
Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

author:Positive energy uncle
Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Opening words: Bold, wanton!

It is said that during the Ming Dynasty, there was a hundred Xiaosheng in the rivers and lakes, who knew all the jianghu affairs in the world, and was nicknamed Uncle Positive Energy.

Bai Xiaosheng is 1 meter 83 tall, weighs 80 kilograms, has tendon flesh and thick thighs, showing that he is also a martial arts practitioner.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Only to see Bai Xiaosheng walk into the tavern, sit down in a chair, and shout:

Shop small two, come and come to a few pots of good wine, and add a few plates of fried beef.

Only to see the shop Xiao Er Shuang quickly promised:

Okay, uncle.

Soon, the wine came up, and the hot beef was brought to the table, only to see him eating meat and drinking heavily.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the guests of the tavern flocked to it:

Uncle, Uncle, we want to hear the story of the jianghu.

Only to see Uncle Huan take a toothpick, pick a tooth, laugh:

Why not? What do you want to hear?

Only to see a beautiful woman crisply say:

We want to hear the story of the sheep!

When Uncle Huan heard this, he laughed:

Is it the wicked man who is one of the ten evil men?

Okay, you prick up your ears and listen carefully:

It is said that during the Ming Dynasty, there was a great hero on the coast of the East China Sea, nicknamed "Spray Supreme", the full name of Yang Ba.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Yang Jiaba has been practicing martial arts since childhood, practicing three volts in summer and three nine in winter, polishing a very strong physique.

After practicing martial arts diligently, Yang Jia successfully joined the Qingcheng Sect and became a disciple under the Qingcheng Sect.

After practicing hard for 4 years in the Qingcheng Sect, Yang Jia successfully obtained the permission of the Sect and smoothly stepped into the Jianghu Road and became a chivalrous guest in the Jianghu.

An ambitious man, a warrior with an infinite thirst for money and power, he folded his hands and vowed to the heavens as he descended the mountain:

I, The Sheep, came down from the Qingcheng Sect today, and if I don't break into a famous hall, I will not give up!

I'm going to beat the heavens and half a son!!

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

With a roar of the sheep, a vicious wolf in the jianghu appeared.

The first stop of The Sheep's Mouth is to perform talents such as heart-crushing stones and mouth swallowing swords near Mount Taishan, and the Sheep's HeartBreaker hopes to make his own name through this.

In the process of wandering in the rivers and lakes, the sheep always hit the wall, and they can't get the recognition of the chivalrous guests, the fame of the rivers and lakes has not been able to play out, and the sheep feel depressed.

However, the sheep coaxed the girl to have a set, coaxed the daughter of a powerful local family into her hands, and married her into the door.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

This rich man's surname is Tu, and the woman he married is called Tu Bohe.

Tu Bohe is a fierce and fierce woman, but in order to get the power and help of the Tu family, Yang Ba ba resolutely married Tu Bohe.

On the first day of the wedding chapel between Tu Bohe and Yang Baba, he made a big fuss at the sheep's house and sent Yang Ba's mother to the medical center for treatment.

The reason for the conflict is because the mother of the sheep asks Tu Bohe to help cook the meal, but Tu Bohe is naturally arrogant and arrogant, and everywhere he goes, he is the lord who walks sideways, so he quarrels with the mother of the sheep baba:

You can't cook yourself, can you? Did I marry into your house as a long-term worker?

When the mother was young, she gave her mother-in-law a tube, and originally thought that her daughter-in-law had become a mother-in-law for many years, but she did not expect to come to a Tubo River anti-guest.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

After several competitions, the mother of the sheep was so angry that she ran away from home and returned to the countryside to live.

Tu Bohe looked triumphantly at the mother of the sheep:

How far to go, old woman, sheep and babes all have to listen to me, what are you?

And because yang baba had a hard time marrying a powerful daughter-in-law, she did not dare to offend, so she had to let her mother go back to her hometown to live first.

With the help of the Tu Bohe family, Yang Baoba gradually played the name of the jianghu, and the days began to flourish, and Tu Bohe was also pregnant with a cute baby.

When Tu Bohe was pregnant, he ignored the sheep, so the sheep sometimes felt bored.

At this time, Tu Bohe's sister Tu Boshu entered the life of Yang Bao.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Tu Boshu is a woman as sharp and spicy as her sister, but she is 16 years old, which is when the love sinus first opened.

Because yang baba and Tu Boshu are both practicing the martial arts of the Qingcheng Sect, so both sides have a common language, and Tu Boshu often asks Yang Bashu for advice if he does not understand the martial arts cultivation.

Yang Beg was very conscientious and responsible in guiding Tu Boshu's martial arts, helping Tu Boshu successfully join the Qingcheng Sect and becoming a quasi-jianghu woman.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

In order to thank his brother-in-law Yang Baba for his help, Tu Boshu accompanied Yang Ba to go to moganshan to go to Qingqing, and the two sides established a sincere and pure family relationship, their relationship is so beautiful and respectable, it is what a decent brother-in-law should do to his young sister-in-law.

Here, Bai Xiaosheng stressed that although Yang Baba is one of the ten most evil people in the jianghu, but this matter Bai Xiaosheng cannot hack him, the relationship between The Sheep Baba and the groundhog is decent, pure, white, white, clean, you must not think crooked.

As Tu Boshu stepped into the Qingcheng Sect, Yang Ba ba had to take care of Tu Bohe, who had just finished giving birth, so he didn't have the energy to take care of Tu Boshu's martial arts cultivation.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

It is said that Tu Boxu has achieved success in the Qingcheng School, went down the mountain to accumulate experience in the rivers and lakes, and came to a cloth market.

When Tu Boxu was carefully selecting clothes in the cloth market, suddenly a red BMW came and stopped in front of Tu Boxhu, and immediately a handsome man wearing purple satin jumped off the horse.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

After the handsome man got off his horse, he bowed to Tu Boshu with a fist:

Woman, I'm sorry, crotch BMW does not listen to the call, running around, scared the woman.

Tu Boshu looked up at this handsome man, and his face turned red:

Man, it doesn't matter, I haven't been hurt.

The handsome man looked at Tu Boxu with concern:

In the next is the Fu Wei dart bureau young lord, surname Lin, name Pingzhi, Lin Zhennan is my father, do not know the female heroine gui surname Fang name?

Tu Boshu bowed his head and blushed:

My surname is Tu and my name is Bo Shu.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

So, the two people chatted, the two sides of the world, north and south, talking about everything, very close.

Lin Pingzhi soon became a good friend of Tu Boshu, and the two of them had to communicate every day.

With the escalation of the relationship, Tu Boxu soon became Lin Pingzhi's woman.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

After Tu Boshu and Lin Pingzhi had in-depth interactions, the two sides were also familiar, and Tu Boshu was very angry after learning that Lin Pingzhi also had a main room, named Yue Lingshan.

So Tu Boshu began to reveal his fierce and fierce nature, and played all kinds of tricks on Lin Pingzhi, saying that he had deceived Lin Pingzhi and wanted Lin Pingzhi to marry himself immediately.

Lin Pingzhi's side did everything to persuade:

My true love is you, Tu Boshu, Yue Lingshan, I only wanted her money to marry her, I have no feelings for her.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Tu Boshu slapped one of Lin Ping's:

You cheated me out of the first time, you don't marry me as a wife, I won't give up!

Lin Pingzhi also felt very guilty, but there was nothing good to do.

There was no impermeable wall, and as Tu Boshu became pregnant, Tu Boshu became more and more anxious, and personally went to Yue Lingshan to demonstrate:

You woman, why do you want to occupy my Pingzhi, don't you know that me and Pingzhi are true love?

When Yue Lingshan saw this young woman, she smiled contemptuously and ignored it.

Tu Boshu felt that his self-esteem had been hit and was very angry, and on the way home, Tu Boshu thought in his heart:

I asked the sheep to slap me, and when I got home to find Pingzhi, I said that it was Yue Lingshan fan.

Tu Boshu immediately took action and found The Sheep:

Brother-in-law, you slap me.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

The sheep was astonished:

What's wrong, sister, why can't you think about opening?

Tu Boshu was in a hurry:

Hurry up, you fan hard, I want to move the flowers and trees, and when I come home, I say that it is YueLing Mountain fan.

Yang Ba instantly understood what it meant, so he slapped Tu Boshu's face with a big slap, and slapped Tu Boshu's face with a red glow.

Tu Boshu looked in the mirror and was very happy:

Brother-in-law, just like that, the fan is good, I went back to find Pingzhi to cry.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

After Tu Boshu returned home, she cried at Lin Pingzhi and said that Yue Lingshan had beaten her!

Lin Pingzhi saw that his most beloved woman had been beaten by Yue Lingshan, and was very angry, and immediately rode back to the Fuwei Dart Bureau on a BMW.

Yue Lingshan was very happy to see Lin Pingzhi:

Xianggong, you are back.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Lin Pingzhi ignored it, lifted up the Divine Gong, and beat Yue Lingshan violently:

Why did you beat Tu Boshu, Tu Boshu and I are normal friends, why did you beat her? Can't I meet friends?

You are so unruly, will you let me go out to the rivers and lakes in the future and still raise my head?

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Yue Lingshan endured silently, tears streaming down his face, heartbroken.

And Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan's three children, Lin Xiaoping, Lin Xiaoyue, and Lin Erping, went up and hugged Lin Pingzhi's legs and cried:

Daddy, don't beat up your mother, Daddy.

Lin Pingzhi roared hysterically:

You little children know anything, don't be nosy.

This night, Yue Lingshan's tears were almost dry.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

As Tu Boshu's stomach gradually bulged, Tu Boshu triumphantly stood up his big belly and went to the door to demonstrate with Yue Lingshan, Yue Lingshan couldn't bear it and decided to drive Lin Pingzhi out of the house.

It turned out that the Fuwei Dart Bureau was built at the expense of Yue LingShan, and Yue LingShan was the real master.

Lin Ping's father and son were nothing more than doves occupying the magpie's nest.

At that time, Lin Pingzhi was just a farmer, good at shaving his head, and coaxed Yue Lingshan's happiness with his appearance before marrying Yue Lingshan.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Lin Pingzhi saw that things were not good, and his wife wanted to come to the truth, holding Yue Lingshan and crying:

Mother, mother, have you forgotten our true love? Have you forgotten about our three cute little babies?

When Yue Lingshan heard this, his heart softened again, and he temporarily gave up his plan to drive Lin Pingzhi out.

On Lin Pingzhi's side, he privately looked for Tu Boshu to calculate, and at the same time found Yu Canghai, the leader of the Blue City Sect, to communicate with another matter, and decided to risk death and fight with Yue Lingshan.

Lin Pingzhi and Tu Boxhu knew that Yue Lingshan was also a woman with strong martial arts, and in order to defeat her, Lin Pingzhi mobilized her father, stepmother, stepmother, stepmother, stepmother, and Tu Boxhu's relatives.

Lin Pingzhi mobilized and carefully planned to ensure that the blow against Yue Ling Mountain would be victorious.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

And Yang Bao, as Tu Boshu's first love and Tu Bohe's husband, has also become the main force.

As a member of the plan of action, Yang Daba became a security guard of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, responsible for executing the planned plan, another plan of Tu Boshu:

Brother-in-law, the day you sent away Yue Ling Mountain, did you do me a favor, I hate the 3 little cubs of Yue Ling Mountain, you also helped me send them away together.

The sheep listened and was embarrassed:

This doesn't seem to be good, it is detrimental to yin morality.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Tu Boshu said:

Brother-in-law, please, cut the grass without removing the roots, I am not at ease.

The sheep touched his chin:

Tu Boshu, you also know that you are my first love, aren't you?

Tu Boshu instantly understood what it meant.

At Tu Boxu's request, he finally agreed to Tu Boxhu's task.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

Therefore, the sheep eventually transformed into one of the ten evil people in the jianghu, the weeding maniac sheep.

On the day of the Fuwei Dart Bureau Battle, Yang Jia followed Lin Pingzhi's charge and trap, and was invincible, and Yue Lingshan's men were defeated.

In the melee, Yang Jia saw Yue Lingshan's frightened child.

Yang Baba began to perform his divine skills, roared loudly, only to see Yang Ba's hands folded, and suddenly, his palms were facing Lin Xiaoping, Lin Xiaoyue, and Lin Erping, frantically outputting a shock wave with black fog.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

The shock wave contains the internal strength of Yang Qi's cultivation for many years, which can make people unable to breathe in an instant, Lin Xiaoping, Lin Xiaoyue, lin Erping are helping Yue Lingshan in the melee, where there is time to pay attention to the people who sneak behind them.

Yang Jia instantly defeated Lin Xiaoping and 3 other young heroes.

When Yue Lingshan saw the child driving the crane to the west, he was grief-stricken, his internal strength was not supported, and under the attack of Lin Pingzhi and Lin Pingzhi's brother Lin Daping, the move was chaotic, and he was finally killed by one of Lin Ping's palms.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

After completing the fuwei dart board task, Yang Bajia received a large amount of gold yuan treasure reward from Tu Boshu, and instantly became a person in the jianghu.

After becoming a jianghu person, yang babbler saw that everyone was looking at the sky with glasses, and became very inflated and very complacent.

With the incident in Lin Pingzhi's East Window, Da Who He organized decent chivalrous guests to round up Lin Pingzhi's gang.

While the righteous warriors were rounding up the sheep, the sheep were sleeping in the house with Tu Bo River purring.

Only to see the righteous warrior break through the door, rushing up, wanting to subdue the sheep in an instant.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

The sheep reacted quickly, and a carp rolled to the side, picking up the ancestral slingshot to run the internal force and shooting at the chivalrous guests.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

The righteous chivalrous guest reacted quickly, and soon held down the hands and feet of the sheep, and the sheep still had its mouth left, so the sheep babbled madly to tear the righteous chivalrous, and the hands of one of the chivalrous were bitten out of the teeth marks.

Evil does not prevail over righteousness, and the sheep are eventually subdued by the chivalrous guests.

Uncle Hun Jianghu Story 253 of the Ten Evil Man Stories, Sheep Baba Fierce Battle Who He Chi Ke

The sheep said everything under the question of the big who was ho.

In order to repay the wonderful performance of the sheep, on a day when autumn came, the sheep babbled and ate a plate of peanut rice in pain and happiness, and the sheep began to go to the Western Heavens to learn the scriptures.

Uncle Huan comments: Evil is full of joy, fast and fast!

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