
How high is Puyi's education? Is it really a junior high school degree on the hukou? Expert: Out of reach

The last emperor Puyi was a very legendary figure whose life was full of twists and turns, and he was also a controversial figure in Chinese history. As the last emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Puyi's identity is enviable, after all, he was born into the Tianzi family and has a noble status. However, at the same time, people are also very sympathetic to him, after all, his life is too tortuous, and his life is even far inferior to that of an ordinary person.

How high is Puyi's education? Is it really a junior high school degree on the hukou? Expert: Out of reach

After Japan's surrender, Puyi, as the puppet emperor of puppet Manchukuo, was also arrested and imprisoned, and has since become a prisoner of the order. It was not until 1959 that he was pardoned by the new Chinese government and officially became a Chinese citizen. After being released from prison, Puyi went to the local public security bureau to register his household registration, and at that time, in the academic qualification column of his household registration book, he filled in the junior high school education. This makes people very curious, because puyi's education as an emperor is definitely more than junior high school, so how high is his education? Experts give the answer in four words!

How high is Puyi's education? Is it really a junior high school degree on the hukou? Expert: Out of reach

An expert specializing in the history of the late Qing Dynasty once pointed out when talking about Puyi's academic qualifications: Puyi's academic qualifications are definitely more than junior high school, and his real academic qualifications are beyond the reach of the dust! A "beyond reach" fully explains the degree of education received by Puyi, which also allows us to understand a more real Puyi.

How high is Puyi's education? Is it really a junior high school degree on the hukou? Expert: Out of reach

After Puyi became emperor, Empress Yulong found a teacher for him to teach him cultural knowledge, and it should be known that the person who could become the teacher of Tianzi must be the most prestigious giant Confucian at that time. The so-called famous teachers and high apprentices, coupled with the good education since childhood, so Puyi's education level is definitely much higher than that of ordinary people. And after being a royal family, the learning resources he can access are absolutely unimaginable to ordinary people, such as English, which people rarely involved at that time, but Puyi had such an opportunity, as well as this special English teacher.

How high is Puyi's education? Is it really a junior high school degree on the hukou? Expert: Out of reach

Therefore, for Puyi, he has been educated by ordinary people since he was a child, so it is actually difficult to evaluate his academic qualifications, but it is certain that it is definitely far more than a junior high school education. There have also been experts who have made assumptions about Puyi's academic qualifications, and at Puyi's true level, he can be a university professor!

How high is Puyi's education? Is it really a junior high school degree on the hukou? Expert: Out of reach

However, after his release from prison, Puyi has been running for his life, and later he was finally able to return to the Forbidden City, which is also his return to his home. As the last emperor, Puyi can be said to be unfortunate, but as an emperor who has lived in the new era, he is unique!

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