
The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

The auspicious language of the New Year is indispensable to the word "Ruyi", especially the frequency of using the four words "auspicious ruyi" for relatives and friends visiting in the New Year is very high. Ruyi is the meaning of satisfactory wishes, but also a good wish word. Everyone hopes that every day life can be satisfactory, in fact, ruyi is not only a blessing, but also a specific auspicious object in ancient times.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

If you have watched court dramas, you will have an impression of ruyi as an artifact. Ruyi looks particularly like Ganoderma lucidum, but some variations are added to the shape of Ganoderma lucidum, so that the long handles on both sides are slightly curved, and can be displayed as an auspicious ornament in hand.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

What is Ruyi?

There are many versions of the origin of Ruyi, but the closest thing to history should be: it was developed from the ancient Chinese claw staff. The original time was similar to the tool we use today to scratch the itch, and the usage is also the same, which is to facilitate the use of itch relief. Only the itch is in the heart, so this artifact can relieve the itch without need for people, as expected, so it is named "Ruyi".

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Later, this very popular artifact evolved over time and became a two-headed shape, gradually surpassing the practical function and being endowed with cultural functions, and finally becoming a beautifully shaped auspicious object.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

In the Song Dynasty, where aesthetics were extremely exquisite, ruyi and the style of Ganoderma lucidum were perfectly combined, and the longevity of Ganoderma lucidum grass plus auspicious Ruyi meant more beautiful and the shape was more exquisite. The objects of the Song Dynasty can stand up to scrutiny, have a place in the long river of time, and are also a bright star.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

The closest to us is Ruyi during the Qing Dynasty, which will also appear in the palace fighting drama, when Ruyi has no practical function but is used as an important court ceremonial item and indoor ornament.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

As a court item, Ruyi was highly respected by the royal family. Even more because of the auspiciousness of the meaning, at important moments such as the emperor's ascension to the throne and the big wedding, the ministers paid tribute to the imperial court with exquisite ruyi made of various materials, so these ruyi were stored in the court. Become a reward for the emperor's merits. Rewarding a concubine with a happy time is a matter of great honor, and it needs to be placed in the palace to show the grace of the emperor.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Ruyi, a legendary Chinese mascot, has also been continued in jewelry, especially in jadeite, where Ruyi is a very popular style. The shape of jadeite ruyi is also diverse, and no matter what the shape is, it is a beautiful meaning of satisfactory satisfaction.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Jade jade is naturally formed, so the jade itself has an aura, Ruyi has the meaning of auspiciousness and smoothness, wearing jade Ruyi also has the meaning of warding off evil spirits, so that people continue to get blessings, so as to feel happy and happy, inner pleasure will make the body and mind happy and healthy.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Jade Ruyi has an insurmountable position in people's hearts, because Ruyi contains a concise and true meaning, blessing the person who owns it all the best, so it will become a pillar for people to pin their emotions. Wearing ruyi is also to take this auspicious meaning, so that you can be smoother on the road of life and walk smoothly.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Nine times out of ten things are not satisfactory in life, how can everything be satisfactory? Despite the normalcy of life, there must be expectations, so that there is hope for life. With its true meaning of "everything is as expected", the elegant jade ruyi has become an auspicious gift that people use to wear or give to friends and relatives, occupying a place in jewelry.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Jadeite is introverted and calm, especially in line with the unique elegant temperament of our oriental women, plus jadeite ruyi form is full, traditional classic, wearing more cultural heritage, is the best gift to bless themselves.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

The shape of jadeite ruyi has a kind of surging momentum, but it also has a light and breezy mind. Condensed are all essences, such a shape as a bracelet worn on the hand, is a small blessing to see. Jade Ruyi can be deeply loved by Jade Friends. In addition to the charm of jadeite ruyi's own shape, it is more that it condenses the connotation of Chinese culture and wonderful blessings.

The indispensable blessing of the New Year is "Ruyi", and these jewelry are the opening style, which is in the same vein

Choose a piece of ruyi jewelry that suits you, so that people can have more companionship on the road of life!

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