
The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

author:Little fairy sister Ling'er

Let's continue with another story in the movie "Qin Song": the story of the disabled princess who was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess who fell in love with the musician committed suicide on the wedding night, but was dismembered by her husband.

The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

The previous article said that in order to take revenge and seek death, Gao Wanli raped Princess Liyang, who was sent by the Emperor of Qin to persuade her. Princess Liyang was favored by the King of Qin, and when she was a child, she fell off her horse and her legs were paralyzed, and she had already been promised to the general Wang Ben, and would marry when the Six Kingdoms merged.

The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

Unexpectedly, after being raped, the princess was paralyzed and healed, and in order to give Gao Gradually a breakaway, Yingzheng said that Gao Gradually was forced by the princess, and there was no punishment of "women raping men", and the matter was terminated.

The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

Later, the princess before the marriage really forced Gao to leave, still in the ancestral hall where the ancestors were all there.

The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

Gao Wanli was blinded after being executed, and the princess also engraved the same "prisoner" on her face.

The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

The ending of both of them is relatively tragic, Gao Wanli committed suicide by poisoning at the enthronement ceremony of the King of Qin, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband...

The disabled princess was paralyzed after being raped by the musician, and the princess committed suicide on the wedding night and was dismembered by her husband

(Image from network intrusion and deletion)