
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement


According to a foreign survey, everyone spends an average of 20,160 minutes in their lifetime kissing. Combining the cultural differences between the East and the West and the recent news of current affairs, this data is still quite reliable, such as my life kissing time is 0, and the other Italian is 40320 minutes...

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

As Homo sapiens, the only extant species in the genus Homo sapiens, the most frequent marginal sexual behavior of humans is kissing.

Humans even evolved outward lips for kissing, and Darwin, after the origin of species, published The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection to enrich his evolutionary theory and further elaborate on the idea of sexual selection. And our plump red lips that are turned outwards are actually a result of sexual selection.

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Chimpanzees closest to humans have only a narrow lip

A 2017 study sequenced the DNA of the calcification layer (actually a calculus) of ancient human plaques, showing that our Homo sapiens ancestors and Neanderthals often played...

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Look at the sexy lips of Homo sapiens

Tens of thousands of years ago, the old ancestors could not rely on the unique kissing skills to dominate the world, and the art of kissing is deeply imprinted in the blood of human beings.

For example, the original version of Cupid and Psette in the archaeological site of Ostia, currently located in Rome, Italy, dates back to the fourth century AD.

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Many of the artists we know have works on the theme of kisses, such as Rodin's Kiss:

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One of the representative paintings of the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt, The Kiss:

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Chagall's "Birthday", the representative of the "Paris School", is a precedent for "hanging kisses":

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

The case was solved, and the source of the deep kiss hanging upside down in Spider-Man was found

In this way, kissing culture is more prevalent in the West, after all, when we were young, if we saw kissing and other intimate scenes on TV, we had to be covered by our parents.

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

But in fact, if you really want to touch the tradition of kissing art, we really don't have to lose, once made a lot of noise, was selected as one of the "Top Ten Ugly Sculptures in China", "The First Kiss of China", it is based on the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 years - 220 years) sarcophagus unearthed in Xingjing County.

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Eastern Han Dynasty sarcophagus on the outer coffin wall of the ancient kiss relief pattern

Archaeologists have also found murals of men and women kissing naked in the Pengshanya Tomb in Sichuan:

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I have to say that our ancestors are ahead of the world in many aspects, and many people of insight seem to be aware of this, saddened by the fall of the traditional art of kissing, willing to risk the world's great disobedience, and mastering the art to control the yi, such as all kinds of deceitful kiss masters:

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Stranger Kissing:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

What's more, we have introduced the "Kissing Contest", which was originally overseas.

Earlier, the Kissing Contest was used by many dating agencies to promote emotional exchanges among members:

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Can Ru recognize this array?

Later, it became a marketing tool used by many merchants to attract people's attention:

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This pose... Could it be an event sponsored by Ma Yinglong?

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Is this really not sponsored by The Biyuntao manufacturer?

There are also some that are probably the scene of the acrobatic troupe entrance examination:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Of course, there is no shortage of traditional dramas in which the adulterers are present:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Chernyshevsky's old tune is played again and again - "art comes from life", as a comprehensive form of modern art, the kiss scenes in many film and television works are not only more than enough compared with these "kissing competitions", but also perfectly achieve "beyond life".

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

For example, the backstab kiss in "The Two Worlds Darling":

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Tool Man's Kiss:

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Acrobatic kisses in various bad dramas such as "If the Voice Doesn't Remember", "My Left Hand and Right Hand":

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

The kiss of "I Am Such a Woman":

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The kiss scene has been filmed for a hundred years, and there is no room for exploration under normal circumstances. But some bad drama directors refuse to admit their fate and still work hard to create... There is no way to move, so we break through from the target. Who says kissing means having to kiss the mouth?

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

"Dear Mr. Lemon Essence"

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It's still a combo

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"Fantastic Destiny"

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

As for the basic exercise of "kissing as soon as you fall", it is too common to repeat it today

All kinds of strange and sparse kiss scenes, let everyone still remember, and the "Liu Ye Ma Yili Noodle Kiss" that once rushed to Weibo's hot search two years ago:

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

In the play, Ma Yili is eating a barrel noodle with a well-known brand's well-known taste:

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Then shunkou planted a wave hard wide:

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

It can be seen that at this time, the eyes of our President Huohua are not quite right:

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Sure enough, he rushed over, strangled the back of Ma Yili's neck, and lifted Ma Yili's face:

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People still haven't figured out whether Liu Ye at that moment was open-minded for the exposure requested by the sponsor or really just hungry:

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Of course, "noodle kiss" is not the first creation of President Huohua, in a web drama called "National Husband 2", the milky and oily little male protagonist and the female protagonist came to the kitchen with a wave of "noodle kiss":

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God pity to see, the heroine just wanted to try the noodles cooked, she was directly bitten off by the overbearing president to prevent eating the noodles, and incidentally slipped the bite-cut half-cut into her mouth.

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Or this "National Husband 2", the female protagonist is delicate and her feet hurt, so our domineering president and male protagonist show their all-round demeanor and use the difficult "escalator princess hugging kissing method" of foot pain:

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Please do not imitate the two-hundred-five movements

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It is not too much to accuse him of disturbing public order

In addition to the strange winning kiss methods such as "noodle kiss" and "escalator kiss", the kiss of the proposal, the kiss of the wedding night, and the kiss of apologizing are all carefully crafted and screened, known as "an average of three kiss scenes per episode":

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

At the same time, in order to point out the problem, as a qualified national husband, our male protagonist naturally releases the king's domineering spirit at a glance, such as kissing his own heroine's wife who is a star:

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

I'm the director and I'll change it to bed scenes

Of course, as an excellent web drama, the producer's portrayal of other characters in the play is also sparing no effort, surpassing the shortcomings of many other shoddy web dramas that are accustomed to insufficient character images, such as this "diamond ring kiss" when the male second proposes:

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

The girlfriend took out a large pigeon egg diamond ring, the teeth were lightly buckled, and the man understood and kissed the diamond ring for two seconds. This particularly eye-catching close-up represents the male and female supporting actors who, although they are supporting roles, still spare no effort to shine the heart of the heat! The act of diamond rings by women is more symbolic, men and women are truly equal, and male and female fists are better!

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

We will find that this young student's "noodle kissing skills" are obviously more skilled than Liu Ye's, which is the result of diligent study and hard work, the result of practicing true knowledge, as early as 2018, in the youth campus network drama "Me and Two Him", he and the national sister Zhang Zifeng had a "ramen kiss":

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

It may not have been cooked

Judging from the slightly sinister expression of the male protagonist in the above picture, we can reasonably speculate that although the nose hair was a little prickly at that time, the male protagonist resisted the urge to sneeze and completed the "ramen kiss":

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

The girl was not yet an adult at the time, and should have borrowed a seat

In fact, mouth-to-mouth noodles do have a tradition in domestic dramas, such as Deng Lun and Yang Zi in "Flower Non Flower Fog Non Fog":

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Zhang Ruoyun and Guan Xiaotong in "Kyushu Sky City":

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Lu Yi and Guo Caijie in "The Taste of Dear Love", which also take the middle-aged idol love route:

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It is worth mentioning that in many kiss scenes in this work, in addition to a "drunken kiss" that can be kissed by wearing clothes:

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Guo Caijie perfectly explained what is meant by "eyes staring like brass bells":

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The special effects added in the later stage of the crew are a kind of unique "brain congestion" style icing on the cake:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

As we all know, Chinese food culture is broad and profound, in addition to noodles, dumplings should also have names:

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I can only pray for Wan Qian that the dumplings in Ma Tianyu's mouth are not leeks and green onions

In addition to noodles and dumplings, modern snacks and spicy noodles are also involved:

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Not to be outdone, cookies and chocolates:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Always eat staple foods and snacks nutrition is not balanced, then let's have some vegetables and fruits:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

Let's make some dates to replenish blood gas:

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If you eat more dates, you will drink more on the whole hour:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

In addition to these kisses with smuggled goods, the more profound kisses perfectly explain what is "love does not know what to do":

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement

And in order to counter the sentence "You are the one who wanted to take off the oxygen mask and kiss before I died", I resolutely decided to kiss through the oxygen mask:

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And if it is said that the most dignified, righteous and awe-inspiring kiss with the people, it must be the crowd in "Deep Rain and Rain" in which the crowd kisses:

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Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement
Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement


Human kissing has a long history and many tricks, but what has not changed is the original intention of expressing love and getting pleasure at the same time. Although the "Kissing Contest" and the strange kissing scene are a bit contrary to the original intention, it may still be able to give the big guys some operational inspiration, Happy New Year, and complete the 20160 minutes as soon as possible.

Brain hole and brain can fly together, domestic drama fancy kiss drama excitement