
After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

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After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

During the 280 days of pregnancy, pregnant mothers have different "troubles" every day, confused about early pregnancy reactions in the first trimester, and worried that the baby will not be retained. Fear of deformities in the second trimester, fear of fetal development.

In the third trimester, worried about fetal position, worried about premature birth and afraid of intrauterine hypoxia, entangled in the way of delivery, pregnant mothers at each stage are like "breaking through", testing one after another. It was really torturous!

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

It is hard to look forward to the third trimester approaching the due date, but also to pay attention to the fetus into the basin, once the basin indicates that you can meet the baby as soon as possible, at this stage the pregnant mother still can not be careless.

Shanshan was 35 weeks pregnant and had recently felt her stomach falling downwards, and she was worried because she had heard that there was a risk of premature birth in the third trimester. A few days ago to go to the obstetric examination, the doctor said after the examination that it has been half into the basin, the stomach falling is also the fetus is preparing for birth.

Shanshan was a little nervous after hearing this, and she thought that the next few days should be more careful, less activity and more lying in bed to recuperate in order to prevent premature birth.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

The doctor said that on the contrary, rest is indeed needed, but it is also necessary to be more active in order to make the fetus enter the basin as soon as possible and be born smoothly. Shanshan felt puzzled, it was not yet the due date, the fetus was preparing for birth, if the pregnant woman was active at this time, would it be premature.

The doctor popularized to her what is the fetus half into the basin, and what process to go through after the half into the basin to give birth, and Shanshan put her mind at ease. After returning from the hospital examination, Shanshan did activities according to the doctor's instructions every day to prepare for the smooth birth of the baby.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

Semi-potting is the stage that must be passed into the basin

In order to be born smoothly, the head of the fetus first enters the pelvic opening, but this position is not fixed, the fetus can move at any time, and it is possible to return to the original fetal position.

Most pregnant women who give birth for the first time have to wait for a period of time after half into the basin, waiting for the fetus to enter the basin to have the conditions for childbirth, but expectant mothers who have had childbirth experience may not have to wait too long after half into the basin.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

Half into the basin is the necessary stage of entering the basin, the fetus into the basin is the head to reach the pelvic mouth, the body curled up hips upwards, the fetal position basically will not change again, the baby is ready for birth. Generally speaking, it takes about 2 weeks to enter the basin after half into the basin, and the specific conditions are different for each pregnant woman, some pregnant women are completely in the basin at 36 weeks of pregnancy, and some pregnant women are only in the basin near the birth.

Delivering the fetus through the Y channel is the basic condition, and entering the basin is only the fetus is ready for birth. Most pregnant women do not mean to give birth immediately, usually 2-3 weeks after entering the pot.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

After entering the pelvis, the pregnant mother's pregnant belly will shift downwards, and sometimes the abdomen will have a feeling of sinking downwards, and the pubic bone and pussy will be pressed and feel painful. Because the fetal head is downwards, the yin part is compressed and contractions occur, and most of them are irregular pseudo-contractions at this time.

Tips: Pregnant mothers should pay attention to the fact that if it becomes an interval time and a contraction time are regular, it will become a true contractions, and it will give birth at any time, and be prepared to give birth.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

Do a few activities after half into the basin, which is conducive to entering the basin as soon as possible

After entering the semi-pelvis, the fetal position will change at any time, and some pregnant women belong to the placenta previa or the fetal baby is too large, and the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck. It will cause the fetal head to be difficult to descend again, which will bring difficulty to the pot and is not conducive to production, and the fetus will also have safety hazards in the womb.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

Therefore, entering the semi-basin, expectant mothers should pay attention to rest and do not engage vigorously to prevent the danger of premature rupture of membranes. However, you can do an appropriate amount of soothing activities to promote the entry of the fetus into the basin and prepare for smooth delivery.

1. Take a walk

Every morning or after dinner, expectant mothers can take appropriate walks, which is a safer way for pregnant women to move. During the activity, the fetus can quickly enter the pot, and the prenatal walk also helps to shorten the labor time, improve productivity, and help to have a smooth delivery.

After the fetus is half into the basin, these activities can be arranged to promote the potting and meet the baby as soon as possible

Each walk should not be too long, about half an hour, and ten minutes can stop and rest to prevent the waist and abdomen from being under pressure for too long. Pregnant mothers in the third trimester are more heavy and inconvenient to walk, should wear comfortable and non-slip shoes, it is best to be accompanied, not too far from home.

2. Climb the stairs

Every day up and down the stairs can climb several stairs, but also to promote the fetus into the basin, pregnant mothers should pay attention to the side of the handrail to climb, in addition, it is strictly forbidden to carry things to climb the stairs. Don't rush up and down the stairs to prevent slipping, it is best to be accompanied by your family, if the doctor has special instructions not to climb the stairs during the obstetric examination, then do not do this activity.

3. Prenatal exercises

Insisting on prenatal exercises can help the fetus enter the pelvis faster, and it can also enhance the elasticity and toughness of the pelvic floor muscles, which is conducive to smooth delivery and recovery.

Common prenatal exercises involve horse steps, standing steadily, holding the table or other fixed object with the hand, and as the pelvis moves downward, the knees are gradually bent, and then slowly upright, repeating this action.

Cross the legs, stand still on the right leg, put your hand on the back of the chair, make a 360-degree circle of the left leg, and then swap your legs, and do it about 5 times in the morning and evening.

Y-channel muscle movements, lying on the mat on their backs, closing the hips upwards, lie flat after 5 seconds, and repeat each set of movements about 10 times.

In the early hours of the morning, mom came to nag:

After the fetus is half into the pelvis, it is necessary to combine work and rest, ensure sleep, and adjust the mentality to avoid tension in the third trimester because of the face of childbirth. Do more activities that are conducive to the entry of the fetus into the basin and prepare for smooth delivery. Which activity to do should pay attention to, once there is an abnormality should be stopped or medical treatment immediately, each pregnant mother from half into the basin to the basin takes time is different, calm the mentality to face, prepare for work and rest assured to give birth.

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