
He was one of the first students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek did not look up to him, but he became the founding marshal

The great Sun Yat-sen is known to almost everyone as a pioneer of China's modern revolution. In 1911, he launched the "Xinhai Revolution", which overthrew China's two-thousand-year-old feudal monarchy. Later, the Republic of China was established and the "Three People's Principles" were advocated. In the course of Sun Yat-sen's revolution, one of the most crucial factors was talent. At the beginning of the revolution, he was surrounded by Huang Xing, Wang Jingwei and others, who played a great role in promoting Sun Yat-sen's revolution, it can be said that Sun Yat-sen was a person with "discerning eyes and pearls", he was the Bole of many people, but he also had the wrong people, and Xu Xiangqian, the founding marshal of New China, was one.

He was one of the first students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek did not look up to him, but he became the founding marshal

In 1901, Xu Xiangqian was born in a place called Yong'an Village in Wutai County, Shanxi Province, because the family conditions were very bad, so he dropped out of school at the age of 16, he worked as a teacher in his hometown, but because of the propaganda of patriotic ideas and anti-feudal ideas, he was dismissed by the school as too radical. Xu Xiangqian joined Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary ranks in 1921. He also followed him to Shaoshan to participate in the Northern Expedition, and the combat conditions at that time were very difficult, so many soldiers were sick, and Xu Xiangqian was also sick, but he still stuck to his post.

He was one of the first students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek did not look up to him, but he became the founding marshal

On this day, Sun Yat-sen brought his wife Soong Ching Ling to the tent to visit the soldiers of the Northern Expeditionary Army, and xu Xiangqian, who was ill, was still insisting on standing guard, and when he saw Sun Yat-sen and Soong Qingling come to his side, he was too excited. However, because of his illness, he behaved too blandly, and Sun Yat-sen did not impress him very much, and Sun Yat-sen did not reuse him after that.

He was one of the first students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek did not look up to him, but he became the founding marshal

Sun Yat-sen's failure to look up to Xu Xiangqian can be said to be a kind of "miss", but Chiang Kai-shek's failure to look at Xu Xiangqian is a clear failure to look at it, and he even directly said that Xu Xiangqian "did not come out". Xu Xiangqian was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924 and became the first cadet. Chiang Kai-shek was the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, so he attached great importance to the first batch of cadets. I often talk to the student alone, and I want to examine the student's ability to see if the student can use it for himself.

He was one of the first students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek did not look up to him, but he became the founding marshal

On this day, Chiang Kai-shek found Xu Xiangqian, Xu Xiangqian was too honest, and when asked any question, he answered any question, for example, Chiang Kai-shek would ask him: "What is your name?" He said my name was Xu Xiangqian. Chiang Kai-shek asked, "Where are you from?" Xu Xiangqian replied, "I am from Wutai County, Shanxi." Xu Xiangqian did not praise Chiang Kai-shek like other students, but was very restrained and shy. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek thought that he was really a man who had no chance.

He was one of the first students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek did not look up to him, but he became the founding marshal

But who could have imagined, even Chiang Kai-shek, that this student, who in his eyes was "out of the ordinary," would finally be able to lead his troops to fight, encounter Chiang Kai-shek's troops head-on many times on the battlefield, and also beat Chiang Kai-shek's elite ace Hu Zongnan's troops into the desert and flee. Chiang Kai-shek was very sad afterwards. He also felt regretful, so he repeatedly asked someone to invite Xu Xiangqian back, and Xu Xiangqian certainly would not agree. After the founding of New China, Xu Xiangqian was named the founding marshal because of his outstanding military achievements. He died in Beijing in 1990. He died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 89.

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