
Sun Yat-sen passed on to him the chairman of the Kuomintang, but he gave it to Chiang Kai-shek and rejected Soong Mei-ling's marriage proposal

Tan Yanmin was a well-known figure during the Republic of China, who served as the governor of Hunan, the chairman of the National Government, and the chief executive. He was the son of Tan Zhonglin, the governor of Liangguang, who was born to a concubine. Born into a famous family, he traveled widely, and was the same as Tan Si, Chen Sanli and was called "the three princes of Huxiang".

Sun Yat-sen passed on to him the chairman of the Kuomintang, but he gave it to Chiang Kai-shek and rejected Soong Mei-ling's marriage proposal

Tan Yanmin's hair-tie wife Fang Rongqing was the daughter of Fang Ruyi, the envoy of Jiangxi Province, and Fang Rongqing was as beautiful as a flower, gentle and virtuous, and Tan Yanmin was very impressed by her for the first time. On March 3, 1895, Tan Yanlu and Fang Rongqing were married in Nanchang. After the marriage, Rong Qing honored her in-laws and was considerate of her husband, so that Tan Yanlu could strive for fame and concentrate on her career. Later, Fang Rongqing became seriously ill, and before he died, Zeng entrusted people to tell Tan Yanmin that he hoped that he would not marry the second wife again and raise their children well. When Tan Yanmin heard the news that his wife, who was only 38 years old, had gone before him in the Lingling Army, he was devastated and vowed to obey his wife's last words, never remarry for life, and enjoy his old age alone.

Sun Yat-sen passed on to him the chairman of the Kuomintang, but he gave it to Chiang Kai-shek and rejected Soong Mei-ling's marriage proposal

Tan Yanmin befriended Sun Yat-sen and helped Sun Yat-sen when he was down. In 1922, he defected to Sun Yat-sen, rejoined the Chinese Nationalist Party, and in June was appointed commander-in-chief of the Quanxiang Thief Army. When Sun Yat-sen was appointed Grand Marshal of the Guangzhou Base Camp, Tan Yanmin was appointed Minister of the Interior, and Sun Yat-sen believed that Tan Yanmin did not like to be hostile to others, and there were a large number of adults, so he consulted with his wife Song Qingling and planned to introduce song Meiling, the sister-in-law who was to be married, to Tan Yanmin as his wife. Sun Yat-sen had personally acted as a matchmaker and wanted to continue to match Soong Meiling to him, and the Song family was also very satisfied, but Tan Yanmin entrusted his mother Lady Li to marry into his family, and suffered a lot of unspeakable suffering, moreover, he was single-minded about his late Lady Fang, and no longer had the intention of continuing the string, and politely refused Sun Yat-sen's kindness. Later, Tan Yanmin worshiped Song Meiling's mother as a dry bride, which was commensurate with Song Meiling's brothers and sisters.

Sun Yat-sen passed on to him the chairman of the Kuomintang, but he gave it to Chiang Kai-shek and rejected Soong Mei-ling's marriage proposal

Tan Yanmin and Soong Meiling did not succeed, and Chiang Kai-shek was pleased. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek was the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, and speaking of Chiang Kai-shek's principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, he was actually let out by Tan Yanmin. Sun Yat-sen initially wanted Tan Yanmin to do it, and Tan Yanmin recommended Chiang Kai-shek. When Tan Yanmin was in Hunan, he was a master of education, and when he ran Huangpu, Tan Yanmin spent a lot of thought. Because of Huangpu, Tan Yanmin and Chiang Kai-shek had a very good personal relationship. Later, even the position of chairman of the Nationalist government was given to Chiang Kai-shek.

Sun Yat-sen passed on to him the chairman of the Kuomintang, but he gave it to Chiang Kai-shek and rejected Soong Mei-ling's marriage proposal

Ever since Chiang Kai-shek took a look at Song Meiling in front of the Fuloli Hospital in Shanghai, he began to frantically pursue Miss Song Jiasan. As soon as he had time, he went to find Song Meiling. Chiang Kai-shek wanted to marry Soong Mei-ling, but was opposed by the People of the Soong family, and Song Meiling once turned to Tan Min, the "Third Brother of Fear", to do the persuasion work of her family.

Sun Yat-sen passed on to him the chairman of the Kuomintang, but he gave it to Chiang Kai-shek and rejected Soong Mei-ling's marriage proposal

After Tan Yanmin's death in 1930, Chiang Kai-shek buried him on the side of the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum with the ceremony of state funeral, and there were indeed not many people with this honor, which showed that Tan Yanmin's status was not ordinary.

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