
Qing Wei | Confucius Temple has something to say

Do you know

I have existed in this land of China for a long time,

According to your human chronicle, I am 700 years old,

But I never seem to get old.

My coat was patched up and made up,

It bears the imprint of every dynasty

The flowers under my feet have blossomed and failed, defeated and blossomed,

And the warblers everywhere are not the original faces...

I've seen children who speak in teeth and teeth,

I've also seen young people who are young,

The elderly also come from thousands of miles,

Just for an encounter with me.

I've seen so many things change.

Even a pine tree next to me is getting taller and taller,

Its branches and leaves have long gone deep into the clouds,

But I've always been here,

Like a witness to history.

I vaguely remember when I was a child,

Once dreamed of a polite old man,

Gray clothes, long white beard,

It looked like a fairy wind Dao bone.

He was holding a bamboo book in his hand,

Tight mouth,

Sometimes looking down and sighing, sometimes looking up and moaning,

Then he looked solemnly ahead,

Say to me, "Look,

A whole new world, it, is coming.

This is my childhood dream, slowly,

The old man's face was blurred in his mind

But whenever I dream back in the middle of the night,

I always hear that:

And you see, a new world, it's coming

A new world?

A monarch of the Kingdom of Lu once came to my house

Slammed my door,

And then I followed his guidance,

See a new landscape of an era,

It's something I've never seen at home.

Your world should have a book, The Book of Rites.

The book reads:

Whoever establishes a scholar will be laid down in the first saints.

This can roughly describe the grandeur of the time.

And then I learned about this first saint,

It's the old man of my dreams.

And the old man said that the new world, I am also looking for all the way,

One year, two years, I can't count how many years have passed,

Where I live has been bloodied and killed,

It has ushered in a prosperous and prosperous world.

Times are changing,

Every age has its own rules of survival,

With different characteristics, different fashions,

I walked through mountains and rivers,

In order not to be incompatible with other personalities,

I also learned,

Changed his name,

Changed his clothes,

Xuanni Temple, Confucian Temple, Confucius Temple...

I also from the beginning of a thin shirt accompanied by wandering the world,

Now it is one hundred and fifty meters wide,

630 meters high,

I have traveled to many places:

Nanjing, Hebei, Beijing...

I've also crossed the ocean,

Saw people with white skin and blue eyes

There, they also warmly welcomed me,

And let me tell them the story of the white-bearded old man.

I felt an unprecedented shock,

A culture, a story, a person,

Spanning thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, it has infected thousands of scholars in China and abroad.

Suddenly I wanted to go home, and the more I wandered, the more homesick I became,

The warmth and praise felt outside,

It gives me a sense of urgency.

I want to go back, to the place where I set off

To explore what kind of wise man it is,

It can transcend time and space and remain in the hearts of many people

So I set off on my journey.

Finally returned to the homeland of the heart.

A burst of firecrackers roared,

Thoughts pull back,

I was also awakened.

Only to see the firecrackers outside the window firing in unison, a sea of people,

I ran out the door and asked an old man:

When is it over now, does Lu Guo still care?

The old man looked at me blankly:

Boy, what are you talking about, old man, I can't understand it,

Look, this dance,

These kids are singing in new ways

Listen, this is the classic quote of Old Master Kong,

When my old uncle went to private school, he also shook his head and read to the old master:

The knower leshui, the benevolent Leshan,

Those who know move, those who are benevolent are quiet,

The knower is happy, the benevolent is the life.

And now my little grandchild can recite some of these chapters.

Children, you see, this is the power of our cultural heritage,

Chinese spirit, this is our culture,

Good, good

The 21st century is so good.

I can't help but wonder, the dream is so realistic,


China is no longer the dynasty that was originally the coarse cloth and coat,

The princes fight for hegemony, the bloody storm, the burning of books pit Confucianism,

Together and divided, divided and united,

After how many years, how many generations of monarchs,

And after how many times have gone through the vicissitudes,

The old man has never been forgotten.

People have always kept in mind the idea of "benevolence" of the elderly

Benevolence to the family, to the country, to the world.

And the benevolent heart of the old man

It has also touched generations of people to follow

Some people's names I may not have heard,

Some people's names are ringing in the air,

But they all have eternal life in the hearts of the Confucians.

They even use their lives to interpret the true meaning of benevolence.

The old man is happy to learn,

Edited "Poetry", "Book", "Ritual", "Music", "Yi", "Spring and Autumn"

Pass on ancient cultures and civilizations.

It lays the foundation for the main line of Chinese culture.

The old man thinks,

The old man said:

Tianxingjian, a gentleman who strives for self-improvement;

The terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries the goods with thick virtue,

As a result, it has inspired generations of enthusiastic young people

The old man is polite,

There are three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages.

"Literature, deeds, loyalty, faith", "there is no class in teaching"...

The concept of education allows generations of people to study and learn.

Old man......

I was still immersed in my own world

The old man patted me on the shoulder and pointed to the door

: Children, go, accompany the old man to visit the Temple of Confucius.

I couldn't help but say: This is my home

The old man shook his head: This child is really strange.

Looking up, the door resolutely read: Jin Sheng Yu Zhen.

Suddenly woke up, back to reality,

Wander in it, forget about reality.

Looking up, I saw a text like this on the computer screen:

More than a thousand years of wind and rain, more than a thousand years of years,

How many times to rebuild, how many times to repair,

Confucius Temple, the architecture of Confucius there is too much uncertainty,

From a brick tile, a piece of painting,

There's also a little bit of oil paint on the carved beams,

Attracts everyone with a conscience

Responsible eyes of the sons and daughters of China.

About the Author:

Zhang Zhenghong


Shandong Youth University of Politics

Major in Chinese Language and Literature, College of Cultural Communication

Qing Wei | Confucius Temple has something to say

One point number and the moonlight coat I take the hua dress

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