media, so that the broad masses of party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, know and respect themselves, and play an important role in strengthening what they dare not, cannot, and do not want.

【Animation + Commentary】With the overwhelming victory and comprehensive consolidation of the anti-corruption struggle, the number of people who voluntarily surrendered since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has increased significantly. Statistics show that by the end of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, more than 5,000 party members and cadres across the country voluntarily surrendered; in 2019, 10,357 people voluntarily surrendered; in 2020, a total of 16,000 people voluntarily surrendered to the discipline inspection and supervision organs, and 66,000 people took the initiative to explain the problems. This is a concrete embodiment of the high-pressure situation of zero tolerance, giving play to the effect of punishing the former and the latter, curing the disease and saving people, and comprehensively improving the effectiveness of controlling corruption.

Liu Chuansheng (former secretary of the party committee of Beijing Normal University): Why did I take the initiative to surrender, I think in essence, I have always pressed a stone in my heart, and only by surrendering early and confessing early can I put down the stone in my heart earlier.

Liu Chuansheng, party secretary of Beijing Normal University from 2005 to 2016, retired in September 2018. On July 5, 2021, she voluntarily surrendered to the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, becoming the first "number one" of a central management university to be retained since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Li Ming (a staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Liu Chuansheng voluntarily surrendered and voluntarily explained to the organization that during her tenure as party secretary, she used her power to seek private interests for her son in cooperatively running schools.

In 2011, Liu Chuansheng's son returned from studying abroad and wanted to start a business in the field of preschool education, but he had neither funds nor venues, nor experience or foundation. Liu Chuansheng took advantage of his power to let his son use the North Normal University signboard to open up business outside in violation of the law. At that time, cooperation with Beijing Normal University to run schools needed to be handled by a special cooperation office, and there were prescribed procedures, and it was also necessary to pay a certain fee to Beijing Normal University. But Liu Chuansheng bypassed the procedure and arranged for his subordinates to help his son open the first kindergarten in violation of the law.

Li Ming (a staff member of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission) :( Liu Chuansheng) contacted a district in Beijing through his subordinates and agreed to open a public-run Beijing Normal University experimental kindergarten branch, and privately handed over the kindergarten to her son to operate and manage.

Liu Chuansheng: It was an agreement signed by my subordinates at Beijing Normal University, but in essence, it was run by my children.

By 2015, Liu Chuansheng felt that he was about to retire and decided to take advantage of the fact that he still had power to pave the way for his son.

Li Ming (staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Liu Chuansheng also asked his subordinates to use such a brand as the kindergarten affiliated to Beijing Normal University, which is equivalent to a one-time authorization to her son's company.

Liu Chuansheng: After signing an agreement, that is, a strategic agreement, he can go to the listing, he can hang the card of the kindergarten of Beijing Normal University, and he has become an agent.

[Commentary] This so-called "strategic agreement" was signed in private in violation of the law and was not approved by the Beijing Normal University. Subsequently, Liu Chuansheng's son opened the "Kindergarten Affiliated to Beijing Normal University" in many places across the country.

Li Ming (staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Hanging up the sign of Beijing Normal University means that this kindergarten has a relatively stable guarantee in terms of enrollment and later development.

[Commentary] The children of the "number one" abused the brand of Beijing Normal University, and the faculty and staff were naturally very disgusted. In 2017, when the Central Inspection Group inspected the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, it received relevant feedback, and the inspection team clearly pointed out that the integrity risks in the fields of cooperative schooling and other fields were prominent, and demanded immediate rectification. Liu Chuansheng let his son's institution take off the Brand of Beijing Normal University, thinking that even if it was "passed". In 2021, the seventh round of inspection of the 19th Central Committee once again inspected Beijing Normal University, and once again pointed out that there are integrity risks in key areas and key positions such as cooperative schools. After Liu Chuansheng saw the news, he thought about it and finally decided to surrender voluntarily.

Liu Chuansheng: During the first inspection, I actually pointed out this problem, and I was actually very afraid, because this matter was a violation of discipline and law. When I visited again in 2021, there was this reflection again, so I think this matter is already very big, and I don't think there can be any luck.

Liu Chuansheng's decision was wise. At that time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission had already received clues from the Central Inspection Group and the audit of the State Audit Office that Liu Chuansheng had connived at his son's illegal cooperation in running a school, and carried out preliminary verification. Liu Chuansheng voluntarily surrendered to explain this problem, but whether she still has other problems and how to understand her own mistakes are the contents of the special case team's in-depth review and investigation.

Li Ming (a staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Considering this kind of handling in the future, she may not necessarily explain other issues clearly. We have also gone through very serious, serious, and targeted ideological and political work, prompting them to take the initiative to explain the problems and deeply repent and reflect.

[Commentary] The special case group formulated a targeted plan and systematically held a conversation with Liu Chuansheng. Liu Chuansheng felt that this was completely different from the censorship investigation she imagined.

Liu Chuansheng: I thought it was just asking questions, but in fact they are doing ideological and political work to help you improve your ideological understanding. I went from not daring to face it to daring to face it, from being particularly afraid and afraid in my heart, and then to being able to actively and comprehensively explain it.

[Commentary] Liu Chuansheng quickly explained his long-term illegal occupation of a suite of nearly 80 square meters in the expert building of Beijing Normal University, the illegal purchase of housing in the Beijing Normal Garden community developed by Beijing Normal University at a low price, and the illegal handling and interference in personnel recruitment. In the early stage, her reflection on mistakes stayed at the level of not being able to pass the material barrier and the family relationship, and the special case team arranged for her to reflect on the deep impact of her own wrong behavior on the school according to the problems found by the two central inspections. For example, the chaos of cooperative schooling, which was severely criticized during the two inspections, has actually become a means of generating income for Beijing Normal University for a long time. As a "number one", Liu Chuansheng helped his son get a piece of the pie, which naturally led to the intensification of this chaos.

Li Ming (Staff Member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Liu Chuansheng let go of the chaos of the Beijing Normal University's cooperative education, and even touched the fish in muddy waters. Since this is the case, how can she still ask others to strengthen management? Therefore, for this kind of chaos, it can only be left to it.

【Commentary】Beijing Normal University is a traditional famous school with a history of more than 100 years, with the motto of "learning to be a teacher and acting as a model for the world". In the new era, as a college specializing in cultivating teacher training talents, it is shouldering a major mission and responsibility. On Teachers' Day in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping specially visited teachers and students at Beijing Normal University and held discussions, and put forward important instructions for cultivating good teachers with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and benevolent hearts. As the secretary of the party committee of the school, Liu Chuansheng should take the lead in serving as a teacher, leading a good school spirit and learning style, and making this century-old school develop healthily. When the task force went deep into these levels to talk to Liu Chuansheng, she felt a heartfelt guilt.

Liu Chuansheng: I have failed to live up to the hopes and trust of the party organization, and I especially regret and regret it. My only thought now is to truly and sincerely know, admit, repent, and correct my mistakes, and no matter how the organization deals with it, I have no opinion.

After Liu Chuansheng surrendered, her son strictly rectified the educational institution to which he belonged, and took the initiative to hand over the proceeds of violations of discipline and law. The State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, based on facts, taking discipline and law as the criterion, comprehensively considering the circumstances of violations of discipline and law, the degree of harm, the attitude of admitting mistakes, etc., and after reporting to the Party Central Committee for approval, Liu Chuansheng was expelled from the party in December 2021, and his retirement benefits were adjusted according to the sixth-level employees.

Li Ming (a staff member of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission) :(Liu Chuansheng) serious violations of discipline constitute violations of official duties, and taking into account the facts and amount of Liu Chuansheng's violations of discipline and the law, her attitude of voluntarily surrendering and her attitude of cooperation after surrendering, Liu Chuansheng was given a cliff-like treatment, that is, the third form of treatment.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, party organizations have always required and encouraged cadres with problems to take the initiative to find organizations to confess their problems. Discipline inspection and supervision organs strictly control procedural, factual, risk, and policy matters, comprehensively consider factors such as the motives, timing, conscious attitudes, truthful confessions, and actual performance of those who voluntarily surrender, accurately and qualitatively measure discipline enforcement, ensure accurate, standardized, and proper handling, and give full play to the role of punishing those who voluntarily surrender, treating the sick and saving people.

Liu Chuansheng: We are paying more and more attention to strictly administering the party, and our determination to fight corruption is also getting bigger and bigger; this is a big situation, and we must have a clear understanding of this situation, surrender early, give an account early, and really believe in the organization. Only after this can you feel that the organization is really saving you.

Commentary: In the new era of promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party, the party Central Committee has called for keeping an eye on the "key minority," controlling the overwhelming majority, deepening the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, punishing the former and punishing the latter, and curing the sick and saving people. The data shows that in the first three quarters of 2021, the national discipline inspection and supervision organs used the "four forms" to criticize education to help and deal with a total of 1.474 million people. Among them, the first form of criticism education helped 1.053 million people, accounting for 71.5% of the total number; the second form used 322,000 people, accounting for 21.9%; the third form used 46,000 people, accounting for 3.1%; and the fourth form used 52,000 people, accounting for 3.6%. It can be seen from these data that "red face and sweating" have become the norm; the majority of those who have been punished lightly by party discipline and organizational adjustments have become the majority who have violated discipline; those who have been severely punished by party discipline and readjusted for major posts have become a minority; and those who have seriously violated discipline and are suspected of violating the law have become a very small minority.

Han Jinping (Deputy Director of the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): The "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement are the concrete embodiment of punishing the former and punishing the latter, treating the sick and saving people. To adhere to the main tone of being strict, we must put discipline and rules in the forefront and be strict in the front, and we must discover and deal with violations of discipline and rules as early as possible, and avoid dragging some small problems into major problems, so as to urge party members and cadres not to make or make fewer mistakes, especially serious mistakes.

[Commentary] Discipline inspection and supervision organs have deepened the use of the "four forms," implemented the requirements of the "three distinctions," correctly grasped the nature and impact of mistakes and mistakes in the work of party members and cadres, dealt with them in a truth-seeking, objective and fair manner, and clarified and corrected the names of cadres who have been falsely accused and framed. This is very important for mobilizing and protecting the enthusiasm of officials to start a business and take on responsibilities. In January 2021, the newly revised Regulations on the Protection of the Rights of Party Members of the Communist Party of China were issued, officially upgrading the requirements for clarifying the correct name to a system.

【Commentary】Located in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Gejiu City is a well-known "Xidu" at home and abroad. Yunnan Tin Group, ranked first in the world's tin industry, is located in this city. On December 12, 2019, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection held a special meeting at Yunxi Group to clarify the name of Zhang Tao, then secretary of the party committee and chairman of Yunxi Group, who was accused of false accusations.

Zhang Tao (director of the Economic Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and then secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Yunxi Group): At that meeting, what were the contents of the problems reported one by one, and what the results of the final verification and understanding were, they were truthfully explained. I was really touched and excited.

From 2017 to 2019, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision frequently received reports against Zhang Tao, involving 12 specific issues, including interfering in the planning of a project, buying a house at a low price in a community, and using his authority to arrange work for relatives. The letter was almost all anonymous, only one was a real name, and a private business owner reported that Zhang Tao had interfered in bidding in violation of the law, so the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission found him to understand the situation.

Luo Xiaoli (Deputy Director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission): I invited this informant to the Discipline Inspection Commission, and I said that you actually saw this matter in person? He said I had heard about it, and finally he said if he could take the letter off.

【Commentary】The Supervision Commission of the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission felt that such frequent false reports were extremely abnormal, and decided to carry out "squatting research" in Yunxi Group to gain a deeper understanding of the reasons behind it. The working group entered the Yunxi Group, talked extensively with cadres and workers, conducted field research and visits, and gradually made a judgment.

Li Jiangbo (Director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection): During his term of office, Zhang Tao boldly performed his duties, especially strengthening the rectification of the political ecology of the Yunxi Group and investigating and handling cases of violations of discipline and law.

Before Zhang Tao, the two chairmen of Yunxi Group have stepped down one after another, and the political ecology of the enterprise has been seriously damaged. In June 2013, after Zhang Tao served as the party secretary and chairman of Yunxi Group, he carefully studied the shortcomings of the enterprise and implemented a number of reform measures to deepen governance. In view of the serious nepotism formed by history, Zhang Tao readjusted a number of cadres and promoted a number of young cadres; in view of the fact that the Group Discipline Inspection Commission did not handle cases for many years at that time, he asked the Group Discipline Inspection Commission to strengthen supervision, handle a number of cases, and investigate and punish some cadres who abused their power for personal gain. In particular, the rectification of the chaos of mine contracting has touched the substantive interests of some people.

Wu Jianxun (Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Tin Industry Group): It turns out that many of our mine labor contracts, according to our words, the water is very deep. After Secretary Zhang came, he vigorously rectified, he dared to touch this hard bone, but there were a lot of various reports in the back, and some people released words.

Luo Xiaoli (Deputy Director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yunnan Province): For historical reasons, the mining of Yunxi is contracted to those private enterprises, and these bosses do not invest much in safety facilities for the sake of interests, often produce safety accidents, and even more in order to pursue interests, they co-opt the cadres of Yunxi Group and form a chain of interests. After Zhang Tao came, he standardized on this problem, that is, he must meet the requirements before he can mine. From this incident, there were more reports against Zhang Tao.

[Commentary] These false reports not only adversely affected Zhang Tao himself, but also caused some cadres to have the feeling of shrinking their hands and feet and looking ahead and looking ahead, interfering with the in-depth advancement of reform measures.

Zhang Tao: The reports were one after another, and that time was a feeling of helplessness and confusion. What misunderstandings and speculations will cause are pressures in this regard.

Wu Jianxun (Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Tin Industry Group): There are all discussions, what is the very bad point? Wait and see, more is better than less, don't offend people, hello me, hello everyone.

[Commentary] These adverse effects must be corrected by taking effective measures. The Supervision Commission of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection decided to hold a general meeting in Yunxi Group to officially announce the results of the investigation and clarify Zhang Tao's name.

Luo Xiaoli (Deputy Director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission): If in the Yunxi Group, our organization does not clarify Zhang Tao's problem, and everyone does not take responsibility and dare not do things, then this phenomenon will occur. Clarification is also an important way to correct false accusations and frame-ups in society.

【Commentary】The meeting to clarify the correct name triggered a warm response in Yunxi Group, and many cadres and workers applauded this practice, which also greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of everyone to start a business and promoted the continuous good and development of the political ecology of Yunxi Group.

Wu Jianxun (deputy general manager of Yunnan Tin Industry Group): The biggest feeling is that the eyes on the organization are bright, and it is for those who really do things, dare to do things, and are willing to do things, as long as you are innocent and clean, have no selfish intentions, make false accusations, report letters, and organizations to clarify you. Well, this signal and orientation, it brings a series of changes in the back.

Zhang Tao: I think it is a kind of trust, a kind of care, a kind of encouragement and encouragement of the organization, or it is necessary to reform and innovate and develop, everyone must have the courage to fight against those unhealthy trends, this kind of interest I must touch, do not touch me sorry for the organization, but also sorry for the tens of thousands of cadres and employees in Yunxi.

【Commentary】Entering a new stage and opening a new journey, the task of reform, development and stability is arduous and arduous. Discipline inspection and supervision organs will continue to firmly grasp the main tone of strictness, correctly apply the "four forms," stress both the need to follow the rules and disciplines and the law, and also stress ideological and political work; while resolutely punishing corrupt elements who do not rein in and do not relent, they will persist in punishing those who have done wrongs before and after, treating the sick and saving people, grasping small problems as early as possible, preventing microaggressions, and creating a political environment with a clean and healthy atmosphere, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the development of all undertakings of the party and the state.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong Text Editor: Cao Fei

Source: Author: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website

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