
"Nourishing" talks about gua sha

author:Han Zi Han

When it comes to gua sha, I feel it a little personally. I've had sha before, but it was during the junior high school holidays, sitting at home and feeling uncomfortable. As a result, my mother came over and squeezed her hand the muscles on my shoulders. Good fellow, where it is clipped, there are dark red blocks appearing, almost purple; Moreover, when my mother clamped me, I did not feel any pain at all. Listen to the old people say that if it is red, it means that the body is normal; if it is dark red or purple, it means that the body is sick.

"Nourishing" talks about gua sha

My mother said to me, "You've got to shave off like this!" She took a small basin of warm water, stirred it in the warm water with her hand, then flicked her hand to keep her fingers moist, and then clamped my shoulder muscles with her index and middle fingers, pressed her thumbs tightly, jerked outwards, and "snapped" a crisp sound in the room.

Mother scraped very patiently. First the front and back of the neck, then the back of the shoulders, the lower back, and she also scratched at the center of my eyebrows. Under the slow manipulation of my mother, my body gradually felt aching, and by the back, the pain became more and more obvious. The mother said that when the body has obvious pain, the body will slowly recover.

When my mother finished shaving, I took a look in the mirror and was startled. The neck, shoulders, and back are all strips of dark purple blocks, which are slightly protruding from other parts, which looks very abrupt.

To be honest, after scraping, I feel much more relaxed in my body, and the previous feeling of lethargy has also been alleviated a lot, but I still feel very weak. In the following days, my body slowly improved.

Later, whenever there was anything uncomfortable, I habitually gua sha. Sometimes it is not good to shave once, and it is not good to shave again in two days. I also have a feeling of dependence on gua sha, and my physique does not feel any improvement, and it is easy to recur.

Later, I casually learned that there are many people who are dependent on gua sha. In the society, it has also formed a service industry, like what kind of health hall, nursing home, ah, all provide gua sha business, many stores have a lot of customers, endless streams. Especially in middle age, some women must go to the health care store once a week to get gua sha to enjoy it.

If this thing is really addictive, it is not a good thing. Gua Sha, its principle is actually from the outside to the body's stasis to squeeze, promote blood circulation, eliminate stump substances. The theory of Chinese medicine emphasizes: "All evidence of incurable disease is always due to the inability to remove stasis, and whoever cures blood must first take the removal of stasis as the key." "Blood disease and stasis are mutually causal, and stasis removal is an important means of curing diseases." If you want to really get better, the most fundamental thing is to let the body circulate from the inside. And to circulate inside the body, you need to do muscle training. I also personally tasted this after participating in several years of fitness activities.

Later, my mother always asked me, "Why didn't you gua sha?" ”

I smiled and replied, "Who said I don't gua sha?" I just take dumbbells for gua sha! ”

Indeed, since the muscle training, my body's physique has slowly improved. Occasionally, if a part is uncomfortable, moderate muscle training is performed on the muscles of that area, which is better than the effect of gua sha.

"Nourishing" talks about gua sha

For example, if the back of the neck is uncomfortable, we can perform dumbbell (barbell) shrugging shoulders, side lifting and other exercises. If the back is uncomfortable, we can do moderate dumbbell hard pulling, Romanian hard pulling and other exercises. The moderation mentioned here is not to force yourself, choose to use a moderate weight of dumbbells, slowly and evenly practice, until the muscles in the relevant parts are hot, and there will be an effect. Of course, after training skillfully, you can also increase the weight of dumbbells, increase the difficulty, and further improve the effect of training.

Usually, you can pay attention to it, in the gym, those who exercise regularly and are muscular, very few of them need gua sha. Practice often, the body circulation is good. I have also seen a few people who often clamor for gua sha, and in talking to them, I found that the muscles of their shoulders and arms were very relaxed, especially the muscles of the arms, when the hands were raised, the arm muscles were loose on both sides, like water, there was no sense of tightness, and it was strange that such a muscular state of physical health was a strange thing.

Before exercising, the most important thing is that we must have a general understanding of the relevant muscle knowledge of the whole body, know which part and which action involves which muscle group, so that we can exercise in a targeted manner. I will not expand on it in detail here, interested friends will find it in a search on the Internet. And the rest is to see if you can stick to it.

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