
One lotus gives birth to nine medicines, lotus beard and lotus flesh, purifies the heart and kidneys, and the delay is powerful


Hello everyone, I am your good helper in andrology, Chinese medicine Bian Sishan. In the history of the development of Chinese medicine, there have been many famous doctors, and these famous doctors have left valuable and precious masterpieces for our future generations of Chinese medicine people, so that our future generations of Chinese medicine people have medicine to learn and traces to follow in their medical records.

One lotus gives birth to nine medicines, lotus beard and lotus flesh, purifies the heart and kidneys, and the delay is powerful

And in our famous book "Compendium of Materia Medica" by Mr. Li Shizhen, there is an article that says a separate sentence about the passage that a plant can produce nine medicines.

The original text wrote: "One lotus can give birth to nine medicines", in the pen of our ancient literati and ink writers, the lotus is the darling of their pen, there are Yang Wanli's "the lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are different red", and there are also Zhou Dunyi's "out of the mud but not stained, clear ripples but not demons". Lotus, the gentleman of flowers.

In traditional Chinese medicine, lotus flowers are treasures "from head to toe". According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", lotus, lotus beard, lotus room, lotus seed, lotus seed heart, lotus leaf, lotus stem, lotus root, lotus root, etc. can be used medicinally.

And today we say that the two flavors are very beneficial to our function [lotus whiskers, lotus meat], the two flavors come out of the same source, the medicinal properties are compatible, and the effects can stabilize the essence, strengthen the kidneys and astringent essence, and calm the mind and calm the nerves.

However, the specific efficacy of the two herbs is different, and the lotus meat is more inclined to benefit the kidneys, nourish the heart and blood, and replenish both astringency and astringency; The lotus whisker is more inclined to clear the heart and fire, strengthen the kidney essence, and clear the astringency.

The original text of "Dialectical Record" wrote: "The heart likes tranquility, does not like overwork, the heart of the old is excited, the heart is moved and the fire is inflamed, and the fire is separated by water and fire, and the qi of the heart cannot be handed over to the kidneys, and the knees are wide open." ”

It shows that the heart and kidney are not interconnected, which leads to restlessness, which is an important pathogenesis of time shortness.

And the lotus beard and lotus seeds can be used in turn to achieve the Qingjun fire to extinguish the phase fire, and lead the fire to return to the source; Secondly, both drugs have the ability to solidify essence and astringent essence, so they can leak out.

One lotus gives birth to nine medicines, lotus beard and lotus flesh, purifies the heart and kidneys, and the delay is powerful

Let's take a look at a medical case review

The patient, who was 46 years old at the time, complained of shortness of time and impaired function

Symptoms: less than 30 seconds of rapid time, ejaculation at sight, astringency and pain in urine, turbid urine color, irritability, dry throat and lips, accompanied by soreness in the waist and knees, insomnia and forgetfulness. The tongue is pale red, the tongue coating is thin and white, and the veins are fine.

The syndrome differentiation is that the heart is disturbed, the essence is not solid, and the heart and kidney are not connected.

Formula: lotus seed, lotus beard, skullcap, keel, raspberry, sand garden, dogwood, psyllium, poria cocos

This square lotus seeds, lotus whiskers, skullcaps, keel clear heart fire, heart and kidney; lotus seeds, lotus whiskers, raspberries, sand garden seeds, dogwood solid essence, plus time; Psyllium and Poria cocos are good for water and moisture, and they help righteousness.

After the patient went back and took two courses of treatment on time, the effect was bright, the time was extended, the mind was calm, the heart and kidney intersected, and the yin and yang were combined, and the time was extended to 18 minutes, and the patient was overjoyed.

One lotus gives birth to nine medicines, lotus beard and lotus flesh, purifies the heart and kidneys, and the delay is powerful

You need to keep in mind that everyone's situation is different, and when taking medication, you must follow the doctor's advice and do not blindly use medicine, so as not to cause adverse consequences